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Everything posted by Gloves

  1. Majora's Mask is tied for my favorite game with Metal Gear Solid. There's some nostalgia goggles on perhaps, but even playing through it these past few days it just makes me happy. Similar feelings to MGS if you've read my blog, reliving the game without any guides or anything like that (and doing a 3 heart run this time around for some added challenge) and it's just SO good. Please play it.
  2. Still chipping away at Majora. Just got the mirror shield, so home stretch.
  3. You only keep boxes for things in two cases: 1) You REALLY care about the item itself, AND think that the box is a nice display piece 2) You plan to sell it one day I open my amiibos.
  4. Ooh Ooh! Finally I can be that guy! My turn! CRT, bruh.
  5. Yes. Cheers! The graphics guys did a great job working together to make it happen, and I agree, makes the place really come together! I'm excited to get a more custom aesthetic going on here and those guys will be key to that.
  6. I used to play Lunar Pool a lot on an old bootleg 180 in 1 cart.
  7. I'm actually planning to play both Quest and Aidyn this year, so do what your heart tells you. Live!
  8. So who's gonna do Aidyn Chronicles? Heh.
  9. I just don't consider it a competitive game. They all have rubber banding, as in the person in last place will always have SOME chance of taking first, and I don't like that in a competitive setting. It IS however, quite fun if you just have friends over of varying skill levels, and can treat it as simply a good time. If winning is all that matters to you I'd play something else.
  10. Hey all! You can really thank the ongoing Werewolf game for this one: This new feature will isolate out JUST the posts made by the specific user, for the thread you are currently in. Handy!
  11. Update! I fiddled around a bit and have added Google Maps to the Stores. When you enter an Address for a store it will now take that address, toss it through Google's Geolocation service, and spit out a picture of where the store is on a map. You can then click that picture to go to Google Maps for their interactive experience in case you need directions etc.. I also changed the way the pages look a bit, so it's a bit better organized and nicer to look at: These changes are automatically applied to all the stores already entered, so nobody has to go back and change anything - go take a look at the entries you've already made and see that they're now using this layout, and should all have maps!
  12. The issue with Glover gameplay-wise compared to a good few other N64 games is that it's basically PURELY a game, architecturally speaking. Compare the levels to Gex, Mario, Donkey Kong, Banjo Kazooie, and you'll notice that Glover for the most part is empty space and weird twists and turns. At least by comparison to the others. I think it's most noticeable in the carnival level. There's set pieces but they're kind of just strewn about; had the level design been better to accommodate the well designed platforms it'd be much nicer to play through. And if they just didn't do the dumb control reversal. I get why they did it, but it's still dumb.
  13. Below it is Turrican, and to the left of it is Super R-Type.
  14. Pretty sure top middle is Doom. Edit: wait nvm doom had a red cart, yeah? Second row middle looks to be Drakkhen. Under that is Turrican.
  15. Still lookin. This isn't a strictly Nintendo forum by any means, you can post whatever video game related items you like in the for sale section. And yes, the transactions are private, no fees or anything. We simply provide a platform for you to interact with potential buyers, sales are to be handled through PayPal (or whatever form of payment both parties agree to).
  16. Damn, you were on this forum years before it existed?
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