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Everything posted by phart010

  1. I can confirm it was awesome. I live right down the street from the mall
  2. Absolutely you can. The NES and SNES classic already represent the the big hitters and then you can add 20-30 additional titles that were missing
  3. Updated the format to Google forms. Help me out with the top deals. These are painstaking to search for
  4. What you described (slow death) could possibly be a failed electrical component. Check continuity across components.
  5. Maybe they were playing psychological games. If you think the part has a purpose you are probably more likely to keep it in there when not using the gba slot
  6. We create the spikes just by discussing things. It’s simple supply and demand. The supply is fixed. Some games have a ton of copies out there and some have few. When we discuss how something is in some way interesting we create the demand. And if we talk about how it is also uncommon, that only amplifies the demand. And if we speculate that it will be a spike then it gets out of control. Low supply + high demand = spike
  7. Maybe the Nintendo service team had a big stockpile of EPROMs to use for service calls on their arcade machines. And my guess if that general consumers probably did not make many warranty requests for NES cartridges, people probably just tossed them out if they thought they were defective. Given the low volume of returned product, Nintendo probably didn’t see it practical to stock replacement mask roms for NES games
  8. What about getting one of these special cards that offer zero interest for 1 year. Put it on the card and pay it down monthly over the course of a year. Medical tourism is often a good idea. But pay attention to the quality of medical care at the destination you are going to. I don’t think Mexico is on the list of top medical tourism destinations. I think Panama is a good place if I remember correctly, but don’t know how much flights to Panama cost. Assuming the whole deal is like under $3 or 4K, probably not worth it unless you were already planning a vacation at that destination
  9. Root canal means your removing the roots from the tooth. That means the tooth is dead. Arch_angel is right, it’s needed as a placeholder to keep other teeth from shifting. But root canaled teeth are also more susceptible to reinfection. My boss just had his back tooth done a few months ago and just two days ago they ended up having to extract it. Dental implants seem to have gotten pretty good. You should probably have those done pretty soon after an extraction to keep other teeth from shifting.
  10. I made a thread called Switch games for Retro lovers on NA. I should bring that over here
  11. Sorry I misread your post. In any case, after purchasing the site, I see gocollect and NA as one. NA is an abandoned ship. We are not NA, we’re the former community of NA
  12. What I read is that they couldn’t handle the capacity of orders on the manufacturing end. They were putting all these things together by hand
  13. My understanding is that some of these Chinese games used custom mappers that were designed with the famiclone hardware as the basis. Does this game work on NES or Famicom?
  14. Doorbuster Only (Limited Qty) Target Best Buy GameStop Walmart amazon Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night $20 Collection of Mana $20 Contra Rogue Corps $20 Crash N-Sane Trilogy $15 $20 Crash Team Racing $15 $25 Disney Classics: Aladdin + Lion King $20 Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 Enter the Gungeon $20 Hollow Knight $30 Killer Queen Black $15 $20 Mario + Rabbids $15 Mario Tennis Aces $30 $40 Megaman 11 $17 Octopath Traveler $40 $40 Overwatch (Empty Case w/ DL Code) $25 Poke Ball Plus $20 Rayman Legends $15 Sonic Team Racing $20 Splatoon 2 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 Switch Console + Mario Kart Bundle $299 $299 $299 $299 $299 Switch Console (Old Battery Life) $200 Switch Lite Console $150 Spyro Trilogy $25 $25 Starlink Battle for Atlus $10 Street Fighter Anniversary Collection $17 Super Mario Odyssey $30 $40 $40 $40 $40 Super Monkey Ball $25 Super Luckys Tale Undertale $25 Wolfenstein II: New Colossus $40 Yooka Laylee: Impossible Lair $20 Zelda Breath of the Wild $30 $40 $40 $40 $40
  15. What Switch/3DS games have really good Black Friday deals. Post them here and I’ll update the thread with them
  16. One time I bidded on Gradius V on PS2. I put a bid of $35 + $15 for shipping. After bidding I realized it was the Japanese version, which I have no interest in. I tried canceling the bid and contacting the seller to no avail. I had accepted my fate, nobody is gonna pay US price for the Japan version. Then when the auction ended, I found that someone outbidded me. Thanks Mr Sniper
  17. I’m kind of scared for switch. You are correct that many Switch games work right out of the box. But a few months ago, I popped in Breath of the wild and the switch would not boot the game up. It said I need to upgrade my firmware before it would play the game. I tried to not download the update, just to keep from having to wait for the update, but it would not allow me to start the game. I know typically when a game has software updates, it will allow you to play without installing the updates. But in this case it would not allow me to play without the firmware update. So I think that breath of the wild is no longer future-proof going forward.
  18. Super Fighter team recently refunded me money for a preorder of the second run of Nightmare Busters. Wondering why, I went to their website and apparently they are no longer publishing, they are going to focus on developing only. Dang. Now I need to pay scalpers for a copy of Nightmare Busters. I’ll probably just pass on getting that game at this point
  19. My guess is that this has to do with the fact that a large portion of used Nintendo sales are for collectors. And collectors can be quite picky about condition. The Amazon platform only has stock images, it does not allow sellers to post photos of their specific item. I can imagine tons of collectors having initiated returns because they were not satisfied with the condition of the game they bought. Amazon probably just figured that the juice isn’t worth the squeeze.
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