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Everything posted by phart010

  1. Part of Friedman’s ideals assumed that people would spend charitably out of their own personal wealth. An essential for this to work would be maintaining the family unit as the baseline of society. If people are having hard times, they can rely on their family or extended family to help them out. Unfortunately today every family member wants to live in a different state and have their own life in isolation. Some people have no family and I get that they legitimately need help, but I think there are plenty of people that could actually reach out to their family or extended family for help. But for whatever reason, pride, family feud, maintaining social image or whatever it may be, they choose not to and instead want social services which places a bigger burden on the rest of society than it needs to.
  2. I didn’t call it a success story. It’s definitely bad. Just pointing out that the USA with all the crap we were doing still ended failing worse than Sweden.
  3. Let’s tax the wealthy, but not the corporations. Corporations are not people. They aren’t hoarding wealth. They pay the profits out to investors every quarter as dividends. If you tax corporations, you are taking money away from every investor at an equal rate. Some of those investors own millions of dollars in shares. But some of them are our grandparents surviving on a meager fixed income 401k that’s shrinking every year and they’re barely getting by. If you tax the corporate profits, grandma is paying the same tax rate as investment bankers. You should tax the money after it gets paid out to the investors as income. Then you can say the millionaires have to pay this higher rate and the everyday 401k investors pay that lower rate.
  4. Did it really? We seem to have had the worst infection rates out of every country in the entire world with our big government. Even Sweden, who did absolutely nothing in the way of changing their lifestyles to respond to the pandemic has better infection rates than us.
  5. Actually Tucker Carlson just got on last night and said a lot of what I said. He started off pretty moderately just saying we should give the allegations a fair look. But he gradually amped things up and by the end of his session he was full blown kool-aid man.
  6. I just woke up this morning thinking about everything that’s going on right now. Wow is all this really happening? Estimated 70% of Republicans are concerned about voter fraud.
  7. It’s there’s no substance, they lose the court battles (or don’t get their cases heard), and continue fighting after that, they would basically be admitting that the US government is not legitimate. The argument Trump supporters are making right now is that “the government decides the election, not the media networks”. If the government decides, then the government decides. There’s nothing else after that. If we want to have a civilized outcome from this election, I don’t see it happening unless both sides can agree to trust in the court system that we have and allow fair scrutiny followed by a decision. If Biden legitimately won, just give the people who doubt it some time to process it so they can see and accept the loss. If we just call it the way it is now Republicans are going to feel betrayed, rightly or wrongly. They will not make peace if you skip this step.
  8. The Trump supporters I know would argue that I tacitly supported Biden
  9. I actually voted libertarian, not because I feel strongly about the party, but because I didn’t feel particularly enthusiastic about Trump or Biden. I guess the beauty about being a minority is that everyone on both sides hates you
  10. State Supreme Courts. Each state has specific laws regarding the voting process. It seems the RNC is challenging whether the processes defined in these laws were followed. They are arguing that if the processes were not followed for a portion of the ballots, it could put their integrity at question, and potentially disqualify them. I think any and all of these cases that gain traction, are inevitably going to get appealed by whichever side loses until they reach the highest level of court for final decision.
  11. I can see how different justices can have different biases based on their own personal values when it comes to interpreting broadly defined rights and relating them back to modern social issues. I can’t imagine a justice having any room to apply their biases on determining legitimacy or illegitimacy of evidence and concluding existence or non-existence of fraud based on facts.
  12. If we can’t trust the courts, then the system has already been stolen
  13. Let him present his evidence. It will either stick or it won’t
  14. This just in.. Rudy Giuliani has the evidence There’s still a month until the “real election” by the electoral college. What could happen between now and then? Who knows... all we can do is wait and see. Whenever a judgement is made, we should accept it and move on
  15. Treading on thin ice here. Debates about Israel can get real messy real fast
  16. I find it very concerning that AOC is calling for the archiving of Trump supporters so that it will be known who they were even after they’ve deleted their posts/tweets. Looks like someone has now created an online archive of supporters, the Trump Accountability Project. What do you suppose they would need a list like this for? Social credit score?? https://gnews.org/539056/
  17. What could have happened? I don’t know. That’s why we should look into the allegations to see if there’s any substance. Maybe it’s all BS. Maybe there’s something there. I don’t have a horse in this race. I actually voted libertarian. Your reply sounds like you are invested in the outcome. If I spend the time to lookup names of people, is it really going to make a dent with you? If you really care to know, you can easily google it. It’s important to treat this stuff seriously because if you don’t, half the country will feel that their complaints were ignored. They will reject the new president and we will never be united. Look into this stuff, even if you know it’s complete BS just to put the other half of the country at ease.
  18. We will see. True, there were broad baseless allegations before the election. Now there are specific allegations from named individuals against other named individuals. I would say that testimonials are evidence. And if there is anything to be found out, then there will be a smoking gun. Whether or not any of this is credible is to be found out by investigators and scrutinized by the court system. If you don’t trust in the courts, then I don’t know what to tell you. Doesn't matter if they are wasting time, Biden can’t assume office until 2021 anyways. I think at the end of the day, if you get enough eyes on matters like this, nobody can steal it, your either going to find that allegations were false and Biden moves forward in 2021 or allegations were true and they adjust the count.
  19. There are allegations of voter fraud being made. People are building the cases at this very moment. Who cares whether you are for Trump or Biden, these are serious accusations. People are questioning the integrity of the election process. If people don’t stand down (and doesn’t look like they are going to) it is starting to look like it could turn into a civil war. For something that has big consequences like this, I can’t see it NOT getting appealed to the highest court. Whatever decision they court comes up with, people should just accept it, and move on with life.
  20. I disagree with the notion that the Supreme is iffy. You can’t get into the Supreme Court if you have biases. That why it’s the highest court. Too much scrutiny on every decision you make and your decision as a justice is justified in writing for people to review. Sure there are people that are more liberal or conservative. But in their decisions they will always separate their personal inclinations from their interpretations of the law.They get nominated based on their track record of good unbiased judgement. SC Justices are there for life and they dont have to worry about displeasing ANYBODY or getting fired. Also loyalties to any special interests don’t get them any special treatment, they already have a the highest position they can possibly get and they have it permanently. So there’s no reason for a justice to have biases towards a party or president, they’ll still hold their position long after both of these guys running for office have died of old age.
  21. The disputed states really need to get triple counted and sent up to the Supreme Court for a final decision. Think about how many Republicans are in disbelief right now. We can’t have a united country for the next four years while a large portion of the population believes that the president won by cheating. If it gets properly vetted, there will no longer be any room for people to disagree with the findings and we can accept the decision and get on with our lives.
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