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Everything posted by BeaIank

  1. They really need to step up. Those scores so far are cry worthy!
  2. The official loop comes after Area 12. Beat area 12, your run is over.
  3. The thread for the game you will be playing next week, which will be conveniently posted... next week!
  4. POW is a quite fun, relaxed game. Perfect to be played on the last round of the contest when people are already in cruise mode. I promise you will love Battletoads even more after you read the rules I have waiting for you all.
  5. Schedule update. Since Battletoads rules will be so brutal this year, I swapped around P.O.W. and Battletoads in order to force people to put effort on it. Battletoads will now take place at the end of May. The rule set for it will posted in Quarth's contest thread to give time to our players to practice and get used to the rule set.
  6. Schedule update. Since Battletoads rules will be so brutal this year, I swapped around P.O.W. and Battletoads in order to force people to put effort on it. Battletoads will now take place at the end of May. The rule set for it will posted in Quarth's contest thread to give time to our players to practice and get used to the rule set.
  7. Schedule update. Since Battletoads rules will be so brutal this year, I swapped around P.O.W. and Battletoads in order to force people to put effort on it. Battletoads will now take place at the end of May. The rule set for it will posted in Quarth's contest thread to give time to our players to practice and get used to the rule set.
  8. That counts as playing the same stage more than once. Still, added a rule that picking the R power up ends your run.
  9. Amended the rules to specify that you can only play each stage ONCE!
  10. Something akin to that is on the planned rules. Not as extreme, though.
  11. 10,000. 100,000 would require people to play halfway through the 1st loop.
  12. 1st docile tapeworm 307,770 2nd Dr. Morbis 273,100 3rd bertsampson 219,900 4th Gloves 219,530 5th 8bitdontquit 98,910 6th dvertov 84,800 7th NESfiend 68,030 8th the_wizard_666 46,790 9th Gaia Gensouki 44,910 10th Mega Tank 40,790 11th Jeevan 36,560 12th FireHazard51 33,960 13th mbd39 31,270 14th arnpoly 30,520 15th Deadeye 30,360 16th PII 22,250 17th JamesRobot 21,160 18th CasualCart 16,490 19th Ausden 13,480 20th RH 13,250 21st Krunch 11,870 22nd SuperJimtendo 10,440 23rd 0xDEAFC0DE 10,000
  13. Welcome brave warriors and brace yourselves for this week we reach the unreachable final frontier! Our skilled players will have to prove their worth by conquering SPACE! So ready your ships, players, load your weapons and set off at light speed! This week, you will all have to master ALPHA MISSION! Here's the rules you will abide to: Play till your last life or till you loop the game once. Once you reach SYD x 1 lives, pause the game at the start of the stage and take your picture You are not allowed to play your last life. You must pause the game, take your picture and end your run. Refer to the following line should you loop the game before you reach SYD x 1 lives ONE shall be the number thou shalt loop, and the number of the looping shall be one. Two shalt thou not loop, neither loop thou zero, excepting that thou then proceed to one. Thirteen is right out. Once the number one, being the first number, be reached, pause thy game and take thy picture. Thou run ends there. So, your run ends after you beat area 12. Should thou play a stage more than once, thou score shall be snuff out by the holy hand grenade and thus deemed invalid. If you pick the R power up, your run ends there. You must use missiles to kill the final boss. No point pressing on him allowed. JUST USE MISSILES AT HIM! You can reset a boss fight by going into the special ships selection screen. Don't use this glitch to fight a boss more than once. If you accidentally reset a boss fight after beating him once, your run is over. Thou must kill a boss only once Thou art forbidden to point press on the 6th boss. If thou point press there, I shall release The Beast of Caerbannog upon thee. Participation: 10,000 Genre: Shooter The contest ends Sunday, 05/02/21 at 11 PM VGS time. Your user name MUST be written or typed on a piece of paper and be in the picture for your score to be valid. The entire TV screen, or computer monitor if you are playing on an emulator, MUST be in the picture for the score to be valid. No partial screenshots will be considered or accepted. No screenshots by hitting "print screen" on a computer will be allowed. You must take a picture of your computer monitor. There may be instances where this will be acceptable, but it will be at the discretion of myself and the contest organizers. Also, the use of turbo controllers is forbidden, as well as any cheat codes, Game Genies, slow motion functions, or save states if playing on an emulator. Also, we will only be using NTSC systems for the contests. The use of PAL systems will NOT be allowed. Good luck everyone and have fun.
  14. Anyone and their mums can no death Battletoads. GnG is my specialty. I have beaten and broken that game in many ways before. If I can manage to get some vacations going, I will even do a stream dedicated to NES GnG this year. Regarding the rules, free time has been a premium here for many months, so I didn't have time to test and break each game. Spartan X 2 is making it's debut on the contest, so rules weren't properly fine tuned due to the lack of time to break the game. Next time it shows up it will be one death only. As for Battletoads, we have run it many, many times before. And people won't like the rules set I am coming up with for this year.
  15. You are missing one tiny detail. Darth Vader is merely made of evil. Evil is made OF ME!
  16. Maybe remaining lives should be the tie break for the 999,999 scores.
  17. YES, SUFFER! SUFFER grinding this game to max the score! SUFFER!
  18. I am trying, but my work duties and my Street Fighter duties have been preventing me to work on the games I want to beat. I will make time for them as soon as possible.
  19. Fixed. Posting this mid meeting didn't allow me to pay enough attention.
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