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Everything posted by phart010

  1. I have been watching a CIB copy of Ninja Gaiden trilogy for a while. I forgot to bid on it and eBay notifies me that the auction ended with no bidders at $65. Just out of curiosity, I wanted to see if it was relisted. While searching sold listings, I saw a listing that looked like the same picture. It was showing as sold for $300.. However, when you click on that listing that shows as sold for $300, then on the original listing page it shows as ended/sold for $65 with one bidder: What kind of shenanigans is eBay trying to pull here? I personally think that eBay thinks that I forgot about the auction and doesn’t want me to know it sold for WAY below market price. Maybe they don’t want me to get pissed that I missed it. Or maybe they are trying to protect the market price from eroding...
  2. I just relooked at my skyward sword. The red label is actually a sticker. I didn’t realize that until now, most of the other ones I have are printed on, so I just assumed it was the same.
  3. There’s many ways to invest depending on you experience level and risk tolerance. Here is a safe thing to do. 1. Get a Fidelity account 2. Don’t get excited and dump all your money into any one thing all at once. 3. Cost average some mutual funds that have 15+ years of history with at least 10% annualized return. Cost averaging means putting in a little each month to get exposure to average cost over a period of months, instead of your entire portfolio cost being the cost at any one point in time. 4. Don’t be tempted to buy individual stocks. 5. Don’t be tempted to alter you portfolio by short term market changes. There is of course other ways to make money more aggressively, but if you want to take all of the skill out of the game and are content with guaranteed returns of 10% per year, then this is the way. 10% beats what the bank pays in a savings account
  4. The bottom flap of the box is the giveaway. It appears to have a bit of damage to the flap although it’s under the seal. That kind of damage can’t get done while it’s sealed without damaging the seal itself
  5. Actually, we often didn’t even have the blurb on the back of the box. Back then games were often sold in a video game section of big department stores, locked inside of a glass case (kinda like Walmart still does today). Your parents would let you look at games while they shopped and then come back and tell you to pick a game. You typically didn’t get to even hold the box until after the cashier rang it up and it was paid for. Then you would read the blurb on the back of the box in the car on the way home
  6. Let’s say for example you are a big Nintendo collector. You got a bunch of games you play and along the way you’ve also picked up some sealed games. Since you have sealed games that you are never going to play anyways, they’re strictly just pieces of artwork for looking at. Assuming you don’t own any non-Nintendo platforms, would you then consider picking up sealed games for a franchise that you like on another platform (ex. Atari, Sega, PlayStation, X Box, PC) even if you don’t have that console and never intend to play it?
  7. I’m not a huge fan of the new look, but I’m hoping this Is the start of a fresh wave of Battletoads games. Maybe this is just the kiddo version and they’ll have a more classic style later
  8. Me: Hi. Do you guys got Battletoads? Gamestop: It Comes out on XBox on August 20
  9. Added “who knows”... I guess that kinda kills the debate
  10. Some say it works, some say it doesn’t. Very polarized discussion around this drug. Which side of the discussion is based on science which side is based on fiction?
  11. There’s a lot of Japanese PSP games that have English translation patches. Is it possible to get the translation patch saved onto the PSP memory stick and have the physical UMD game utilize the patch? I like to play physical games. Do not want to dump the UMD and play a patched ISO file. This is kind of how physical switch games work, even if you play the game off of a physical cartridge, any software updates that were patched in become playable in conjunction with the cartridge.
  12. Never thought about that. I don’t like any of those games.. I just discovered my unconscious bias against non-Japanese made games. Also getting grumpy
  13. I think this thread is trying to uncover something that we sense has changed but maybe is not easily explained in definite terms. Part of the discussion is when games started getting published incomplete to some extent (updates and patches would release at later dates to fix bugs or add new levels of gameplay). I know that on Wii, there was a game breaking bug in Twilight Princess. Nintendo addressed this with a patch on the eshop
  14. Phantasy Star online can be played single player offline. I know because we were often having a bad connection back in those days and it would kick us offline. If it happened 3 times in a row, we would grow impatient with the wait time to connect online and just play offline
  15. Please bump this with the Kickstarter link when the campaign opens
  16. Someone made a documentary about video game rentals. He said that in Japan, the video game companies lobbied to make video rentals illegal. So the games in Japan are often easier than US versions. In the USA, game rentals were legal. To try to discourage kids from renting games, developers made the US version of games more difficult. This way kids probably couldn’t beat the game in 2-3 days, which is about how long you would normally rent the game for. So they would have to choose between renting the game a bunch of times or just buying the game. I think he said Nintendo even unsuccessfully tried to fight with Blockbuster in US courts over the right to rent out video games.
  17. Wow Shantae is $200? Preordered mine on Amazon and they were doing some sort of preorder bonus IIRC. Must have paid $30 or less for it. I don’t think that’s sustainable. It will come back down. All the Shantae hype is because the first game is rare, and they’ve done some limited runs. If any Shantae game should being going for $200, it’s the first two limited runs on PS4. Those ones were truly limited.
  18. Just found an image of this one online. I don’t have one yet though
  19. Amazon better give us people who preordered Metroid Prime 4 back in 2016 some super special preorder exclusives... Been waiting WAAAY too long!
  20. ************************************************** August 8 Update: Trump just signed an executive order to provide $400 in pandemic unemployment assistance per week. At least $300 is guaranteed because $100 of it is to come from the state, which still remains unclear how that will work. ************************************************** To help those affected by coronavirus, US federal government has contributed an additional $600 to the amount that unemployed people would receive from state unemployment insurance funds. This has been ongoing since early 2020. It has been a big help for those laid off from middle class income jobs as their unemployment income has stayed reasonably close to their pre-unemployment salary. It has also been VERY generous for people with lower incomes as they may possibly have received more income after becoming unemployed than while they were working. So far, our government has not come to an agreement on what type, if any, of financial assistance programs will be available going forward (unemployment numbers certainly have not recovered to pre-covid levels). The $600 boost is about to expire next week (last week of July). What effects do you think this will have on the overall economy, the stock market, and importantly retro video game prices?
  21. I’ve seen translations from other languages into English and 100km/hr had 60mi/hr right after it in parentheses so always just went with it.. Never had a practical reason to actually verify that it’s not right
  22. Not cover art, but I couldn’t not post this
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