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Everything posted by phart010

  1. Who says games don’t change? Here’s a list of 7 games that have been constantly changing for decades https://www.pcgamer.com/uk/the-80s-and-90s-pc-games-still-unbelievably-being-updated-today/
  2. Yea I know the re-released it on PS1 and DS. And there was additional content like cutscene animations and a new area/final boss on DS. But overall the game was still just the same SNES sprites and and soundtracks. I guess remake may be too broad of a term to use. People are waiting for that “re-master” of Chrono Trigger. Like the way they remastered FFVII and Secret of Mana on PS4 with full 3D. And they better get the people who made Dragonball FighterZ to do the 3D models.
  3. I seem to remember seeing an eBay auction years ago for a copy of Sin and Punishment Star Successor on Wii. Included with the game was a retailer exclusive trading card. I passed on it. Over the past few years I have never seen this trading card bundled with the game again. Was that trading card a legit retailer exclusive item that came with the game or was it just something that the seller bundled into the auction and falsely claimed as a retail exclusive?
  4. According to Wikipedia, Japan sales were 2.36M making it the third best selling game of 1995. It says sales abroad were 290k, but then goes on to say it was met with substantial success in North America... If that 290k is split for the rest the rest of the world minus Japan, I don’t know if I’d call that “substantial success”. But in any case they say the PS1 2001 rerelease as Final Fantasy Chronicles topped the sales charts for over 6 weeks and that being a port of an SNES game. I think they were disappointed with DS port sales... but I mean come on, how many times do you expect the gamers to buy the same game over and over again?
  5. It puzzles me that they would do a remake of Secret of Mana for PS4/Vita and a remake of Trials of Mana for PS4/Switch. I get that the sales for Mana were better on SNES than Chrono Trigger, but that’s due to it being a SNES game releasing after the PS1 release date. If you look at the general sentiment of gamers toward Chrono Trigger versus Secret of Mana, I think most would agree Chrono Trigger is much more worthwhile. I played through Secret of Mana on SNES recently and it just felt so repetitive and uninspired. The story was also kind of dull. I know I’ll get burned for saying this but I honestly prefer Secret of Evermore over Secret of Mana
  6. When is Square going to redo Chrono Trigger? They keep on remaking Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest. What about Chrono Trigger? I’m sure they are aware that fans would love it.. Do they not think it would sell well??
  7. As @FenrirZero has said, have patience and persistence. All of the time you spent looking for the item solidifies your confidence that it is truly rare. Then you can really appreciate its rarity after acquiring it.
  8. I’m willing to bet Limited Run will be doing more Sega CD games. Probably just a matter of time
  9. Is it just a coincidence that the operations agency in Night Trap is called SCAT and the NES game is called SCAT and Limited Run is selling both games at the same time? Any relation there or is this just a huge coincidence ?
  10. The photocoping of manuals wasn’t really the issue. It was actually the concept of video game rentals. If kids could rent games for $5, they might beat the game and then never want to play it again. That’s a lost $40-60 sale for Nintendo or the publisher. Multiply that by the hundreds of kids that will rent each copy of any given title at the rental store and that translates to millions of $$$ of lost sales for publishers. For this reason video game companies lobbied in Japan to make game rentals illegal (that’s probably why there’s so many copies of games to buy in the used market in Japan). Game companies tried to make game rentals illegal in the US but they lost the court battle. So instead of accepting the loss, they tried to make things more difficult for the rental companies. Among other things, this included threatening them with legal actions for copying manuals
  11. One observation I found interesting was on the discussion of velocity of money. It’s a measure of how many times money changes hands over a period of time, which in turn tells whether people are spending or saving. Right now money velocity in the US is half of what it was pre-pandemic. Money velocity can have a huge effect on inflation. If people aren’t spending money, that correlates with a decrease in demand which causes prices to go down. When people are spending money, that corresponds to an increase in demand which causes prices to go up. Maybe if you look at different sectors or avenues of where money can be spent we’ll different velocities of money in different categories of goods. Unfortunately, the overall velocity is just one number representative of the entire GDP. I wonder if velocity in many other things is down while peoples spending on video games has just moved along with the higher amount of money base like normal at pre-pandemic velocity. Maybe the prices that we are seeing in video games right now is the new normal and prices in other categories of goods just haven’t caught up yet. We will see when the overall money velocity returns back to pre-pandemic levels
  12. Wow when did Pokémon crystal become a $75 game?
  13. Some places included the manual. Then a lot of manuals got lost. A lot of places then started photocopying manuals. Then it became apparent that this was illegal. So then some places started taking the essential info from the manual and typing it onto a card and photocopying that.
  14. I got around to doing the swap today. I’m an amateur at soldering so it took like 3 hours I used a heat gun and lead solder paste. Practiced by getting the chips off of Star Wars. When I got the big chip off of Star Wars I accidentally knocked the component at C1 off of its pad. Almost lost it, it’s super tiny. It’s so small you can’t even tell which side was soldered to the pads. I finally said screw it and just put the thing on there. I think it’s on there upside down, but it works. Don’t know if they are bi-directional or if I just got lucky. The bigger chips are much easier to work with. Just don’t use too much paste, it’s incredible how little paste you need. I actually over did it with the really big chip and had bridged connections everywhere, so had to removed it and carefully wick it all up. Then the second time my pins weren’t aligned with the pads . Finally in the end I got it working. The game actually played without the EEPROM. I tested it before soldering that one on. Now I’ll take a break from soldering, that was hugely frustrating.
  15. Post a pic of Ocarina of Time 3DS... and let me know if its ever for sale
  16. No offense but I would have thought you were a little more easy going on this type of thing given the whole pirated Famicom scene
  17. These autographed items will always bring about a discussion about authentication
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