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Everything posted by phart010

  1. Why do they exclude Quebec? I’m in the US, so not affected by this but just kinda curious as to why they would exclude an entire province of Canada that is not separated from the mainland
  2. Even if it’s emulation, it could still have tweaks. The game has a GameCube/Wii/N64 emulator. It’s playing game roms/ISO’s. Just as you can tweak an emulator to add graphics filters and effects, or you can hack a rom file to add content into a game, Nintendo can do the same. People have made extreme enhancements to roms, simple unnoticed optimizations, etc. Game gear roms have been hacked to increase resolution to Master System full screen resolution.. I could still see them optimizing Mario 64 to full screen even with it being emulation. I don’t know if there’s a business case to justify them spending their resources, time and money on doing so, but it’s certainly still possible
  3. That’s a tough one. SNES was a haven for beat em ups.
  4. You are talking about the European version right?
  5. I got a copy of Mortal Kombat 11 as part of a bundle deal on Craigslist. The version I have says Pegi-18 so I’m assuming it’s the European version. Looked it up online and the US version has a note at the bottom indicating that a download is required to play. I don’t see this note at the bottom of the one I have.. Does this mean the European version does not require a download!? I don’t currently have my Switch so can’t test it
  6. How do their boards look? Are they using flash chips? Are there jumper wires all over the place?
  7. I’m not a full set collector. Only buy games that I like. But I can relate. Limited Run has been making way too many games that I like and it’s getting tiring. When there is a game that I like and there’s only a limited opportunity to buy it, at $35 a pop, I do not have a choice.. I have to buy it. I am ready for consoles to go all digital just so that I can get some relief from all this game buying.
  8. This kind of ties into my idea about the Zelda anniversary and the New Switch model. I was guessing that they are going to try to pull in as many Switch sales as possible before announcing the “Switch Pro”. If you announce a new system, people will not buy the current system, they’ll just wait for the new one. So maybe they’ll try to pressure the last segment of the population that hasn’t already bought a switch to get one before the limited timeline of this game expires. Then maybe in February they’ll announce a new Zelda game for the anniversary which takes advantage of the “Switch Pro” features and surprise, Switch Pro ready for the market. A lot of people that have already bought original Switch will want to also buy the new system so that they can take advantage of all the features of its hit launch title. This of course is all hypothetical, but it seems like a grand scheme.
  9. I’m calling the release date for Breath of the Wild 2. Zelda originally debuted in Japan on February 21, 1986. Nintendo has been celebrating 5 year anniversaries of this franchise since the 25th anniversary. Since they’ve been doing this for at least ten years, no doubt they’ve been thinking about how they will celebrate the 35th anniversary for some time now. We’ve already heard the announcement that BOTW 2 was moving along significantly in the development cycle months ago. The game is likely being built off of the same engine as BOTW 1, so it shouldn’t take the same amount of time as a brand new game to develop. I think they will plan to release it on the 35th Zelda anniversary on February 21, 2021. As a bonus prediction, (although less likely) I think it’s a possibility that it will launch simultaneously with a new Nintendo console. Kinda like how Twilight Princess was both a GameCube and Wii release. Also how Breath of the Wild was both a Wii U and a Switch release. edit: adding link to Nintendo direct https://www.nintendo.com/nintendo-direct/02-17-2021/
  10. I got the retrobit rdp2. Stopped working after 1 year. From what I have found online, it seems they solder that was used has a tendency to crack and make bad solder joints. A guy demonstrated the fix, which was to redo all of the solder... I’m not going to do all of that. I would imagine all of these things are made with the same level of quality. I wouldn’t waste money on this stuff, it’s trash in my opinion
  11. If they unlocked it after beating part 1 that would be awesome. That would actually be a good idea. Having too many game options from the beginning might give some people menu shock.
  12. Can’t charge more than $60 for a retail release. Maybe it will be expansion dlc for an extra $20
  13. Because Heritage started marketing it as Luigis first game in their latest catalog
  14. I just got a Super Wild Card for SNES. I live in the USA. Didnt notice this before buying it, but it has a sticker on the underside that says “PAL” Im assuming this means it’s a PAL version. Is this safe to plug into my North American SNES? It’s not gonna do any damage is it? If it’s not dangerous, does anyone know whether it’s going to work on 60hz?
  15. Nintendo is the master of throttling supply in order to control demand. They’ve realized this is a very effective method of advertising and they don’t have to pay advertisers to do it. People want what they can’t have. And when they can’t have it, Nintendo becomes headline news. Let’s see.. last time Nintendo released a limited production item, it sold out immediately, and Nintendo acted like they had no way of knowing that demand would be so high.. Nintendo was headline news for months and that name recognition carried them through to a successful launch of their new console... Better get this game and the new Mario Game & watch before the supply chain “gets interrupted by the pandemic.” Otherwise you may not get it until after the new Switch launches
  16. No Mario Galaxy 2 or New Super Mario. Bros Wii?
  17. Any chance you remember any of the titles that they had for sale back then?
  18. I just stick with Amazon. Only buy items with 1000+ reviews and 4+ stars. If it’s a niche item then I’m willing to settle for less reviews as long as reading the reviews gives me the warm fuzzies
  19. I think it could be possible that there is a pallet of NES games somewhere in South/Central America. A lot of late release NES games made their way down there. Probably because the publishers would print an initial run to try and sell to department stores only to find that department stores were not interested in placing orders for NES games anymore. This was after SNES had already launched, so retailers had already moved on to filling their displays with SNES games. So the publishers probably found a distributor contact in South/Central America that was willing to take any and all NES games at a steep discount. Then they would be sold into Mexico, Brazil, Chile etc.. Sure in the USA we would want to clear out old stock from a warehouse ASAP and keep product moving because overheads and real estate pricing is high. These were developing nations at the time so cost of running a business was significantly lower. Some of these countries, (depending on location within the country of course) may have had very lax tax collection practices, and real estate may have been much cheaper. So it wouldn’t be unreasonable to think that a pallet in South/Central America could go unnoticed for a long time.
  20. I have a feeling that the Newer model Switch is being made in large part so that it will be easier to port existing PS4 and XBox-One games over. With the extra power of a new model, it will be less necessary to downscale textures and graphical effects for it to run on Switch. However, what that would mean is that the ported games might not work on the less powerful Switch, unless the developers put in the extra effort to make a downscaled mode of the game for the original hardware.
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