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Everything posted by jonebone

  1. Glad to contribute to the cause! And while Gloves is such a gentleman, don't let him trivialize the costs. The costs move directly with user activity, and if we get a ton of active users logged in at all times, then the monthly recurring costs go up significantly. In other words, just because it seems cheap today does not mean it will be cheap tomorrow. If you're passionate about helping the cause please consider contributing!
  2. Neat, I really only collect from his active playing days. Gotta draw the line somewhere but I know all of the 1/1 modern stuff has plenty of value.
  3. Man I knew you were such a lovable guy!
  4. I see the VG Economics section but believe the Price Check subforum would warrant it's own section. Fairly popular traffic wise, and also incentivizes new members to come in and ask the experts.
  5. Good post, I'm of the same exact mentality. Let that site RIP IMO.
  6. I vote for signatures but keeping them extremely small, maybe 3 to 4 lines max. Am fine with or without pictures.
  7. Cal Ripken Baseball cards, and random signed sports memorabilia.
  8. One of my favorite reads from NA, the tradition continues!
  9. The resident test center expert has arrived!
  10. If I needed it for the collection I'd keep it as a placeholder at least. But yeah, that would irk me having those.
  11. I'm planning to straddle in the meantime, but based on the GoCollect track record, we may not have to worry about that for long.
  12. Made it over too finally. Damn early to bed and early to rise...
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