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Everything posted by Gloves

  1. @Deadeye There's a dude a few cities away with two of that exact model, $350 a piece or $600 for both (Canadian). Does that sound worth it? How heavy are they? I'll have to take the train a few cities over there lug it all the way home, probably hour and a half or so both ways...
  2. @Deadeye I'd say I'm fairly flexible. 14' or so sounds good to me. I'll be fairly close to the screen. I have a SNES and N64, both RGB modded, and SCART cables for both. I also have the HDRetrovision cable which they both can use. My goal is simply to be able to use my SNES and N64 on this TV which will be hidden away in the corner of my bedroom. I want a lag-free and good looking experience. High quality for sure is a must, though I am not looking to spend a grand if I can help it. Ideally as "plug and play" as possible. I'd like to avoid having to buy some sort of adapter. Extra nice to have: If I can play PS1 on it as well that'd be lovely.
  3. I dunno that we really need people to report every time NA goes down though eh? It's a pretty regular occurrence.
  4. I got beaten up a few times for being so into video games so probably best to have kept it to yourself depending on your area and age.
  5. Yup. A trophy system is something we plan to implement after some time.
  6. You've got the magic touch!
  7. @Bronty How DARE you compare me to cart-only SCRUBS!
  8. I'll go sign up over there to see what it's like. We do have some plans for stuff on here but frankly I'm taking a bit of a break to do some paid work. I need to keep my job so I can survive. T_T
  9. Did she ever play in the contests? Maybe she'd like to know we're continuing them here.
  10. The key for me with soda is remembering that it's a sugary treat. Not a daily got your hydration drink, treat it like cake - have it maaaaybe once a week.
  11. Fortunately the goal here is to cater to collectors AND players (and creators!) in equal measure, so regardless of the size or quality of a collection, everyone is welcome. Hopefully you can find a spot on here to feel at home.
  12. until
    Every year for the last 7 years I've participated in Extra Life and this year will be no different! As busy as I've been lately I've not had a whole lot of time to advertise or update or... even plan really. But I am still going to definitely be doing my 24-hour gaming marathon live on Twitch, so please come by and watch me play games, chat, hang out, and maybe donate for the kids! For more info check my donor page here: https://www.extra-life.org/index.cfm?fuseaction=donorDrive.participant&participantID=348327 The tl;dr is that I am raising money for Sick Kids Hospital here in Toronto, playing games for 24 hours live to raise awareness (and test my sanity).
  13. I believe there are talks going on behind my back about some "MGC" thing in April. I can't personally promise anything since it's a world away from me physically and nobody tells me anything but that could be a thing.
  14. So there's this cool convention happening eh? Or maybe you're doing a 24 hour gaming marathon to raise funds for childrens' hospitals (eeehhhh?). We want you to let us know what's going on out there! This isn't so much a "Rules" post for now as just a heads up. I'm sure it'll grow and evolve into something more comprehensive with time as we iron out details. For now I mostly wanted to let people know about the Calendar feature on the site! If you check out the top navigation here on VGS you'll see "Calendar" under "Browse". As it stands, we've left it open so you (yes, you!) can go in there and add your own events! Please do feel free to add any legitimate events (no troll events please, these WILL be moderated) that are coming up to our Calendar so that others can see. There are RSVP tools and such but really even just posting about the cool thing that's coming up will help to get the word out! We'll likely end up featuring stuff on the Calendar and potentially using it to drop a nice little "Upcoming Events" block on the home page or something. For now it's not there mostly because it's early days so folks haven't gone out of their way to add their stuff to it (perhaps you didn't realize you could!). So check out the Calendar, and add your events!
  15. Can I be you? All in good fun man, looking forward to what you and everyone else puts together.
  16. All I wanted was to play Chasm The Rift and Skunny Cart. But noooooo.
  17. That said, you don't need to configure anything manually with GOG. Frankly worth the 2 bucks IMO. Dosbox is nice and all but making any single game work is a nightmare.
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