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Everything posted by phart010

  1. Got 1st place like 75% of the time. Either I’m really good or every one else is really bad. As someone who struggles beating Mario 1, I think it’s the latter. This game is really fun. I wonder if there’s a way to play with someone you know?
  2. @JVOSSis there any way you can document the asin # on the barcode?
  3. The first iPhone came out in 2008. Even then it took a few years for people to switch from dumb phones to smart phones. Prior to that looking up prices for games was done at your desktop pc at home, not at the flea market or at the point of sale.
  4. Is it possible to burn gameboy interface to a mini dvd and boot it from that? I have a European GameCube which is modchipped so I can play North American games with the scart RGB output. One of the bonuses of my setup is that it plays games on burned mini dvds. It would be awesome if I could get gbi to boot from a disc
  5. Hold onto it. Maybe if Asia becomes the new center of world dominance it will someday be revered by a new collector class of Asians as highly as stadium events.
  6. Isn’t Captain N specific to North American audiences?
  7. Here’s another thought: Nintendo was doing refurbished Wii, Wii U, DS and 3DS games sold direct from their website. Many of them were sold sealed with an alternative cover art that clearly labeled it as a refurbished product.. Are those considered variants?? If they are, then what about refurbished NES games that were sent into Nintendo for repair. Nintendo would professionally refurbish those, and put a sticker on the cartridge to note that it was serviced. Is that a variant?? If so then they are quite rare.
  8. I’ve never played Yo Noid. Based on the video, looks like a hidden gem
  9. There’s “Game & Watch” and there’s “Game Watch”
  10. Nintendo is revealing a new Smash character tomorrow. Who do you think it’s gonna be? I think pretty much all the top most wanted characters have been added already... maybe a character to help promote a new 1st party game?? My guess: Paper Mario??
  11. When I look back at my life as a kid, as an adult I know it wasn’t that great. But back then I was ignorant and couldn’t comprehend it or compare myself with others. Ignorance is bliss
  12. This idea has been on my mind today and I had what I feel is an epiphany moment so just wanted to share thoughts. Memories are information about past events stored in our brain. The types of information associated with these events are: -what we saw -what we were thinking -what happened -what we heard -how we felt I was just reflecting on my kids.. my baby daughter, like most other babies is always happy. That is her default condition, there are no complex thoughts that can enable her to feel any other way. She doesn’t understand language, so I think that all of her memories that are being stored are simply visual and feeling information (what she sees and the happiness she feels). Even her older sisters who are now in school are generally always happy. Sure they have upset or jealous moments, but they are kids and since every experience is pretty new for them, everything they do is pretty exciting and in general they are mostly very happy. So most of the memories they are storing now are happy memories. When you go down memory lane, you can relive your memories. If memories from when you were younger are typically associated with feelings of happiness (because young kids are typically pretty happy by default) then maybe this is why nostalgia makes us happy. Maybe we are simply remembering the way we felt when we were younger which happened to be much happier than we are as adults
  13. I have a few non-working GBA and GBC games of medium to high value. Don’t see any bad traces, but they just don’t work. I want to try a final attempt at salvaging them by transplanting the game chips onto equivalent boards from less expensive games.. Is there a Master list that I can reference to figure out which games have the same PCs board?
  14. Is there a Hong Kong version of this? Maybe the sticker version was for sale in Hong Kong?? I know some English speaking people had expat settlements in Hong Kong back in the day...
  15. Is there any solid confirmation that 108 no sticker came that way? What if they all had the sticker and some people just peeled it off??
  16. Nice! This is quite an achievement. Some of these simply just don’t pop up.. I’ve found myself going down this hole about two years ago. Not going for complete, just key titles. Still looking for 15 more of these. . I like how the look of CHN labels fit in more uniformly with my US versions than Japanese versions and also totally dig the alternative artwork
  17. Anyone remember seeing these initials “N&B” in the last stage of Mario zone. I’ve always wondered what this stands for
  18. It would make sense to give it a short term battery/capacitor even if only for 10-15 seconds of runtime. This would enable it to ride through temporary power losses when the solar source is blocked for 1-2 seconds
  19. This gameboy runs on solar panels built into the shell. They say “no batteries.” Although I wonder if there may be some capacitors or short term energy storage to help regulate power consistency and prevent the the thing from sputtering.
  20. What a disappointment. You would have thought that Capcom would give us a cool image of Zero...
  21. I could have sworn I remember seeing another Mario picture... can’t remember what game it was. More pictures:
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