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Everything posted by BeaIank

  1. On season 9 now. I will shower, get some food and end this thing! Edit: This bloody, awful, irritating game has fallen. TO HELL WITH IT. Michael Andretti World GP is DEAD. I need more vodka. Now someone beat Bases Loaded already so my sacrifice won't be for naught.
  2. I have the day off today, so I will see the end of this trash before night fall.
  3. So, I may have won the prize of best female fighting game player in Brazil for 2020 because reasons.
  4. Up to season 5. I will try to tackle at least half a season per day during this week to try to get rid of this effing thing by next weekend.
  5. I am NOT FUCKING beating Simcity 2k again. I am not doing all that slow shit again.
  6. I ain't got anything better to do this weekend and the next, so I will get rid of Michael Andretti's World Grand Prix for you guys. I will do it during my programming breaks. 2 seasons done. Ugh. This game is BORING! I will resume tomorrow to try to make it to season 5.
  7. If you are able to endure hours and hours of pure boredom, you can beat it.
  8. I would pop it tomorrow and beat the hell out of it before 2021, but circumstances have me busy as hell till new years to actually play video games.
  9. Famicom games will become more common in the contest from now on. The experience this year proved to be successful and all the famicom games played were well received and loved.
  10. Congratulations to @bertsampson for taking the 2020 VGS Weekly contest tournament championship! The laurels are yours and yours only! Thank you all who partook in our little weekly contest. You all are what make it special and the reason we keep carrying it year after year. We will be back for 2021 with more NES action for you all to enjoy! And a big thanks to my partner in crime at the contest organization, @guillavoie. Couldn't run it all without him! I hope you all enjoyed the 2020 contest. Have great holidays! Early 2021 we will be back with news!
  11. Now, I expected more from @bertsampson on circus charlie. It is not even a high end 80K score.
  12. If you had tried hard enough, you could have been here playing Bubble Bobble! But... nope!
  13. I am really excited to see what the Circus Charlie scores will look like at the end of this week.
  14. You should have played it because it is such a good game. We will be incorporating more Famicom games that can be easily found in multicarts in the contest in the future. There are tons of simple gems that work real good for high score contest among them.
  15. Circus Charlie was one of the several games that came with the multicart I got back in 1989 a few months after I got my Phantom System. It is such a delightful game, so fun, so simple. When I went to pick a game to go alongside Bubble Bobble for the grand finals, I KNEW it had to be it. It will be appearing in the contest in the future again. It is too good of a game for it not to.
  16. 1st bertsampson 33 2nd 0xDEAFC0DE 22 2nd Richardhead 22 4th Tablew/chairs 16 5th Gaia Gensouki 9 Bubble Bobble 1st bertsampson 1,950,890 25 2nd Richardhead 1,041,940 20 3rd Tablew/chairs 934,610 15 4th 0xDEAFC0DE 560,450 10 5th Gaia Gensouki 401,590 5 Circus Charlie 1st 0xDEAFC0DE 87,790 12 2nd bertsampson 84,870 8 3rd Gaia Gensouki 81,140 4 4th Richardhead 44,100 2 5th Tablew/chairs 11,750 1
  17. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, after a long year of competition and two fierce tournament rounds, we finally get to THE BIG ONE! The TOURNAMENT GRAND FINAL! Out of 15 skilled players, only 5 made it to the GRAND FINALS! Here's our 5 heroes: @0xDEAFC0DE @bertsampson @Gaia Gensouki@Tablew/chairs@Richardhead Those BRAVE players will face a most difficult challenge this week, involving 2 games! Our first game is... BUBBLE BOBBLE! The rules for it are very simple: One life only Play till game over Highest score wins For this game, the players will be award points in the following manner: 1st place: 25 points 2nd place: 20 points 3rd place: 15 points 4th place: 10 points 5th place: 5 points But to test their mettle and prove their worth, they will also have to DARE THROUGH CIRCUS CHARLIE! A Famicom exclusive that is a bombshell of fun! Here's the rules: Play 1 player, mode B Play 1 life only One loop only Take your picture at stage start after losing your life or at stage start of stage 6 if you loop the game Highest score wins For this game, the players will be award points in the following manner: 1st place: 12 points 2nd place: 8 points 3rd place: 4 points 4th place: 2 points 5th place: 1 points The player that has the highest sum of points will be crowned THE 2020 VGS WEEKLY CONTEST TOURNAMENT CHAMPION! So get ready lads, and do your best! We're all awaiting for all the exciting action that will unfold in this EPIC WEEK! The contest ends Sunday, 12/13/20 at 11 PM VGS time. Your user name MUST be written or typed on a piece of paper and be in the picture for your score to be valid. The entire TV screen, or computer monitor if you are playing on an emulator, MUST be in the picture for the score to be valid. No partial screenshots will be considered or accepted. No screenshots by hitting "print screen" on a computer will be allowed. You must take a picture of your computer monitor. There may be instances where this will be acceptable, but it will be at the discretion of myself and the contest organizers. Also, the use of turbo controllers is forbidden, as well as any cheat codes, Game Genies, slow motion functions, or save states if playing on an emulator. Also, we will only be using NTSC systems for the contests. The use of PAL systems will NOT be allowed. Good luck everyone and have fun.
  18. I'd much rather have you partake on it. It also shouldn't be too hard to get a circus charlie cart + a60 adapter, or even a multigame cart that has it if your NES is pin 4 modded.
  19. The next round is... THE FINAL ROUND! Only the strongest of you all will survive it and be the CHAMPION of the 2020 VGS WEEKLY CONTEST TOURNAMENT! The highest of the laurels!
  20. Current scoreboard posted. And also, reveal time. The grand final game will be... Bubble Bobble! The rules will be highest score and one life only. But... THERE IS ALSO A TWIST! You will also be competing for highest score in the first loop of Circus Charlie, 1 player mode B, one loop only, one life only! FUN, isn't it? Both games will net you championship points, with Bubble Bobble standing netting you the most points! But don't get too confident as a poor showing on Circus Charlie can cost you YOUR TITLE!
  21. Thing is... beer doesn't improve gaming habilities. Only hard liquor has those magical capabilities!
  22. Even scrub and terrible at videogames me beat it in 2016 when we last played this. There is no excuses.
  23. Since this is progress first, you can still end up among the five top players if only 4 more players beat the game.
  24. This is the tournament. There will be no kindness or leeway from my part, only PURE EVIL!! If one can beat the game, one can also figure a way to have exactly 1,200,000 points after beating the last boss. Or... if they aren't confident enough, they will have to keep their scores below 1,200,000 points and admit they aren't as good as they thought they were! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
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