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Everything posted by phart010

  1. Someone in the Switch hacking community is going to dump the rom. Then its inevitably gonna get flashed onto boards. Some people (im guilty) will inevitably pickup one of those boards and plug it into this official replica shell to make their own semi-official physical release.
  2. I just signed up for a promotional deal for Spectrum internet: $44.99 per month for 24 months. When I was with a previous service provider, they used to tell you the date when your promotional price would expire right on the bill. Well my first Spectrum bill came in and it doesn’t say anything about how long the promo pricing is good for, so I decided to call them just to verify. The lady I spoke with got very defensive when I asked about the term of my promotion. She said the promotional price is $44.99 for the first 12 months and then the discount decreases after that... so I asked what the second year pricing is and she said they will not know until 4 month before the new rate takes effect. I became a bit more assertive to get answers and she said she thinks it will probably go to something around $59.99 which Im assuming is just normal non-promotional pricing levels. They don’t do contracts, you can cancel at any time... so why not just advertise the promotion as 12 month pricing? Why do companies find it necessary to lie to us? I would have been perfectly fine signing up for 12 months at that rate, but the fact they tried bait me in with 24 months and then come to find out it’s actually only 12 months just leaves me feeling disgusted with Spectrum. I am disappointed with Spectrum for being a dishonest company.
  3. UPS and UPS store are not the same entity. UPS store is a franchise company that operates as an agent for UPS. They can only the transactions that UPS allows agents to do.
  4. Limited time only is the future. Limited Runs success (5 years) has proven efficacy of this model. That’s why everyone is copying it, I don’t see the cycle being broken anytime soon
  5. I wonder if the clear replica game shell will have the same pattern as an original NES game shell. If it does, you could get an INL board flashed with the localized rom and put it into the shell
  6. Hey how bout keeping it family friendly! MODS!!
  7. If it’s a new release, listen for people whining about it being emulated or whining about it not being emulated
  8. I only really played games up to PS1 also, and let everyone tell you, Switch is my favorite system. There are too many games that appeal to retro gamers
  9. Oops. My list doesn’t actually highlight the ports, I just did that on the fly for this post. Guess I need to get to work and PLAY all of my games
  10. That makes two of us. I’m not the original owner of mine though, but chances are this is the manual that came with mine
  11. I made these lists some time ago when I was actively collecting GBA.. since then I’ve become aware of some others that are definitely worth getting, but just have not revised the list. Actually have not gotten into playing the Battle Networks yet, so Im not well versed on the numbers of those (ironically I actually do have Battle Network 6 though).. Theres 1 or 2 games on the list that are trash, they just accidentally didn’t get deleted. So you’ll have to exert at least some effort I think its still a good starter list for anyone looking to experience GBA.
  12. Used Wii’s can often be found for $20 and many people already have a Wii sitting around. Wii has GameCube compatibility. All of the a Wii U library has already been ported to Switch, and Wii U doesn’t play GameCube. So many don’t really want to pay the $100+ for a Wii U just for HDMI
  13. It’s cheap and it works. But now hd retro vision makes an hdmi cable that plugs into the Wii... costs more but it’s less clunky
  14. I’ve got running lists of top games for all systems, less the more obscure ones. GBA just happened to be one with around 200 games.
  15. Rebelstar looks interesting, never seen this one yet before. Always another rock to turn over
  16. I’ve already done this. Top 200 (or so) GBA games in my opinion. Greyed out games are ports. Also missing a few good ones I’ve found out about more recently: Edit: a couple of games probably don’t belong on this list, I just put them on there because I happened to have them
  17. Are you referring to the game that is actually called Jumpman?
  18. Both definitions are correct. It’s just a problem of clarifying who is licensing the game. When NES was active Nintendo was granting publishers licenses as permission to make games for their proprietary hardware platform. Licensed “for use on the platform.” Today the IP holders are giving publishers licenses as permission for the use of their creative intellectual property. Licensed “to use Intellectual property” They are both valid licenses, but your talking apples to oranges.
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