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Everything posted by phart010

  1. Yea I watching it live and about halfway through they had technical difficulties. Apparently it was done on zoom and the tech guy that was broadcasting it went off mute and started joking about Rudy Giulianis bald head sweating. Then him and the guy with him were like “hey can they hear us?” Then they were like “nah”. They dropped several f-bombs in there conversation, then the zoom window appeared around the border. Then the whole thing went mute. Now I was disconnected from the broadcast.
  2. For anyone following the developments with the ballot fraud investigation, this is the “Kraken” that the Trump team has been talking about releasing for the past few days: If what they are alleging is proven true, then all hell is about to break loose, not just in the US but in some other countries that used the software in their elections
  3. Theres already enough handheld devices and hackable consoles out there that have ability to play roms that it’s not really doing them much help revenue-wise to block roms on this device, especially consider that it’s a niche item. They’d do much better to continue going after the rom sites and distribution of rom devices on marketplaces. I think this is more a statement of their stance on roms.
  4. I backed R Type Final 2 during the limited Kickstarter campaign from its Japanese developer. It appears that the US version of R Type Final 2 is now available for preorder on the NIS America online store. Does anyone who backed it know whether we are getting the US version? The campaign website was all Japanese, I had to use google translate
  5. I hope Limited Run or some other company can get the rights from physicality so these games can still come out
  6. I think physicality failed because they didn’t know how to run a business. They were alllowing people to hold a game for as little as $5. They allowed ordered cancellation. And they were giving away money to charity. Likely what happened is that most people were preordering with only $5 down. So they didn’t have enough capital to make their first manufacturing order. So they waited for more preorders to build up cash. Then people got tired of waiting so they cancelled orders, meaning they had even less cash. According to them, they were also giving money from each preorder to charities. So yea, very noble cause, but not sustainable business, especially for a startup company
  7. I wonder if the Ball game is an NES rom...? If so then it’s the newest NES game. Next comes Fire Emblem.. Nintendo is on a roll with NES development
  8. When you put it on clock mode I think it shuts down after a while. I think I remembered it going to sleep after I was watching It for a good while
  9. Does anyone have any ideas for a hard case that you can put this in that doesn’t make it much bigger. I’d like to carry this around in my pocket without getting the screen scratched
  10. I pre-ordered Rolling Gunner. I have not received a refund yet but from the email it sounds like they are going to be processing everybody a refund.I have not received a refund yet but from the email it sounds like they are going to be processing everybody a refund. I wonder if a bunch of people cancelled their preorders because it was taking too long and that caused the company to go upside down
  11. At the very least, can we all at least agree to thank Donald Trump for popularizing the term “fake news?”
  12. For anyone interested, here is the “NOT TAKEN OUT OF CONTEXT” version of that statement. The common issue that I see with people who think that Trump is racist is that they are never willing to actually listen to him talk. Instead they only listen to paraphrased versions of his statements after they have passed through the lefty filter.
  13. Fair enough, but you guys are double dipping if you want to charge him with both racism and nationalism.
  14. Are you saying there are no racist liberals? What about Karen??
  15. I would argue that he embraced Nationalism. The natural result of nationalism is distinguishing citizens and people legally working on naturalization from foreigners. If nationalism is racism then ok maybe he’s racist. In general, excluding Europeans, non-US citizens are of different skin colors. I believe he was simply enforcing laws related illegal immigration that already existed before he became president. He saw it as law enforcement on non-citizens, the media reported it as an attack on non-white races. Dont get me wrong. Racism is real. The attention that George Floyd brought to police brutality against black people is real issues. But those issues have been ongoing in this country long before Donald Trump was President. I’d like to hear some of our non-US members thoughts on the topic of nationalism. There are nationalists in pretty much every country @Dr. Morbis
  16. FINALLY!! Donald Trumps concession speech: https://www.instagram.com/p/CHPAv3vDNbV/?igshid=awn3hek1475x
  17. Over the past 4 years the liberal media has kind of accomplished making support for Donald Trump synonymous to racism. Nobody in America wants to be thought of as a racist, it’s quite a serious allegation over here. So many moderate Trump supporters have taken to hiding in the closet over the past few years. My boss was a pretty vocal supporter but ever since the George Floyd events went down, he does his best to not talk politics.
  18. Regular folks (politically speaking) are becoming a rare thing these days. Everyone I know that has any political understanding is pretty polarized right now. The only people who seem to be “regular” are those who are ignorant of politics and just don’t care. Bloomberg has reported that 70% of Republicans suspect election tampering. That’s a significant enough portion of the population to be considered regular people. I agree with you. I think the division is deliberately planned by think tanks. Sensationalized media is like a drug and we as a population are becoming desensitized to its effects. So they have to keep increasing the dose and it’s making the general population more and more radicalized. Maybe what the country needs right now is for everyone on both sides to turn off the tv and stop watching political programming.
  19. Both sides are guilty when it comes to spreading the virus. Be it protests, rallies, celebrations or whatever. But the right wingers insisting on election fraud feel validated when they see gatherings by some of the same people that insisted we need mail in ballots to reduce the spread.
  20. Yea the perpetual Trump rallies have shown how the Trump team really felt disregard about social distancing policies. The support for mail in ballots was supposed to symbolize the left’s more careful approach to social distance. But I agree the victory celebrations kinda flopped things and just handed more ammo to right wingers in their argument: It’s no surprise that the country is looking like it may have to shut down again
  21. Excuse me, they are already working on a smooth transition of power:
  22. Tulsi Gabbard talked about this football mentality in detail on the Joe Rogan show. I’d highly recommend watching it if you haven’t already: it’s pretty disgusting how the two parties are willing to let the people suffer and let the problems go unresolved because they don’t want the other side to gain any points.
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