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Everything posted by nrslam

  1. 8 for me. Musta missed this first time around. Excellent movie, and Jessica Rabbit was on my "you can invite 5 movie characters to dinner" list. Too bad I found Roger so dang anoying, though, which keeps it from being a 10.
  2. 1222. Pretty easy except the last one. Kinda surprised Kryptonite is getting shut out. Or maybe not, since I didn't pick it either.
  3. 1111. Actually had to go listen to a couple of these before deciding.
  4. A quick search for "ebay annual sales" turned up this chart. Its in $ rather than items so is affected by price changes, and it only goes up to 2018. Coincidentally, the big drop in 2012/2013 area is when they started all the anti-seller stuff.
  5. Two great songs, but I've got to go with Kashmir. Mainly because my brother was a huge Stones fan BITD and he was wrong about, well, everything.
  6. That's why drive-by zucchini-ing (leaving unrequested baskets of that crap on people's doorsteps at night) is a thing!
  7. 1112. I wish you'd paired these up differently, as I find myself picking songs I voted against in earlier rounds.
  8. Please post whatever you find out here. I've had a similar looking system, a Demo Vision, for years and could never use it as it came without the cable or modified GB. Yours looks to be in much better condition.
  9. Nah, it's just that stations that play Freebird repeat it every two hours. In between they play Hotel California 5 times.
  10. Poison Whiskey, but then I had a thing for JW Red...
  11. 1122. All good tunes, though some I can't listen to anymore due to overplaying.
  12. There were A-hole flyers in pre 9/11 times too. I know because I was one. Little known fact from BITD; small, non-structural skin cracks on airplanes were marked with yellow grease pencils, usually a circle to indicate a crack tip with a line leading back to the point of origin. These marks were made by inspectors after each flight and when crack length or density reached a threshold, that skin panel was replaced. I used to point out those crack marks to my seatmates, especially the nervous looking ones, along with comments like "Ooh! I don't think they're supposed to let them get that long." Got plenty of empty seats next to me that way. FWIW, airlines no longer use visible crack indicators like that.
  13. TG-16? There's almost nothing cheap on that machine and, for me at least, most of the top-priced titles are pretty good.
  14. No luck, I'm afraid. I found rental cases for 3 stores (Home Video Express, Video Update, and Game Crazy) but no Blockbuster cases.
  15. I'm pretty sure Blockbuster did have a rental case that they used for games released in cardboard. I will check my backstock in the next couple of days and see if I've got any. I know I have some Genesis rental cases, but I'm not sure they're from Blockbuster.
  16. 1112. Depending on my mood, my overall winner is in this batch.
  17. That's the one! Oddly enough, I've yet to see the MST3K version. Have to put that on the list.
  18. There are several classics from 1957: Bridge on the River Kwai 12 Angry Men Designing Women Funny Face Gunfight at the OK Corral Old Yeller Slaughter on Tenth Avenue The Three Faces of Eve Witness for the Prosecution but I'm going to have to go with the Academy here: Bridge on the River Kwai is a truly great film, and I've got that dang song stuck in my head. "Comet! It makes your teeth turn green..." More importantly, we had enough SciFi schlock to fill several seasons of MST3K. Check out these titles: 20 Million Miles to Earth Attack of the Crab Monsters The Brain from Planet Arous The Daughter of Dr Jekyll From Hell it Came The Giant Claw I Was a Teenage Frankenstein I Was a Teenage Werewolf The Incredible Shrinking Man Invasion of the Saucer Men The Invisible Boy Love Slaves of the Amazons Monster from Green Hell The Monster that Challenged the World The Night the World Exploded Reform School Girl Voodoo Women Zombies of Mora Tau
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