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Everything posted by BeaIank

  1. I have not. I just read about it now and I feel that I must try to play it for sure.
  2. Bad Street Brawler is done. I love this game. It is so silly and so fun.
  3. George Foreman's KO Boxing has fallen. I do have a sweet spot for boxing games, but this one ain't exactly great.
  4. Anyway, another Micronics gem done. Super Pitfall is down. Gods, I LOVE this game.
  5. But brute forcing your way through is the fun way to do it!
  6. Cobra Triangle has also fallen. Now I will do something more pleasant for the rest of the night than beating NES games.
  7. Knock Ring King off the list. This game is AWFUL.
  8. Another season on Michael Andretti is done. I am working on Ring King now.
  9. Twin Cobra has fallen. Micronics is the best.
  10. I guess I should recover my annotations about Lunar Pool from years ago and beat it again.
  11. Athena is done. I am a sucker for Micronics ports.
  12. One of my personal favourites has fallen as well. Superman is done. And I am done for the day.
  13. Legend of Kage is one of my favourite games ever. It is so good and so fun!
  14. I am the very prevailer that protect right and justice. Too bad I died twice while beating Ikari Warriors.
  15. With one season o Michael Andretti done and Nigel Mansell's out of the way, I guess I will try to no death Ikari Warriors next. It has been a bit of time since I last managed such feat. I suck.
  16. Nigel Mansell's World Championship Racing has fallen. It is so much worse than the SNES version. It is icky!
  17. Loop M.U.S.C.L.E 3 times just to make sure and started that Michael Andretti bloody game once more just so no one calls me on late of December to beat it.
  18. I failed to break 1 mil at the weekly contest so I figured out just no deathing it wouldn't be enough for me so I went for the 1 mil points.
  19. The story is happy ending. Ghosts 'n Goblins done.
  20. Happy new year and stuff. I am extremely hung over and I drank way less than I did on xmas... And post xmas there was no hung over to be found. FFS.
  21. Woke up completely, utterly hung over... so I beat Rambo instead of Ghosts 'n Goblins.
  22. I will beat my usual culprits tomorrow, but if anyone beat them before me, so be it. Just don't call me last minute to beat a boring game again. Call me at least 4 weeks before the dead line, ffs!
  23. I have only beaten Mike Tyson's Punch Out, Ikari Warriors (couldn't even no death it, I suck), Ghosts 'n Goblins and that bloody Michael Andretti's World GP game this year. All because I was summoned last minute to play that shit. So yeah... I guess. My focus has been on the weekly contest and to stop being terrible at SFV.
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