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Everything posted by phart010

  1. If this is true, then NA full set, cart only collectors will be banging their heads on the table looking for the -USA cart of Gigantic Army
  2. I think one of the newer dynamics that comes into play is the fact that games get software updates and the system can be programmed to recognize which language setting you prefer. In the past, all the games content, including which language is used in game was on the cartridge. Nowadays you can get any version of a game and the system either tells the game which language to display or you can toggle language in game settings. And additional languages can be pushed through software updates. So the cartridge region doesn’t really matter anymore nowadays, it’s all about the packaging.
  3. I guess the question I’m asking is: what makes a game part of a regional set? Is the the presence of a rating like ESRB? Is it the region code? Or is it the language used on the box art? I could confirm this but I don’t want to break the seal on my international version. But I’m guessing there are “Japan/international versions” of Gigantic army that actually bear a European region code on the cartridge. But the language on the back of the box is Japanese, if I were Japanese I’d probably want this in my set.. Also games like Shmup collection. They were published by Pixelheart and apparently there’s 5000 copies. I don’t know if that means 5000 European and 5000 US or just 5000 all together. But they made an ESRB rated version of Shmup collection distributed through VGNYSOFT. Pixelheart is an EU based published though... I’m curious to know which region code is on the cartridge.
  4. Here’s my English version of Gigantic Army. It is serial numbered on the back 0445/1500. The front does not have a rating (no ESRB, no PEGI, no CERO). I know that the minimum print limit In Europe is 3000, so where are the other 1500 copies? I believe they just put them in international version packaging and sent them for sale at PlayAsia. Even though they are international versions, since they were manufactured at the order of a European publisher, the international cartridges probably still have the European codes. I wonder if there were any or will be any European prints that are also labeled for sale in the North American market?
  5. It’s going to be a real tough one with all the limited print releases. There’s also some tough 1st print variants too. Also the collectors editions, if needed for complete set, are going to make it real nasty to collect for. If you consider the PAL exclusives, there’s some low print games. Some games don’t have any rating, so they appear that they could fit into either PAL or NTSC-USA. Some games have both a PAL and NTSC-USA release but the cart is identical for both regions, just different cover art. There’s going to be some debate about what qualifies as part of complete set.
  6. The whole intent of this is to get back at big tech for their coverage on the Trump administration. It’s supposed to be a scare tactic to try to get big companies like Twitter and Facebook to compromise. Now how it’s going to be used in years to come is going to be a slippery slope.
  7. What I mean is for a game that has already launched on Switch. Giving it a re-launch to try to bring it back into relevance
  8. Let’s say there’s a hypothetical Switch game that came out early on when the Switch user base was less than 10 million. The game was genuinely great but unfortunately it didn’t sell well when it launched and just never got much attention. Maybe it was launched too close to another major release. Now that the Switch user base is 68 million (as of 11/2020), do you think it’s possible to convert millions of advertising and promotional dollars into a successful re-launching campaign for a game that has already been out for several years?
  9. I thought the Wii version and GameCube version came out at the same time.. I could be wrong, going off of memories here
  10. That may be the case here, but some of the pins on Darius are kind of corroded also. It’s not so apparent from the photo
  11. I wanted to do a board swap on a non-working copy of Darius R. It is AGB-E03-20 R-6. Im planning to use Star Wars trilogy as the donor board, AGB-E03-20 A-3. Will this work? Also noticed some solder on the R2 and R1 pads on Darius... is my board missing components that should be bridged across these pads?
  12. I actually just needed some verification on one game, but I figured maybe we could start this up into a thread for requesting board pics. I’ll update this main post with a spreadsheet if we start getting a bunch Darius R. AGB-E03-20 R-6 Star Wars Trilogy. AGB-E03-20 A-3.
  13. I get comic book universes, but it’s done out of necessity since they pump out such a large number of comics and there’s new writers and artists retelling the series in different generations. With games, there’s so much planning that goes into every title and they’re so spread out that I guess I have a higher expectation. With many games, like Mario and such, it’s ok because it’s not really story based with all the sports titles and kart racing and so on. But I kind of like Zelda to be cohesive though because it’s so story driven.
  14. Maybe I’m old fashioned, but I don’t really like alternative timelines
  15. ******Spoiler alert for Hyrule Warriors Age of Calamity..... When something is canon in a series, it is part of the “official” storyline. When things happen that don’t agree with the “official” storyline, we used to say that they are not canon. That is to say, they are just fun ideas, but they shouldn’t be confused with the official story. It seems that the idea of parallel universes has been gaining popularity over the past decade. With parallel universes, there is an easy solution for explaining away inconsistencies in storylines, they are inconsistent because they are happening in an alternative timeline. Since the inconsistency can be reconciled for as an alternative, but true timeline, does that that bring it back into the realm of canon? I started thinking about this with Breath of the Wild and Age of Calamity. In Breath of the Wild, Hyrule lost the war and it led to a one hundred year period wherein Link was recovering. I thought that Age of Calamity was going to tell the story of what happened leading up to the war, but actually Link and Zelda are victorious, win the war, and prevent the 100 year period from happening. So it would seem to not be canon. But it happened as a result of the little robot traveling back in time and creating an alternative timeline. So the “canon timeline” still exists. But is this timeline not also canon?
  16. I thank God for the final harvest before winter. Isn’t that what thanksgiving is all about? (by the way I’m not a farmer, but I can appreciate food security) Here is our Coca-Cola brined turkey
  17. No I still have it. Originally I was thinking to donate to a game museum, but I have since grown sour to that idea. It is for sale for the right kind of offer, but I’m not actively trying to sell it
  18. I wonder where they get their stock from. I’ve bought a ton from them and it is professionally sealed but not H-seam. I thought maybe they were distributing majesco products or something similar
  19. If we lost track of trending sales prices, that could be a good thing for casual collectors and gamers. Then many games could become affordable again and would go back into circulation. I’d prefer if games could be circulated rather being locked up in someone’s treasure chest
  20. I found this on the ground when I was in Middle school. My dad bought it from me for $20 and gave it to my sister, who collected Pokémon. She lost interest later in life and gave me all her holograms.
  21. I don’t see the N8 Available on his website. Only the N8 Pro which is on Amazon for $186
  22. Usually krikzz would do a 10% Black Friday sale on all everdrives the entire week leading up to Black Friday. Looks like they have migrated all sales onto Amazon.. are they still doing 10% off? I don’t see any discounts being applied
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