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Everything posted by phart010

  1. I remember using this on international flights to Japan in the 90s. Did not know it was in any way affiliated with Nintendo. I can tell you that it was incredibly laggy, and button presses often did not register. The menus were convoluted and difficult to navigate. And with a 15+ hour flight, there was A LOT of time to mess with it, I can confirm for certain that there were no Nintendo games to be played. It was just the same old boring puzzle games that they always had on these things
  2. I’ve done intermittent fasting. It’s real good. It’s hard to do for the first few days , but once you’ve gotten past that point it’s actually not that hard to keep the mind off of food.
  3. I wonder if @Bronty would trade the Contra painting for it one for one ?
  4. People often give publishers a hard time over decisions over seemingly negligible amounts of money. “Why didn’t they just pay the extra 50 cents to put it on a bigger cartridge size?” But when you look at it from the publishers perspective if they are going to sell a million copies, that’s 0.50 x 1,000,000 = $500,000 that they are just giving away. Or if they are going to sell 5 million copies, then it’s $2.5 million dollars. I don’t think that they take into account that some people will decide to not buy based on the media size that they use. And realistically, the percentage of buyers that would consciously choose to not buy just because they are pissed over not having the complete game on the cartridge is probably pretty low.
  5. Do democratic contenders announce their running mates before getting nominated or do they typically wait until after? I could see the benefit in teaming up with someone strategic before getting nominated in order to win more popularity to win the primaries. But it could also be a bad move because someone might be a highly desirable pick for Vice President regardless of who they are running with so some people may want to wait until the air is clear before committing to partnering
  6. It’s in redbox now, go check it out and discuss here
  7. This is like saying Harry Potter movies are not JK Rowling movies because she wasn’t involved in the adaptation. Or Stephen King movies are not Stephen King movies because he’s just a writer. Cameron wrote the story for this movie and owned it. He probably can’t handle the stress of directing anymore because he’s old.
  8. What are you talking about. He wrote the story
  9. I was born in the 80’s, so Terminator 2 was a big deal growing up. By the time I was in college, Terminator 3 came out but it wasn’t done by James Cameron, and the movie just was not that good. I felt like Terminator was just ruined from that point on. Just saw Terminator Dark Fate last night. I had my reservations, because I felt that this one might be excessively ‘woke’ but I figured I should at least give it a try since Cameron was involved. I have to say that this movie was pretty good. Given that the lead roles are all females, in what was traditionally a machismo franchise, I had to ponder about this over night. The reality of the world we are living in today is an increasingly female empowered one, so as a reflection of reality in the current world situation and even into the future, this concept is actually quite appropriately realistic. Anyhow, I just wanted to reflect on the movie and have some discussion. I thought the movie was pretty good. I know some people these days are not interested in seeing it based on the cover, but in my opinion it is a worthy sequel to Terminator 2. Moreso than Terminator 3 was. More on that. It’s funny how Cameron just took ownership of the series and said Terminator 3 never happened because it wasn’t his movie. This movie takes place directly following the events of Terminator 2 and disregards Terminator 3’s plot significance entirely. I like that. I wish that game developers would do this sometimes and just ditch plot lines that they screwed up on and pretend that they never happened. Personally I wasn’t a fan of Metroid Fusions storyline (I liked the game) and I feel that Nintendo should just pretend like Samus never got infected with the X virus.
  10. If I need to think positive and stay motivated I would watch Dragonball Super. I get so hyped at the challenges that Goku is able to overcome.
  11. I really dislike the analogue stick on psp. Are there any upgrade kits to make it cramp your hand less?
  12. Guess I lucked out with the others. I found Tronne Bonne on Craigslist like 2 years ago for $40 and Legends 2 shortly after for $20. Someone also had Tail Concerto for $50 but I hesitated and it sold after a while
  13. You forgot about this one Above: Dr Wily hauling away malfunctioning Zero in Megaman Unlimited
  14. Someone should hack ninja gaiden to have guns and controls like Contra. Then I’d play it
  15. I find it strange that people complain about localizations so much and are more in favor of direct translations. But for this one thing everyone is saying it should have been localized instead of translated.
  16. I never played the Megaman Zero games. They seemed like too much of a drastic departure from my beloved Megaman X series. And the way the robots looked different just sealed the deal. I suspect that many Megaman fans feel the same way I do. More recently I have realized that the MMX and MMZero stories are actually related to one another. Now Capcom will be re-releasing the Megaman Zero Collection pretty soon. It seems like a wasted opportunity. What Capcom really should have done was to make a new game that explains how the X series ended and how the Zero series began. Then re-release the MMZero collection afterwards. You’d get all of the Megaman X fans to buy the new game, and then they’d all be curious to see what happens next. So then they’d all buy the Megaman Zero Collection. I have a bad feeling that Megaman Zero Collection is not going to sell very well. This kind of makes me sad because I want Megaman to sell well so Capcom will continue to pursue the series. But they keep on making absent minded decisions when it comes to this series and then they want to blame the fans for not being interested.
  17. I don’t use social media but my understanding is that it can have a huge impact on people emotionally and also on mental health. Negative attention on social media can trigger depression and sucidal thoughts in some people. So deciding to quit doesn’t seem quite unbelievable
  18. I glue with Elmer’s white glue. Apply it with a toothpick. Put a heavy weighted flat object on the label while it dries. I always inform collectors of the repair if they are going to buy
  19. Japan is insensitive. They don’t get outraged. It’s not America. It’s a different culture. People in different cultures have different etiquettes. The rest of the world doesn’t share American liberal values. I can’t believe that with the astronomical achievement of translating these games, people found a way to turn a celebration into complaints to the point of guilting a translation hero into quitting his volunteer efforts. Way to go. You don’t have to throw the baby out with the bath water. Take the parts you like, leave the rest
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