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Everything posted by phart010

  1. I get it now. The Lion king is the snes game and Aladdin is the Genesis version. So both cases are appropriate
  2. Mario was first a carpenter. Then he had a career change and became a plumber. But he was a plumber “a long time ago”. Oh and by the way, he’s only 25 years old right now. I don’t know about you guys but that’s pretty impressive
  3. All while keeping his various girlfriends in the dark about each others existence These hearts mean more than just friendship
  4. Jump man was the name they used for Mario when the original DK arcade was released. By the time that had come out they had already decided they wanted him to be called Mario, but the promotional materials had already been published. Everything after DK arcade (DK Atari, DK Jr., etc) calls him Mario. Pauline is Mario’s girlfriend. There is no canon. Nintendo didn’t put much thought into making a coherent storyline in terms of the relationships of characters. Same goes for DK Country which Nintendo granted creative freedom to Rare with regard to developing the story. Anything that suggests otherwise is an afterthought. Miyamoto himself said he thinks of Mario like Popeye. Every episode, they reshuffle the roles of the entire cast of characters. Usually Popeye and Bluto are adversaries, sometimes they’re friends, sometimes they work together in various professions, sometimes olive is Popeye’s girlfriend, sometimes she’s Bluto’s girlfriend. There’s no cohesive storyline, they adapt the cast of characters as needed for every episode.
  5. I was at Best Buy and saw they have multiple copies of the Lion King/Aladdin Collectors edition for Switch. However, one of them seems to be in what appears to be a Genesis style clamshell case while the other is in a SNES style cardboard box... they are both for Switch. I wonder why they made two variants?
  6. I saw a video where they interviewed Miyamoto to talk about how Mario World was made. He said they started by porting Mario 3 to SNES. Then they started adding new features to the game.. Since Mario 3 is ported to SNES on Super Mario All stars and all 3 Mario games conceivably run on the same engine, I wonder if the games in Mario All stars were actually made first and just got released later.
  7. Now just add some pictures and do two paragraphs per page and you just made the game manual. Let’s print some off on glossy paper
  8. Could it possibly be a fake? In developing countries you’ll often see stuff like this for sale in markets. They sell cheap Chinese junk and they’ll slap a logo from a well known company on it to try and improve the chances that it sells. I’ve seen cheap portable DVD players that are all identical with peel-off stickers logos of Sony, Philips, LG, Samsung and they’re all the exact same cheapo product. You don’t tend to see this stuff in the US because it doesn’t get past US customs. But it’s very common in other countries with less customs enforcement. I wonder if this is just some fake merch that someone branded as PlayStation...?
  9. Zelda 35th anniversary is in February. That might be a good time to promote it
  10. They are professional collectors. They used to collect comic books back in the day and rode the bubble to the top. Now they have sold off some expensive comics and are turning sealed video games into the next bubble market
  11. I thought shadow complex is PS4?
  12. So it’s about time that I get a PS3. People have finally started selling them on Craigslist at a price that I’m willing to pay. I am kind of stubborn and only really like games in retro genres, like sidescrolling platformers, rpg’s and shootem ups. These are the games I’ve identified that I’m pretty interested in getting: -Castlevania: Harmony of Despair -Hard Corps: Uprising (Contra series) -Strider Hiryu -3d dot heroes -Double Dragon Neon What else should I be going for?
  13. What ever happened with the Hyperkin Retron Jr? Seemed like they had it ready for production in the beginning of the year... seems to have gone quiet.. Did Nintendo shut it down?
  14. I’m totally happy with the glorified repro. Eventually will get all the games I want, just pacing myself.. but this rerelease is good enough to satisfy my need for Shantae GBC Wow what a value. It’s CIB, brand new sealed for only $45
  15. Good thing they re-released it, it was starting to get expensive
  16. It tastes like mildew and bacteria. You have to train your brain to remember that it’s “good mildew” and “good bacteria”. Then it will taste good
  17. Some foods that people, in general, either hate or love: Candy corn Licorice Anchovies what else...???
  18. I don’t see what the big deal is. If the person was still interested after seeing your price they will reply. If they’re not interested they don’t reply. No biggie
  19. I must have been getting lucky. Was playing on day 1 and couldn’t stop winning. Now everyone must have gotten better because I can’t seem to win anymore. Keep on losing in second or third place. I think people are starting to play this more strategically as opposed to just running along. One thing you cAn do is use the left analog stick to choose exactly who you want to target. Or you can go after the guy with the most coins with the right analog stick. If he’s the last one remaining then he’ll keep using his coins to power back up. Keep an eye on the little screens and make sure they are not at a point where they will be finding a Star before you send a lot of enemies their way
  20. Longer than Mario 64, but much shorter than Mario Odyssey
  21. All of the content had to have been developed by Nintendo then forwarded to St Giga for broadcasting. I would guess Nintendo retained a copy of all the content they created in their archives. I doubt any of this stuff is actually lost. It’s just locked up in the Nintendo archives never to be shared
  22. I’ve always been winning on time. Just keep my time at 400 or as high a possible and everyone else seems to just die after a while. I’m not speed running or anything, just taking my time, being careful and being very good about getting jump combos. It’s pretty crazy, I feel like I’m really good at Mario now.. But I think I just found a particularly good working strategy for the given set of rules
  23. There’s Game Paks and then there’s Game Packs:
  24. The way that I’ve found to win is to just pace yourself. Don’t go to fast. Always keep the fire flower so you can kill bowsers. But don’t use the fire flower all the time, you only get 1 second for killing an enemy with the fire. Instead, just wait for lines of enemy’s and then combo jump on them. You’ll get time multipliers for every successive enemy you stomp on, you’ll have 400 seconds in no time. Mario’s jumps in this game are more like Mario 2 (lost levels) than Mario 1, he has way more control. If you tap A just before landing on the enemy he’ll do a high jump so it’s easy to combo.
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