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Everything posted by Gloves

  1. I made a quick test; works great. (though needs to be styled, this was just a very quick test) If nothing else, if someone is going to stream for an event or charity or something, we could probably feature/"host" them somewhere on the site.
  2. Oldschool, yeah. I put 100+ days into RS back in the day; started over on the same account (they reset our stats for OSRS) as an Ultimate Iron Man. I've been having fun with it, especially doing the quests all over from scratch. RS really has some of the best quest design in gaming tbh.
  3. Hmmm. Something to potentially consider.
  4. It's gonna happen. But yeah, dupe thread!
  5. Goddamn thanks for all the info, seriously! I have a lot to think about! Honestly I just wanna have a PVM for the corner in my bedroom so I can play my rgb modded SNES and n64. I think I have some reading to do to figure out which models I can use for that. I have the hdretrovision cable for both of them, as well as I think scart.
  6. I'm also wearing a Zelda hat you just can't tell cuz I'm wearing it like an idiot. You're not the first one to tell me we look similar, and sure I can kinda see it, won't deny. I need a shave and a haircut, I've been too lazy about it.
  7. How do you find the ff4 ones normally go? I've never done a random seed on an ff game but it sounds like it might bring a fresh feel to my favorite series if it's actually playable.
  8. Working from my local Starbucks.
  9. Yeah click around, try stuff out. Don't be afraid to get messy and make mistakes. Consider it an adventure!
  10. I think the plan is to post signup here, but to restrict the game itself to a Club so it doesn't get lost. Then it doesn't disturb people who don't care about it either.
  11. Gloves

    Leg Washing

    My legs get pretty ignored, yeah.
  12. The first VGS birthday thread! Gratz! The 3 day party sounds sweet, enjoy it! I'm busy working! D;
  13. Well then we're all good! *shakes everyone's hands* Good job today everyone, we really nailed it! I'm letting everyone go home early. *thunderous applause*
  14. That's a good point. I imagine the existing comic grading companies might just add them to their roster if they don't already accept them. Actually... Lol this might be someone's chance to corner that market out of the gate. Get some mags on Heritage/Certlink and make yourself rich!
  15. I actually learned that it was 2 spaces in my first computers class in elementary school. This was in like 1993 or so though, and by a really old woman. It became pretty clear after a few years that 2 spaces was the old way.
  16. It's really painful seeing you both telling people how many spaces to use AND not using capitals at all.
  17. One thing I think the comics folks are going to be disappointed with is how free of them the casual market really is, for the most part. My comparison here being the difference in completeness. A casual comic collector who wants every Wolverine comic for instance needs to get every one of them, and the whole lot of em are the same - just a comic. But in video games you see people all the time sharing their "complete" sets of Franchise X on social media, and they have the cart games cart-only. There are tiers of options available, and I honestly can't see them buying up all the Mario 3 carts to try to game that specific bit of the market. CIB was already pretty niche comparatively, and sealed far moreso; specific rare variants most people don't even register as a thing that exists. So they can buy up all the CIB Mario 3 all they want, but it will really only impact those specifically into CIB collecting, and let's face it - the vast majority of us who collect CIB already have Mario 3, and probably in pretty decent condition due to the not-scarce nature of it. I think there's going to be some interesting growing pains for the comic guys coming into this, and some potential surprises for them.
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