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Everything posted by phart010

  1. Im not for or against pirating, can’t say I’m completely innocent, but I do always buy original stuff to support publishers whenever it is possible. But just to play devil’s advocate, they could have plans to re-release something old but we are just unaware of it. In that case you’d be taking away their thunder by pirating it. Part of the marketing hype of rereleasing something that has been inaccessible for a long time is the fact that it’s been inaccessible for a long time. Nintendo or other developers may want to capitalize on that inaccessibility by re-releasing it. If people pirate the software making it accessible, then when it does get a re-release people will be less likely to spend money on the re-release since they’ve already gotten their fix in the interim.
  2. I recently watched ‘3022’ on an airplane ride back from Europe. Totally depressing, By the end of the movie I felt sick. Wish I could unwatch it
  3. Be sure to post pictures of any interesting items you have. I’m sure I’m speaking for many others here, we are very curious to see photos of some of the unique items you might have. There’s lots of of junior game historians on this site, even if many of them don’t post often. And any interest that you rally up here may help you find more buyers.. it’s a win-win
  4. They sell those screens on eBay and on Aliexpress. I haven’t scrutinized them for any differences, but I think they look pretty close to the real thing. You should look into whether that screen ever came on that color system.. my gut tells me it didn’t, but I could be wrong
  5. I guess I’m in the minority here, but I think that it’s up to the buyer to ask questions and to ask for photos before buying. The seller probably should have been up front about the repros and which games included manuals to prevent this from happening. A good seller would have done so. But technically, when you place the order, you are agreeing to buy it based on the limited information that is available. If you ask questions BEFORE ordering, then you can add the details of new information to the agreement. But AFTER ordering, it is what it is.
  6. I don’t think the Konami logo on the PCB makes it legit. Maybe makes it “equal in terms of quality” but that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s authorized by Konami. We would have to know the full story behind this cartridge. It could be that the OME pcb manufacturer that Konami used for its legit supply chain was selling stock of Konamis product to an unauthorized third party. Or the pcb designs could have been leaked to another pcb manufacturer who made the same design using their own equipment. It makes me think about a lawsuit years ago where Nike sued their Chinese supplier for millions of dollars. Apparently they were making tons of extra Nike shoes and selling them in the domestic Chinese market for a fraction of the US market price. Eventually some American distributors caught wind of it, so they started sourcing these unauthorized Nikes from Chinese distributors and were selling them in the American market. These American distributors were competing with Nike at selling their own official product and they were selling them at a fraction of the price
  7. Yes, 1:1 is the problem. People don’t like to spend top dollar for something authentic only to find out they have been duped. The whole purpose of making a fake game that closely resembles the original is to deceive others. I think the discussion here has shown that we can at least agree that we collectors don’t like 1:1 replicas of original games.
  8. The Stadium events is coded NES-SD-EEC.. is that the USA version? Also he didn’t put Kick-Master with the heavies.. but he did include Shatterhand, Gargoyles Quest, Whompem, Jetsons.. what’s up with that??
  9. These are new words. They’ll put them in the dictionary eventually
  10. I’ve always drawn the line like this: Im not going to question the ethics or legality of repros/fakes. If you want to make them have fun. But don’t cross into the collectors domain with repros/fakes. You have crossed the line when you have created something that is not obviously a repro. Repros should not use the same label art as original games. Or if they do, then they should not have the same color shell as an original game. Your never going to stop people from making repros. So at least draw a boundary that most people can agree on.
  11. If that’s the case, then it’s a big bummer. They did a halfway decent job at making them look uniform and somewhat official. On the box for the converter, it says assembled for Nintendo C.A. I wonder if Nintendo C.A. was ever a legitimate legal entity that existed in Venezuela in the late 80’s. That would probably answer some questions.
  12. Thanks for the reminder. I forgot about South American imports. I got intrigued by the NES scene in Venezuela. I don’t know this for sure, but my guess is that Venezuela had some limited form of “quasi-official” Nintendo presence. My speculation is that this may have been due to the time period, Venezuela was an oil rich capitalist nation transitioning into a government-controlled economy. I would imagine they probably had import tariffs for non-domestically manufactured goods, so they have their own Venezuela-made NES controllers (with yellow buttons) and Light Guns. They also have their own “official” games that came in neat looking boxes. The actual cartridges inside are just Japanese Famicom carts. I got the sealed collecting bug for Venezuela NES games some time time ago Their market appears to have had both NES and Famicom style-carts in circulation. Because of this, they had an “official?” NES-cart to Famicom-console converter. I don’t know whether Nintendo was really behind this, but it has a Spanish language version of the official seal on it for what it’s worth. I wish someone who understands this market would shed some light on the history of the Venezuela NES market. “compatible with 76% of Nintendo 72-pin games” at least they are honest Lower left: ”Ensamblado en Venezuela Por: Nintendo C.A. Caracas - Venezuela” Translation: Assembled in Venezuela for Nintendo C.A. Caracas - Venezuela The seal reads: “Este sello es su seguridad que Nintendo a evaluado y aprobado la calidad de este producto” Translation: This seal is your assurance that Nintendo has evaluated and approved the quality of this product.
  13. Maybe Sleepy Uncle Joe will get our Asia import shipping costs back down again
  14. As collectors we pay attention to the small details. I don’t need the person selling this to tell me the differences. I can already see some subtle differences just by comparing the two
  15. The Rockman box for Switch has one exclusive game in it. You can’t get it any other way besides buying the whole box set. I wish they would sell it separately, but this is life...
  16. My dad used to buy my sister Pokémon cards when we were kids. He got her a big box of packs on Christmas once. She would collect all of the holograms in acrylic cases. One day when we were older she lost interest and just gave them all to me. I wonder with the cards regaining popularity if she would want them back now
  17. Do you mean now or back in the day? The Sega servers are down now, but I think someone set up some non-official servers for PSO that you can actually play on. Don’t know whether there’s many people actively playing anymore though...
  18. I think Gamestop is where the fun ends. If you look at the top shorted companies, Gamestop was at $22B in short interest. The next highest after Gamestop was Bed Bath and Beyond at $4B.. I don’t know where the idea to short Nokia came from.. maybe they were thinking that since BlackBerry is a dying mobile phone manufacturer, the same would be true for Nokia?? But Nokia has diversified to many other industries outside of mobile phone manufacturing... they’re actually a pretty solid company in my opinion. I don’t know who would be shorting Nokia as there is long term growth in sight
  19. Cant tell you how many hours I spent on Phantasy Star online DC back in my high school days. Had the DC keyboard and everything
  20. Edit: oops how could I have forgotten about these:
  21. Must be something special about GameCube as it’s the only controller that got officially re-released for 2 systems after GameCube. And it’s compatible with all systems after GameCube so far. Cant say that about the wiimote
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