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Everything posted by phart010

  1. I wouldn’t say my advertising costs are over budget. I actually think it’s around where it needs to be (possibly could go a little higher). I know what the sales potential is for this product, because I collaborate with someone who sells the same exact product. The issue is that my sales are not yet high enough to cover my ad spend. I think I’m at the painful beginning where the reviews are just not there, so some people that may be getting targeted with the ads are reluctant to follow through with a purchase because of the low quantity of reviews. So I think I need to give it a jump start right now by some other means just to get initial reviews. Once the initial reviews are there then Amazon pay per click advertising will work more efficiently.
  2. Any suggestions on some streamers? I’m not a twitch user, but I’ll get on these platforms to start doing some promotion
  3. Maybe its an old beatup guitar and one of the strings had just busted
  4. Anyone have any ideas on how to promote an Amazon product? I launched a water bottle about a month ago and I’m using Amazons pay per click promotions to get ranking. It’s pretty expensive. So far product sales have not exceeded advertising costs Its a solid product but I think I’ll need to do more than just rely on Amazon for advertising. Dont know how many more months I’ll be able to afford being in the red like this
  5. All of the expensive games on NES, SNES and Genesis should get a rerelease in my opinion
  6. What is this supposed to be all about? Did he turn into this in Final Fantasy?? Funny how he just sliced Galeem in half. Does that mean Galeem is dead now? I guess that means story mode has concluded... No more evil god-like entity to threaten the universe
  7. I remember seeing a note on a modern system game (Wii or Wii U?? I don’t remember) saying for players guides search online
  8. Is it working now? Large file so won’t open on your phone
  9. Castlevania Order of Shadows is an obscure Castlevania game made for mobile phones back in the pre-smart phone days. You would play it on cell phones with numerical keypads. I had some free time today so I thought I would piece together the map from a YouTube video. As far as I know, I’m the first person to do one of these for this game. Since most people won’t be experiencing this game, I figured I would somewhat share the experience through this map: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1DpS7V5EwsL0oHYTtPxF2qg8qked5w6Vb/view?usp=drivesdk
  10. Granzella just sent me an email today to update my mailing address and to select the version of the game. I guess were close to release. Unfortunately they said the deadline has already passed to enter your name into staff credits.. I wish they would have given some prior notice. Oh well, I also backed Bloodstained and last time I checked the scrolling list of backers in the credits runs for like an hour and twelve minutes, so I wasn’t sticking around to see my name on the list
  11. With few exceptions, I think Nintendo is looking for several criteria: 1. Mass appeal 2. Iconic as a video game character 3. Legacy - Has had a series of games across multiple Nintendo consoles. 4. Diverse enough attacks to make a good move set. Many of these characters, while very cool, are probably lacking in mass appeal. By mass appeal, I mean huge following, like Minecraft for example. I think Minecraft fails in all the other criteria, but it’s mass appeal was substantial enough to get Nintendo to overlook the other things. I’ve thought about this for some time. Iconic and having a Nintendo legacy (but lacking diverse move-sets): Bubble Bobble, Contra, Master Higgins, Billy/Jimmy Lee These characters could realistically be made into Smash characters. I think they have relatively widespread appeal, are pretty iconic, they’re associated with Nintendo, and could have some good movesets: Ryo Hayabusa, Ninja Turtles, Shantae, Zero, Rayman, Toad (male and female), maybe Battletoads (if they would just port the new game to Switch..) Crash Bandicoot and Sora are unfortunately more iconic to Sony than Nintendo. But you never know, Nintendo is always up for surprises.
  12. Unfortunately for Geno, on his own, he just doesn’t have the mass appeal that Smash characters need to bring to the game. Geno is kinda a random unknown character. He could probably work if they could figure out how to merge him with the generic Mage archetype from Final Fantasy. If they designed him in a way that he could look like Geno to Mario RPG fans, but he still looks like the iconic Mage to Final Fantasy fans then you’d have a winner. @CasualCart Do you think that it would be possible to design such a thing? I’m not requesting a sketch (although if you opted to do one it would be very cool), just curious on thoughts from a known artist.
  13. phart010


    If you haven’t already cut it, put it up for auction. There’s actually people that will pay money for oddly shaped vegetables
  14. Those guys need to get with an engineer from Sega to learn how to improvise the Sega Saturn disc swirl. Then they can rule the world.
  15. And where is Castlevania Requiem Switch version?
  16. In Mickey’s Magical Mirror GC if you connect the Mickeys Magical Quest GBA via the link cable it unlocks new content. Also in Metroid Prime if you connect Metroid Fusion via the link cable you can play in the Fusion suit. You can also unlock Metroid NES and and play it with the GC controller. Theres probably other games that you can do this with too
  17. Gameboy Player is basically a Gameboy Advance on a tv screen. Some Gameboy and Gameboy color games have extra content and enhanced color modes when played on Super Gameboy for SNES. That additional content is not experienced when using the Gameboy player. You basically get the same playing mode as you would on the GBA except on the big screen. There are GameCube games that benefit from additional content when using the corresponding Gameboy Advance games via the Gameboy Advance link controller port adapter. But that is totally independent of the Gameboy Player.
  18. No H-seam. No sticker seal. No hangtab. One of a kind Latest F-U from Nintendo: the NES cart is made of a solid brick of acrylic. No opening this one up to put a rom chip into it:
  19. Just walked into Gamestop and asked did you guys get that new Fire emblem 30th anniversary game in? They frowned at me and were like nah we didn’t get it in. I was like well my brother just texted me that his copy came in today and he picked it up. Then they were like oh yea we only got a few in for people that preordered it. So I was like yea I preordered it. Then their frown turned into a smile and they were like oh yea we have your copy right here!
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