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Everything posted by Gloves

  1. If we find that there's enough discussion around prototypes specifically we can always adjust, but for now there's not enough content to justify it.
  2. Approved and added, as a sub-forum under VG Economics.
  3. Attachments are automatically deleted if the content they are attached to is deleted or the attachment is removed from them. If i enable the ability for you to delete attachments, then anywhere the attachment was used will then contain a broken image or link. You SHOULD be able to rid yourself of the file by deleting it wherever you posted it.
  4. What you're talking about is the Follow feature. You can choose not to be notified, and in order to see your followed threads you can go here:
  5. Don't worry about it too much @BouncekDeLemos! We're happy to have you here! We've just announced a logo contest, so maybe check that out!
  6. Bump. Updated w/ a list of wants.
  7. If you're actively into PS1 games, yes. It's a great game, and IMO the BEST RE game. It's entirely worth playing both IMO, but definitely play the original before the remake, and if you're going to only play one, play the remake.
  8. I love tough games. I track my completions on Backloggery, though I don't rate difficulty.
  9. I buy all my pc games from them if they have the game, over all other options. Not only do I prefer them as a company compared to the competition, morally speaking, I have to say the newest GOG Galaxy client is pretty slick. DRM free all the way baby!
  10. Gloves

    Leg Washing

    And as we all know sitting in the shower means never getting back up again. This whole thing has been a ruse to get good law abiding non-washers like you and me stuck in our tubs.
  11. Yeah, I'd like to control it tbh. Make it feel like "the sage" and less like "my phone". Best situation in my mind honestly is if we can get some original sound made by a member of the community. Something... Sagely...
  12. You may have noticed that the forum will make a noise whenever you get a notification/private message. We can make this noise whatever we want! Any thoughts/ideas? Or perhaps some magical 8-bit audio creator out there want to make a noise for us? EEEeeehhhh???
  13. It's because it shows you the title of the section you're in as well as the links within that section. If you were on desktop you'd see that there is a "Support" tab which contains a "Support" button. This is why you'd see "Support" twice. That said, regardless, it's a little redundant. Thus, I have removed the second "Support" button, and people on desktop can simply click the tab itself. Ezpz.
  14. Oh yeah I'd not make it as egregious and in-your-face as my screenshot, I was just showing that I got it working on the site itself no problem. Could be something I put in an optional window or something. I like the way Backloggery does it - when they are streaming they make a little tab appear that you can click and it takes you to a page w/ the Twitch embed.
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