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Everything posted by phart010

  1. “Those who vote decide nothing. Those who count the vote decide everything.”
  2. I wouldn’t think that matters. The whole military is a little over 1 million strong. Divide that by 50 states for an average of around 20,000 military personnel per state. Of those, how many are actually deployed during elections? Maybe half? Probably not a large enough number of votes to move the scale one way or another
  3. People elevate leaders because they admire them. I don’t see politicians as leaders. Politicians are representatives. They will make decisions that they may be personally against, because that is the will of the people they represent. We look up to leaders as good people and as model examples. A representative can have sex scandals and bad morals in their closet, but you can still use them to do the job of representing the will of the people. If someone is good at investing, repairing, building, etc people don’t really care about their personal life. You just care whether they will do a good job. The politicians job is to accurately and tactfully represent their people’s interests.
  4. @JVOSScheck this out https://m.alibaba.com/trade/search?SearchText=ds Game clamshell&from=header&&SearchScene& You could probably send one of those to one of these suppliers and they’ll make you a ton of them for a few cents each
  5. Those are the shells they put ds games in at Gamestop. They probably have a bunch at Gamestop, but you only get one with each game. I bet they have a Chinese supplier on Aliexpress
  6. I mostly use a bidet so I’m immune to toilet paper shortages
  7. Hi guys. Sorry to get all political, but I just can’t keep it in So this poll is about who you expect will win the election. Not who you voted for or who you want to win. Even if you hate the outcome that you expect, I hope you all will be honest about who you expect will win. Feel free to discuss, but please don’t get into stupid arguments, name-calling etc.. just wanted to collect some polling data, that’s all
  8. I have circled some white spots on the box. I can’t tell from the pictures, but take a closer look at these. Are these spots box wear or are they just some illusion due to the way the picture was taken? Also inspect those corners. I can’t tell if that is light reflection or whited corners. Usually corners are the easiest things to wear out once you start opening and closing the box flap. When they wear, the paint will flake off at the folds and there’s white where the paint flakes.
  9. Ready to upgrade to NIV? Looks like there’s two copies on eBay, one cart only for a decent price. Not bad for the “rarest”
  10. No seam is apparent. That’s not always a definitive ‘NO’, but It would warrant extra scrutiny. Better pictures would help. Any cardboard scratches or box wear underneath the plastic?
  11. It’s arguable. There’s often some additional content or minor changes when they port the game to GBA. Like the Mario advance games all have little extras. Contra spirits has some level changes. Some games were ports from other systems that never had an SNES release (phantasy star collection). Some games were only available on SNES in Japan and debuted in USA on GBA.
  12. Now just give us wide screen Mario 64 and we can call it a day
  13. So on September 18, we got a Mario 3d compilation on Switch. It caters to people who may have grown up in the N64, GameCube or Wii era, but they must get a Switch by March 31 or else they’ll lose the chance to play it. On October 1, we got a Switch exclusive, Mario 35, which caters to people who may have grown up in the NES era. Free to play, but again you have to get a Switch now to enjoy playing until expiration of March 31. We will be getting Fire Emblem on December 4th which presumably caters to an older JRPG audience.. Again you have to have a Switch and buy it before March 31.. Anyone starting to see a pattern? What’s special about March 31?? Wouldn’t it make sense to make the cutoff date for FE a month or two later than the Mario games since it comes out later?? I wouldn’t be surprised to see more limited games for Switch coming out that will only be available until March 31. What’s next.. Four Swords Anniversary Edition on Switch?? Nintendo knows that limited supply is one of the strong motivators in making sales. It appears that Nintendo is really putting on the pressure to convert any remaining potential buyers that may have stopped playing games into first time Switch owners. And they want them to hurry up and buy a Switch before a certain date. Maybe after that special date they’ll have a special announcement to make? Once someone purchases the *NEW* Switch, there’s no chance that they’ll purchase an original Switch. But if someone buys an original Switch there’s always a chance that they’ll buy the *NEW* Switch at a later time.
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