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Everything posted by Gloves

  1. That's the plan. Harassment isn't going to be tolerated here. We have a Warning system that lets us track quite well the history of a user's infractions, and will be taking negative behavior seriously. Be good to each other, guys. If Pat or literally anyone else comes "back" - open arms. Second chances all around. But of course it goes both ways - if someone comes "back" and is a dick they'll get banned. Simple.
  2. Hey Doug. It's me Doug. Have you met my friend, Doug?
  3. We're happy to make our projects community-driven man. Whether it's a database or something else, we want this place to feel like home, not work. We'll make SOMETHING together.
  4. Yeah sorry man I wanted to get back to you but I had to keep a bit hush about it. None of that on here. We'll give it to ya straight.
  5. Virtual Boy for me. I had the "pleasure" of trying the demo at blockbuster and it was pretty rad. We was po, though, so none of that for me. Now in adulthood of course I see it for the gimmick it was and lacking a decent library of good games means it's fallen off the radar. Maybe one day, if just to display.
  6. Isn't that birthday thing on the home page handy? Happy birthday @xcing1030! Hope it's a good one! Come on over and blow out the candles.
  7. I've not followed along toooo closely, so I'll ask - have games been graded Wata 10 yet? If so, what makes that possible? Like, hew spectacularly perfect does a game have to be?
  8. I noticed that too, pretty bizarre to me. I'm not sure if they bother to check the serial numbers or something to verify that the cart and manual actually originally came with THAT box (not likely) so it's easy to send a garbage box with mint cart/manual (easy to obtain on their own) and get a decent grade.
  9. Tbh I don't like the whole tiers thing where you can pay more to get it done faster. If everyone jumps on the top tier the poor schmucks at the bottom get fucked. Once again tossing more money at it beats out those who can't necessarily afford to drop an extra hundred on it. But I suppose this is all par for the course in the grading game, and it's a business.
  10. I was the one handing them out for a good year or so, so what do you think?
  11. GoCollect bought GVN yes. To my knowledge nobody is checking the emails that are sent to GVN Support. You'd be better off sending emails to GoCollect asking about it. That said, like NA, they have no plans to my knowledge to update GVN (it'd make no sense to do so - they have their own offering which they've shown off at PRGE).
  12. Hey hey whoa there pal, nobody said it'd be IMPROVED.
  13. This thread highlights most of the reasons behind the move:
  14. And just to be clear; there's no way I'd go to this. Beyond it being incredibly short notice, I'm doing Extra Life this weekend.
  15. Still nothing. Between work and Runescape I just don't play games anymore man.
  16. Yeah no overlords here. Just a group of pals that want a community of pals.
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