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Everything posted by phart010

  1. I just noticed the lack of TMNT in this era... what were they doing?
  2. Sega is too fat and lazy. They are no longer trying to innovate. They just want to operate a dairy farm. Milking them cows
  3. Some consoles are more well know for needing to be recalled than others. I would recap a console if it’s known to need it
  4. Everyone should just throw their cards in the trash since they have no value. Then the few people who held onto theirs will have something rare
  5. What do you know of FC Venezuela games? I have a bunch of these sealed. They are in big boxes like the size of Atari games, but I think the cart inside is a Japanese version. Also got a converter that I’ve always been curious about. Is this thing official?
  6. There have been a bunch of good looking rpg’s that I’ve seen over the past five years that were PC-Only releases. Never tried them as I only recently got a new laptop.. but really wishing I had taken note of their names Can you all recommend your favorites here
  7. I think that the recession still hasn’t fully realized its way into Main Street. It has hit the stock market, but there were government assistance programs to give it a temporary boost. If corporate revenues don’t start picking back up, the stock prices may start dragging back down and possibly more layoffs. People would then start feeling insecure with declining 401k balances and mortgage insecurity. This is when game prices would start coming back down.. I am not at all saying this is a good thing, obviously it sucks for anyone’s security and well being to be affected. But if you want to know what it’s gonna take for game prices to come back down, it’s when people have bigger things to worry about than what games they don’t have in their collection
  8. I don’t think it will get outrageous in price, but it is definitely due for a correction at some point. It’s actually a good game, people just hate on it because it wasn’t what they were hoping for.
  9. I got into building up my N64 library like a year And Mario 64 was already close to $50 if I recall.. that’s why I still don’t have it..
  10. In theory 3.3v should be worse for the life of the parts. However, there are a ton of variables at play and even then, there’s some variance in the lifetimes of parts that may have even come from the same batch. Also there’s the ambient temperature of the room that the system is operating in.. Prolonged exposure to heat is ultimately what kills the circuits.. the lower voltage just causes more current (and in turn, more heat) to flow.. You could argue that continuous operation in a hot environment of ALL original equipment would last less years than continuous operation of Chinese 3.3v carts in an air conditioned environment.. Its difficult to make solid conclusions about the seriousness of the voltage mismatch because there are many variables at play and actual testing to determine mean time to failure is so long (measured in years) that it would take too long for anyone to seriously consider testing. But yea, it’s better to err on the side of caution and stick with the 5v. Id like to see someone post a current flow diagram to show specifically which parts in the cartridge and in the system are exposed to the overcurrent when using 3.3v carts.
  11. I wonder if those are actually playing off of rom files.. if so, someone please dump that two player double dragon
  12. I wonder if this is their way of reluctantly letting people know that this is how much you have to pay right now. Because when you click buy now, it takes you to a page of retailers. But they all say out of stock. So the only way to actually get your hands on one TODAY is eBay or Craigslist, through which you will pay up to $400..
  13. Hmm.. mine still says $400 and I’m in the good ole USA
  14. I bought a Nintendo Switch for $300 at launch. I thought that it either stays at the launch price point or becomes less expensive as time goes on.. So can someone explain what this means:
  15. I believe this game got an official licensed reprint. On NA, I used to have a thread on games that were given official reprints that were ok’d by the up holder Edit: just found this in the fly: https://www.play-asia.com/majyuuou/13/70bwyl?ref=froogle_us
  16. For sega cd just go for the Mega SD. The original cd systems were not quality machines. And some of segas games on CD/Saturn from what I understand are not lasting the test of time as cd manufacturing was not done right back then. With these considerations, the smallness of the library, and the high prices all around, I could never collect sega cd.
  17. I wonder if VGA would grade my WATA CIB Zelda and describe it as “an error grade by WATA”
  18. Congrats! It’s never too late to finish a games.. this has got me thinking which games I haven’t beat yet
  19. I would think that if a game hasn’t already been dumped, it’s probably not that great. And on these modern consoles, that probably means it was bloatware.. With so much bloatware already dumped, who cares if we missed a few.
  20. I bought one just for the heck of it. If it’s a scam eBay will refund. Otherwise, that’s a sweet deal
  21. If you’re already guilty of changing “Joe and Mac 2“ to Congo’s Caper, then you may as well just stay with it and change Joe and Mac 3 into Joe and Mac 2. If I grew up in PAL territory with Joe and Mac 1 and 3, I’d be losing my mind wondering why we didn’t get Joe and Mac 2.
  22. Normally there’s a 2 between 1 and 3. In Japan, Congo’s Caper was called Joe and Mac 2. In USA, Congo’s Caper is still Congo’s Caper, so we solved the problem by changing the 3 to a 2.
  23. If I remember correctly, I think the retail version has shiny gold on it. No shiny on the refurb
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