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Everything posted by BeaIank

  1. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN! It is the MOMENT OF TRUTH! The event all of you have been waiting for. Our 12 valiant players will have to prove their skills to determine who will emerge victorious and claim the honour and laurels of being THE FIRST VGS WEEKLY CONTEST TOURNAMENT CHAMPION! In order to claim such HONOUR, our mighty warriors will have to compete on BALLOON FIGHT! But there is a TWIST! They will have to play both Balloon Fight and Balloon Trip to compose their FINAL SCORE! Points for this week will be awarded in the following manner: Balloon Fight: 1st - 30 2nd - 27 3rd - 26 4th - 25 5th - 24 6th - 22 7th - 16 8th - 15 9th - 14 10th - 13 11th - 12 12th - 11 Balloon Trip : 1st - 15 2nd - 13 3rd - 12 4th - 11 5th - 10 6th - 8 The rules for Balloon Fight are: Play 1 player mode Play till you reach phase 13 or lose your first life, whichever happens first Take your picture at the start of phase 13 or right after losing your first life Point pressing is allowed Highest score wins The rules for Balloon Trip are: Play Balloon Trip mode Play till game over Take your picture at the game over screen or start a new Balloon Trip game and take your picture is your score is the high score Highest score wins Strike first, strike hard, no mercy. Good luck to our top 12. May the best ballooner win! The contest ends Sunday, 12/01/19 at 11 PM VGS time. Your user name MUST be written or typed on a piece of paper and be in the picture for your score to be valid. The entire TV screen, or computer monitor if you are playing on an emulator, MUST be in the picture for the score to be valid. No partial screenshots will be considered or accepted. No screenshots by hitting "print screen" on a computer will be allowed. You must take a picture of your computer monitor. There may be instances where this will be acceptable, but it will be at the discretion of myself and the contest organizers. Also, the use of turbo controllers is forbidden, as well as any cheat codes, Game Genies, slow motion functions, or save states if playing on an emulator. Also, we will only be using NTSC systems for the contests. The use of PAL systems will NOT be allowed. Good luck everyone and have fun.
  2. Yes, it will be revealed in a few hours, when I am back home drunk after going 0-2 on a local Street Fighter Third Strike tournament.
  3. But be happy. I could have made the rules to be "Place 3rd or high at race 5 on mode B" for this week.
  4. Good, good. Let the hate flow through you! My evil plans of evilness to make people hate through the tournament rules are working!
  5. I was going to make it mode A, but you know... tournament, best players of the lot, all that stuff. So you all got stuck with mode B!
  6. Popeye is love, I know, but this is the tournament, so I had to be mean with the two final games pick.
  7. We can tell by the best time value that is shown at the screen. Which is why each attempt has to be done from the start.
  8. Thanks for doing it. I was going to do it, but ended up working till almost 2 am today...
  9. Only if the same person took 2nd and 2nd in the other weeks. If it was 2nd and 3rd, then it is still open to fight. And as I said, there will be a twist to how the points will be awarded in the last round. There is still 45 points for the 1st place to take, but it won't be that easy.
  10. If 1st 1st 2nd didn't lose to 2nd 2nd 1st then the tournament could be defined on the second week and the final game would be meaningless. BESIDES... There will be an evil and dastardly twist to the scoring system on the last week. MWAHAHAHAHA! Guil and I are so evil.
  11. I will update the scoreboard and post the first tournament scoreboard tonight. Good job everyone. Great scores were put this week. Congratulations @Tablew/chairs. That score was insane. Same with @skinnygrinny one. Looking forward to see what you guys will have in store for Excite Bike.
  12. Slight rules change. If your finish third, add 5 minutes to your race time instead of your time being 5 minutes.
  13. Working from 9 am to 9:30 pm on a Sunday so I missed all the fuzz here. Sorry for the confusion and stuff. Times are a bit rough on my end due to stupid projects.
  14. Pictures at the start of the first stage with the high score achieved at stage 3 after a game over will be accepted.
  15. 1st bertsampson 6:17:29 2nd Tablew/chairs 6:34:39 3rd skinnygrinny 6:38:48 4th Richardhead 6:47:25 5th JamesRobot 6:50:61 6th 8bitdontquit 6:52:55 7th SuperJimtendo 8:12:52 8th Ausden 26:14:78 9th mbd39 46:34:02 10th barrels 10th Californication 10th Gloves Off- Competition Scores --- buttheadrulesagain 7:01:38
  16. Ladies, gentlemen, I hope you are all READY FOR HOT TWO WHEELERS action! This week the MIGHTY TWELVE will tackle Excite Bike to prove who is the fastest and the best of the lot. The best get the crown, the rest eats dirty. Here's the rules for this exciting week: Play on Selection B Play all 6 races in a row (this includes the track 1 qualifying run) Take a picture at the podium screen for each race. Make sure you pause the game right after the finish line to be ready to take your pic at the podium screen! Also, power off the NES between runs to reset the best time of all tracks! If you finish 4th or higher at a race which prevents you to complete all 6 races, add 20 minutes for each of the remaining races to your total time You have a short time to take your picture at the podium screen. It is a good idea to record it then capture a screen from the video footage Lowest time wins May the fastest racer win! The contest ends Sunday, 11/24/19 at 11 PM VGS time. Your user name MUST be written or typed on a piece of paper and be in the picture for your score to be valid. The entire TV screen, or computer monitor if you are playing on an emulator, MUST be in the picture for the score to be valid. No partial screenshots will be considered or accepted. No screenshots by hitting "print screen" on a computer will be allowed. You must take a picture of your computer monitor. There may be instances where this will be acceptable, but it will be at the discretion of myself and the contest organizers. Also, the use of turbo controllers is forbidden, as well as any cheat codes, Game Genies, slow motion functions, or save states if playing on an emulator. Also, we will only be using NTSC systems for the contests. The use of PAL systems will NOT be allowed. Good luck everyone and have fun
  17. Too bad Chairy posted a 83K+ score. Speaking of which, scoreboard updated. I will have to effing change my scripts because I can't edit HTML directly here.
  18. I find the lack of scores from certain people to be... disturbing! Anyway, tonight I will put up the thread for Excite Bike. I am sure you all will hate me after you see the rules for it.
  19. For Excite Bike I will be able to update it often, so you won't have to worry about doing it manually. But yeah, we have half of the spaces still left to be filled...
  20. In a massive plot twist, I now know which game will be the final game for the tournament. And how evil the ruleset will be! BWAHAHAHAHAHA!
  21. Now that is one awesome idea. I hadn't thought of using Athena as the final game.
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