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Everything posted by jonebone

  1. I watch every game yes if there is nothing going on. Wont stay up late for prime time contests though.
  2. Happy I get my Sunday back and dont have to suffer thru a Skins game. I'll have the TV on but wont be glued to it.
  3. Yes I've done it, many times. If you get the same game back and enough cash theres no reason to regret it either.
  4. None but may go after a Mario Gottlieb at some point. Only want 1, have 2 arcades that barely get booted once a month as it is.
  5. Great service to have from one of the most trusted in the community
  6. Welcome aboard, you'll like it here!
  7. Looks like almost a white oval seal overlaid on a black circle seal?
  8. Epic, my fave NES game ever. Something I had in common with Dain. Make sure to thank all those new comic buyers piled in and overpaid for sealed NES games!
  9. I meant SMB3 in Sealed form. Agree the cart and CIB are way too common to move the needle much. Sealed is fairly common as far as sealed games go, but if someone wants to buy 10, 15 or 20 it affects the Sealed market significantly while it wouldn't affect loose at all. I believe that high condition games will always have value and the rares will hold up pretty well. Uncommon to common in average condition will be pretty stagnant though.
  10. Can't we just have this in the bigger forum? We specifically need an auction site spotlight there...
  11. Your GunSmoke comment got me thinking... Can you beat Duck Hunt? That's a fave of mine but I don't think I've ever beaten that either. I've only played it in 5 / 10 minute spurts but it's a fun pick up and play game. My kids love it on the Playchoice-10 too.
  12. GVN is still actively collecting data on historical games. It's just not adding new games like a Switch collector or modern collector would want to happen. GVN bought it to integrate into it's pricing data. What that means is TBD.
  13. Welcome over! Saw your NA post about not getting to celebrate your 10 year anniversary there, but you're a welcome addition to this site!
  14. Nice, and a Virginian! Don't you guys have to pay high personal property taxes on cars? I wouldn't own a nice car in that state either.
  15. A twist on the prior thread of favorite game ever. What about a game that you really love, yet have never beaten it? Or maybe you only beat it with cheat codes / save state emulator / etc. Without derailing the topic about what does it mean to "beat a game", we'll play the the honor system here and you guys know what I mean. It's probably Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!! for me. I didn't own it as a kid, only got to borrow it from a friend. So much fun to play casually. As an adult I know I made it to Tyson but don't recall ever beating him. And I think that would be a memory worthy event so I recognize I probably never did. And that's a top 5 NES game for me, no doubt. Another one, from the collector perspective is maybe Resident Evil 1 / 2. I like collecting those games but never beat one until RE4 on Gamecube. But that was because I never owned a PS1 as a kid, and only casually played them at a friend's house. I'm not a big horror guy either, so while I like them as a collector, they aren't games I've beaten. What about you?
  16. So this is nothing new to the hobby, there have always been people buying multiples of items. Either due to thinking the item is currently undervalued, due to them just loving a franchise (1000 copies of Dragon Warrior anyone?) or even as just an experiment (Rampart on GB that got publicized). But lately, with all of the new comic blood pouring in, I've noticed they are doing the same too. Apparently #multiplecomicmonday is a thing, and they hype up Mario 3 to be their Hulk 181 which is apparently a high demand but high supply yet still valuable item. Have you all noticed this or what's your thoughts? I understand variant collecting (multiples of a same game, different versions) and also understand people who might own an extra (one CIB / one Sealed) or maybe 2 (2-3 sealed copies of a real favorite) but anything beyond that and I just can't relate. I'd rather free up that money and buy other items I don't already own. But yes, I have some buyers who just want anything of XXXX title no matter how many they already own. I'll happily sell it to them when they pay well but it's definitely manipulating the market on high end stuff with only few copies in supply.
  17. So that's why you have a Mint sealed Dusty Diamond, it all makes sense now!
  18. I have no kid nostalgia for Mega Mans... didn't experience them until an adult. But I really find MM2 and MM3 interchangable to me without the nostalgia. MM2 had better weapons (Metal Blades overpowered though), but both had great music and MM3 added the slide.
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