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Everything posted by phart010

  1. Well it is 30 year old hardware. Electronics don’t last forever. I’m willing to bet the chips are still good maybe capacitors or some other common components blown
  2. Searching online in other forums/Reddit, I found these: https://www.mortoffgames.com/nintendo-nes-/repair-and-replacement-parts142/controller-repair-parts150/nintendo-nes-controller-repair-kit-conductive-pads- https://www.retromodding.com/collections/nes/products/nes-silicone-pads I’m going to try both and compare
  3. Really interested in getting those OEM-like replacement ones that you mentioned
  4. I need to replace the rubber parts under the buttons in my NES controllers. Does anyone have any good/bad experiences to share. I’m guessing all the different listings of replacement parts online are of varying levels of quality. Links to product listings would be great
  5. You did the right thing. In my opinion it’s always best to return it to the owner if it has identifying information. If there’s no info, then just leave it where you found it, or put it in a more conspicuous place close to where you found it, maybe the owner will be retracing their steps trying to find it. I dropped my prescription glasses while walking through Turkey on vacation one time. Retraced my steps and found them on sitting top of the platform around a monument close to where I was walking. Someone must have put them there so they wouldn’t get stepped on
  6. Just received this in the mail from Durham, NC. One of the games is a Super Famicom game. Interestingly, it has a tamper evident security sticker over one of the screws. This was typically done on rentals in the US. I am puzzled because this is a Japanese title. Japan didn’t use these stickers because they didn’t rent out games. Did any American rental stores rent out Japanese games?
  7. I watched a documentary about Nintendo first person shooter that got canceled. Basically what they said is that there was a smaller developer working on the FPS shooter and the game was going to use water guns. Things were moving along pretty well but then one of the people on the dev team leaked something. Nintendo became outraged and they demanded that the developer take corrective measures. This would have included investigations into who the leaker was, making his/her identity known to Nintendo and also firing that person. The developer did the internal investigation, but ultimately they did not identify the leaker. Either they didn’t know who it was, or they were trying to protect that person from Nintendo’s legal wrath. Anyhow Nintendo was so pissed that the developer wouldn’t identify the leaker that they cancelled the contract with the developer. They later took some of the ideas that came up in developing that game to make Splatoon.
  8. I meant one man show figuratively. He may have some support, but I’m sure he’s single point of decision making for all of the money related decisions. Which is the way things usually happen in smaller companies. I guess it’s easier to define what they are not. They are not a departmentalized business. I doubt they have a customer service department, a marketing department, a design department, a legal department, a finance/accounting department, and a CEO. I’m willing to bet all of these responsibilities funnel through one guy and he has a few people that he delegates some design responsibilities over to. Which is fair, they’re still a small business, that’s how small businesses usually run.
  9. I’m pretty sure that’s what it is. It’s a one man show operation. When you have the technical ability to design things like this, it usually means you have a very single-task focused brain. So he’s 100% laser focused on producing the next design at the expense of all of the support, communications, restock, etc. Working at a manufacturing company, I know too many engineers like this.
  10. I should have just quoted your last paragraph to be more clear. I wasn’t really questioning your comments on AUS or CAD or even relative strengths of any currency. Just wanted to elaborate further on the point you made about US pumping out the most stimulus money in absolute terms. We haven’t seen the effects of it in the real economy because it’s just been inflating the stock market. A significant chunk of the money in the stock market is tucked away in retirement accounts. I wonder if we’ll see another “black swan” if/when all these baby boomers decide to splurge some of that money all at the same time... I guess it’s not really a Black Swan if we’re forecasting it.
  11. Maybe something happens when covid restrictions are lifted and people feel safe vacationing again. All the baby boomers retirement savings have been getting pumped up. When things open back up, maybe they’ll be wanting to spend some of that money back into circulation all at the same time. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  12. Depends on the game. If it’s something that will always be cheap, just sell them off. If it’s something expensive (and assuming you got it cheap), you might keep a double in case your current copy stops working for some reason. Or you could trade it for an expensive game you want. Im not much for selling rares.
  13. Hey don’t put it all on us.. US and Canada share the same used retro game market.. Yea lots of money creation went into the stock market, but as for the general populace, didn’t Canada get pretty similar COVID relief checks to US when adjusted for currency rates.
  14. Only in the US Actually, you don’t even need a gun, just any object will do.. Actually you don’t even need an object, just put your hands in your pocket.. Actually your your hands don’t even need to go INTO your pocket, they just have to be moving quickly enough to agitate the officer
  15. Is this exclusively in reference to physical media? I thought pirated was the term for illegally copied software. Not necessarily in cartridge form, just the code itself
  16. It depends on whether we end in deflation. I think that what we are seeing with collectibles in general is just the natural effects of inflation. It’s just that it’s not hitting every category of goods at the same level and at the same time. Prices for other goods like food will probably follow. More stimulus money will accelerate inflation. Do we just keep getting more inflation or are we gonna see a deflationary crash?
  17. Cant say that I totally understand the process that they used to restore the audio to its original uncompressed form.. if someone could explain this more clearly it would be great.. Here’s the article: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.techspot.com/amp/news/88539-super-mario-world-tracks-rebuilt-using-original-samples.html There appears to be two unused tracks in this. 1. Overworld (Arabian Mix) 2. Athletic (PAL) Also the track for the final battle with Bowser seems to be missing.
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