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Everything posted by nrslam

  1. 4/10 Seems about right. A decent percentage of good games, but with such a small library that doesn't translate to a big number. AvP and Tempest almost make it worth owning just for those. Haven't played mine for a couple years but I'll give the library another whirl when my number comes up for the back-ordered GameDrive multicart. It is one of the better looking consoles and has the best name ever, so there's that.
  2. 8 for me. Great library with a fair number of games I still enjoy, and the hardware has proven to be a big improvement, reliabilty-wise, over the NES.
  3. Maybe if the courts started holding executives criminally responsible for turning a blind eye to counterfeiting on thier sites....
  4. Solid 8 for me. Just about my favorite series ever but I did like some later entries a bit more. If Nintendo ever wants to sell me a Switch, this is one of only two series (Pikmin is the other) that'd do it. And no crummy rehash of an already released game, either. I want new content.
  5. One of the weird/interesting things about collecting for this system is there seem to be a large number of "demo" discs supposedly used by reps to show off titles to potential dealers. These most commonly came in white, but sometimes in green or red, usually with "Not for Resale" on them and simple black & white text-only instructions. In some cases, the demos seem more common than the actual retail releases. Not sure how so many demos, if that's what they were, made it out into the wild.
  6. Weird console. The games were pretty forgettable, but mine got a fair amount of use playing both CD-i movies (pre-DVD) and for watching edutainment videos (pre-internet), both from a local rental store. And for a system that didn't sell all that well, Philips made over 20 different models for some bizarre reason (many not intended for home use, but still...). But the games...Yuck. I suppose the Nintendo games give the system some credibility. 3/10. I've heard people describe this as the worst console of all time. Those people have never played a VIS.
  7. I gave it a 6. It's OK, but I rarely bother with mine with its flaky connector and stupidly big carts.
  8. I like those, too, but Sega also had the Mark III, Sega CD, and 32X. They were pretty hit and miss.
  9. I was pretty lucky finding Tg16 stuff in the wild back in the day. The only US HuCard I'm missing is Magical Chase (of course) and I found a few foreign and CD releases, too. About 30% of the cards are loose, though, and I have very few of the cardboard boxes, but prices are too silly to go chasing them. Never lucked upon any way to play the CDs, either.
  10. One of my least favorite consoles, and a bit of everything that could be done wrong, was. It's a rehashed Atari 400 computer (released 3 years earlier) but incompatible with its software and peripherals. Super Breakout was a terrible pack-in (years old and a bad match for the controllers). Controllers have crap reliability and very few 3rd party options, the console takes up too much desk space, even the cartridges are bigger than they need to be. Tiny library with few, if any, exclusives. And to top it all off, it was released just as The Crash was getting started. 2/10.
  11. 5. Saw it when new, but remember almost nothing about it except it wasn't very Mario-ish. I'd likely remember it better if it had truly stunk, hence the rating.
  12. Gave it a 3. It's got a few good points, like a built-in keyboard and sprites that don't flicker, and the combined board/video games were an interesting idea. Otherwise, it's pretty meh for the time. The small library does make it easy to collect for.
  13. Solid 9, still fun to watch today. Loved the bullet time. Even though they didn't invent the technique, they gave it a cool name and made it popular.
  14. At a thrift last week, I watched someone sweep the entire game shelf (~30 Wii/PS2/PS3/Xbox/360) games into his cart then spend the next 15 minutes looking up each title online and putting them back one at a time as he found each had insufficient profit potential. I don't think he bought any but nobody else could even look as he did this. Can totally understand a store not wanting that.
  15. I'm in the minority for really liking this console. My manly hands have no issues with the tablet, and I can use it to play games without tying up the TV. The game roster is small but I enjoy many of them, and it wasn't too hard to get them all fairly cheap. Likely the last console I'll ever have a full set for. Being able to play all the Wii games is a nice bonus. 8.
  16. I picked 80% local, just because I did buy a few things online before the counterfeiters took over, but really its more like 97% local. I feel sorry for collectors paying online/game store prices these days.
  17. Ah, yes, the retrohq SD card. I obtained mine after the photo so that one's missing from the picture. Like yours, mine predates the name change. Unfotunately, ATM I have no idea where it is. Moving really sucks.
  18. So very sorry to hear. My condolences.
  19. My NGPC (all my stuff, actually) is still packed up from an ongoing move, but here's a picture of my collection from a few years ago. Don't think anything new has been added since then. This is actually multiple pictures photoshopped (badly) together.
  20. Interesting to read others' take on this. I've never owned, and likely never will, a PS3. After being underwhelmed by both the PS2 and Xbox, this is where I switched from "gotta collect everything" to "only buy what I like". Word on the street was that poor reliability combined with mandatory downloading made this a console (along with Xbox360) to skip. Hence my "No Interest" vote.
  21. For those not in the know, there is an SD flash cart for this system. US link: https://stoneagegamer.com/neopocket-gamedrive-ngpc-style.html Google it if you want it somewhere else.
  22. I gave it 7/10. Sure it's primitive looked at from today, but it was so much better than the competition at the time. The large library of originals along with probably the most active homebrew scene on the planet gives games to match most people's tastes. I also find it the most fun to collect for due to the wide number of real variants (not just trivial details like NES folk obsess over) and hardware releases, and it's probably the only mainstream system that nobody will ever have a complete set of games for so I'll never be "done." The simplicity of most games makes it a perfect handheld, so my Flashback Portable actually gets more use than the original hardware.
  23. Top of the franchise for me. Sean Connery shows off his comedy chops.
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