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Everything posted by phart010

  1. I was just watching a video on YouTube and then one of the commercials popped up. In the commercial the music was a saxophone or similar wind instrument.. but what caught my attention was that it was playing the song at the end of Mario 3 after you beat the game.. This instantly reminded me of a time I was visiting some of my moms side of the family in the Philippines in 2008. We were watching broadcast television, and a commercial popped up. It was with an old man Speaking in Tagalog. I don’t know what he was saying, but in the background they were playing a straight rip of “the end of time” from Chrono Trigger. I wonder how often this happens.
  2. Ah I had one of those and threw it out because I didn’t know what it was.. I figured it must have been some old junk parts from an snes that I had taken apart
  3. I think that once the franchises are established, they start getting franchised out.. I think Nintendo will start doing less game development and instead just start managing license agreements with developers. The developers will make the games, with limited directional guidance from Nintendo and Nintendo will collect royalties for the use of their intellectual properties. Nintendo has already realized that their real value is in their diverse set of franchises/characters, not necessarily the video games themselves. They are expanding their business to include Super Nintendo World and movies (Pokémon, Super Mario). We’ve already got a ton of games using Nintendo characters that were not developed by Nintendo.. What I’m hoping for is them opening up to Indie developers using their ip’s (we already have Cadence of Hyrule).. then we can probably finally get some legitimacy and polish on all these Nintendo fan games that people have been making, like AM2R and Pokémon Uranium
  4. I wonder if it’s as exciting as the double looping Dino Riki secret
  5. These are available on their website for purchase now.. NO WII U VERSION YET
  6. Purple Ganon is technically real.. Looks like Nintendo got the memo and canonized him:
  7. I was playing a new game of Link to the Past on SNES. Just walking around in the first area where it’s raining and I talked to one of the soldiers that prevent you from going to areas outside of the way to the castle. Somehow by talking to a soldier I triggered an event that cycled through every single readable dialogue in the entire game (including the Chris Houlihan message). Has this ever happened to anyone? I wonder what caused it
  8. I agree with all you said... To add to that, I was at a few retro game stores in Virginia last week and asked them why they think prices have gone up.. they told me not many people are being in trade-ins because of covid so they have to increase prices
  9. I wish this topic was pinned. Needed you a while back but couldn’t find the thread
  10. If you are a collector of Limited games (Limited Run, Super Rare, Strictly Limited, Play Asia, Special Reserve, etc..) Im hoping you would contribute by sharing the following: 1. Top 5 limited games that you want but missed the order window on. 2. For limited games that you did purchase, top 5 that you least enjoy and regret buying
  11. Sonic pocket adventure is a miss? I thought it was one of the top sonic games
  12. No I’m not. Just really started getting into collecting around 2014.. so forever means like 6 years
  13. I had no idea this was rare. I’ve had one in my collection forever, and to be honest always didn’t really like it.. now knowing it’s rare, I better take good care of it
  14. I’m fully ready to embrace the digital future. Getting tired of having to buy all these physical games that I’m interested in. If we went all digital I could finally rest with all the new releases and just finish my legacy console collections. World War 3 will be a nuclear war and even if you survive it, your digital games won’t. EMP will delete them all.. (for those of you that think I’m being serious here, I’m not )
  15. I thought you all were going to say what you think they look like
  16. Lots of full time minimum wage employees that were getting $330 a week pre covid got laid off, filed for unemployment and are now getting unemployment plus an extra $600 per week from the federal government to spend on retro video games.. That’s not to mention the $220 billion in stimulus checks paid out. I’m not complaining, but when you add all that money into circulation, it’s gonna cause price inflation into certain spending categories. Also many young people have made tens of thousands gambling on Robinhood over the past two months.. when you make it big gambling, you gotta blow it on fun things, like video game collecting. I think that we may be in a bit of a bubble at the moment. Prices will either come back down eventually with a restabilized economy, or if this is the result of price inflation then our salaries will increase to catch back up with the new higher market prices.. Or maybe civilization as we know it will just come to a downward spiral
  17. If you value that Bubble Bobble disk, I believe I have disk A and B. They’re yours if you want them
  18. Lot of people have a lot of money to play with right now. Short term trading on Robinhood have made many young people 3x, 4x, 6x, 8x even 10x their money
  19. Limited Run did Monkey Island on sega cd. It’s not officially licensed by Sega, but I bet if they waved some money at Sega it could be..
  20. I know what they were going for.. I had this empty feeling after getting 120 stars in Mario 64. You just felt disappointed that there wasn’t more. Mario Odyssey was loaded with content so you never feel like there not enough. The problem is that all the content in any given stage is available from the moment that stage is accessible. They should have made a base set of moons that you had to collect and then only after getting them, an additional set of moons becomes available. As it is, you just feel like every corner you turn there’s another new moon and sometimes you don’t even have to work that hard to get them. This game just hands out the moons like candy.. I got desensitized to the thrill of getting a new moon.
  21. I had a chance to get it for like $3-400 maybe 2-3 years ago at a retro game store in Virginia Beach.. Someone had just brought their entire Saturn collection into the store for sale.. spent a long time staring down all of those beautiful gems, but didn’t think about buying them.. The working designs games on Saturn are mesmerizing to look at for sure though
  22. Actually played the N64 one back in the day and completed that one.. I just restarted it on 3DS about a month ago, only finished 2nd dungeon.. I googled where to find the fairies in dungeon 1 this time (no time these days with kids and all), and found out about the fishing game.. didn’t recall doing that back in the day, I guess because it wasn’t even in the game
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