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Everything posted by phart010

  1. Holy... I could not pay more than $200 for a cd from that era because of the cd rot that seems to have affected many games.. Hopefully Limited Run will get their act together and start remaking these expensive Saturn games
  2. I liked it a lot and pretty much 100 percented it except for the fishing games.
  3. Definitely getting this day one. I played the first one and it was the sequel to Metroid that I had been waiting 25+ years for.. Thomas Happ, you are the man! Hope your son is doing well
  4. Correction: his name is Metroid Edit : @The Strangest beat me to it
  5. The OP’s picture shows Aladdin NES as a Capcom game.. wasn’t Aladdin NES done by Virgin interactive??
  6. phart010


    That’s assuming they want to expand into the regions that have very poor connectivity. Most video game revenue comes from Japan, West Europe and North America, something like 75%. These places all have “adequate” internet and within another 2-3 years will have ultra fast 5g infrastructure pretty much everywhere. The other 25% are spotty regions around the world, probably mostly concentrated in urbanized areas. They could probably get at least adequate internet connection in the next couple years if they don’t already have it. Rural areas probably won’t get the infrastructure any time soon, but then again the people living in those areas probably don’t make enough money to afford to buy these consoles anyways
  7. They are gonna go digital only eventually. Doesn’t make sense for us as consumers. But it makes too much sense for the publishers. They want to guarantee that everyone that wants to play a game has to pay for it. When you buy a used game, the publisher makes zero money. There are no used game sales or trades when it’s all digital. Everyone pays the publisher to play the game. I believe that if internet speeds were where they needed to be in North America, then we would have seen digital only PS5 and New XBox.. We were only fortunate enough to get disc drives on these systems because 5g infrastructure is still not ready to go. When 5g is up and running across America, we will start phasing out discs/cartridges for mainstream gaming consoles. Edit: and then we will finally say goodbye to Gamestop
  8. Oops double post.. as an afterthought, I hope we can keep this from turning into a “crap on Gamestop” thread
  9. I am new to PS4. With PS1 and PS2 discs, I’ve gotten into the habit of holding the disc up to the light and thoroughly inspecting the bottom to see if any light comes through the scratches on the label. If I see any light come through, I will pass on the disc. This is because on a lot of those old PS1/2 discs, the data layer was right there under the disc label, so if there was any damage done to the label, there’s a good chance there’s damage to the data.. Is the same true with PS4 discs? For some reason I feel that discs of today are more durable than back then. I got a bunch of PS4 games on the Gamestop 50% off sale the other day and upon inspection, a few games have pinhole label defects that light shines through. It seems so minor that I wonder whether it’s actually an issue
  10. Every now and then it will become undeniably apparent to the public that a well known artist was engaging in behavior that is socially unacceptable. I won’t give specific examples, but feel free to discuss examples in this thread. Some people at that point will decide to divorce themselves completely from all of that artists work, past, present and future (be it movies, tv shows, music or whatever). Others will say that their art up until that point of conviction is still as good as it always was, but from that point forward, they will boycott any new works from that artist.. Still some others will say that the art is a separate entity entirely from the artist and it’s ok to hate the vile actions and character of an artist while enjoying their artistic productions. What do you say?
  11. The NES classic only came to be since there was a period of time after Wii-U leading up to the Switch that Nintendo had no first party console releases.. revenues were low. They needed to bring in some extra money for Q4 and keep their name relevant, so they put out the NES classic. I personally think they strategically put NES classic out in low numbers in order to get some free media attention just before launching the Switch. Whether that’s true or not, NES classic was put out at a time of Nintendo’s waning relevance and financials. If they are going to do a N64 classic, they will probably save that for another rainy day
  12. This thread didn’t get any traction before since I was only referencing the old NA thread. So I’ve started over and posted some pics. What’s this binder worth? I got it from a guy who’s dad was an agent representative for Konami and Irem in the NES-SNES days. He used to go around and present these games to retail executives to try and get the retailers to place large orders direct from the publishers. This was one of the binders he used in his work. Theres a lot of marketing info and target audience demographics info. Also some artwork that I haven’t seen anywhere else for some games. Irem: Promo material for unreleased US version of GB Hammerin Harry Promo material for unreleased US version of NES Hammerin Harry Promo material for unreleased US version of NES Kung Fu II (aka Spartan X2) Maybe if the representative had just utilized this binder well enough and convinced a retail exec to place a bulk order of Hammerin Harry or Kung Fu II, just maybe we would have seen a US release. Oh well
  13. I have a lot of these. Are you looking for any particular ones?
  14. This tweet is just as much a rumor as what it is claiming to debunk
  15. I would agree that rioters aren’t looking for the Nintender tapes specifically. But looters (a different crowd than rioters and protesters) are opportunists. They take advantage of the fact that majority of police are distracted and go for anything of value. What things of value are there in a restaurant?? I can’t think of anything really, but apparently the looters over here helped themselves and cleaned the place out.
  16. I was just about to say the same thing! Vintage Turtles trivia
  17. All respect to George Floyd. THIS THREAD IS NOT BEING POLITICAL OR DEBATING RIGHT OR WRONG ABOUT THE PROTESTS.. But fact is that there’s lots of break-ins and looting happening right now. Seems to be consolidated to mostly businesses in downtown areas right now.. I happen to know some people who have personally been affected in my downtown area (which I would have never expected in my city). I’m thinking that a lot of people are getting a taste of looting for the first time right now, and worry if the unemployment situation doesn’t improve fast, the situation might perpetuate and spread beyond the cities. Is anyone considering pre-emptively selling off their gaming goods as a safeguard against looting?
  18. This sounds extremely plausible from a business perspective. Businesses do this type of thing all the time and given the circumstances with Microsoft in Japan, it makes perfect sense
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