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Everything posted by nrslam

  1. I don't resent anyone else's collecting, except the furshlugginer sumguys who get to the good stuff at garage sales and thrifts before I do.
  2. I've got a big Excel spreadsheet that I try to keep up to date as stuff goes in or out, but I've only ever done an inventory once in 25+ years of collecting. The spreadsheet is full of codes that only I would understand. The entry for the Intellivision game Snafu, for example, reads: Snafu {2} SW1 XBM WW5 This shows me I have: {2} overlays for the game, S-Sears version, W-White label version, it's rarity-1, I have the cart (X) Box (B) and Manual (M), and a total of 5 spares, 2 of which are the white label variety (WW5). Coding for the spares is incomplete (don't know how many are boxed, for example) and I don't track where I got something or how much I paid.
  3. I see where the EU has a new right-to-repair law: https://finance.yahoo.com/news/eu-repair-laws-require-technology-144409354.html I'm sure the scope of this law will eventually expand to include gaming devices, if it doesn't already, and spread to the US. Reading thru it, I had a hazy memory that the US used to have laws mandating the availability of spare parts for consumer electronics. Not quite the same as right-to-repair laws, which have as much to do with the who and how of repairs as they do spare parts, but these laws did ensure that a thing could be repaired, even if you did have to go to an authorized repair shop. These laws (if my memory isn't totally wrong) were just ignored by the flood of cheap imported electronics using the claim of repairability=higher prices. Think the new laws will end up any different?
  4. My WiiU hasn't been connected to the internet for a while, so I won't be getting this update. You won't be breaking my system that way, Nintendo!
  5. My tastes don't align with most others, it seems. I've never watched most of those shows, and only a couple (GOT & Breaking Bad) did I see regularly. Guess that's why most of my shows get cancelled quickly.
  6. I buy most of my stuff through thrifts, flea markets, and garage sales. Books, electronics, toys, jewelry (for the wife, I don't even wear a watch), kitchen gadgets, tools, sporting goods etc all come from those sources when I can find what I want. I do have some limits. I'll buy used sweat pants, for example, but not used underwear. Luckily I only need a new 3-pack once every 10 years or so.
  7. 8 from me. A favorite of mine, it gets more play than the PS2 or Xbox and isn't so ridiculously large. Games on the DC always seemed bright and colorful compared to those on PS2/Xbox. I even like the controller, and the minigames on the VMU were a novel idea. Too bad it spelled the end for Sega as a console maker.
  8. Bit of thread necromancy here, but I just received the following email. It's confusing, to say the least, and reading the linked announcement just made it weirder: WM's MAGICAL GAME FACTORY - KEEP COOL Keep cool, WM's Magical Game Factory is not closed but we will need your full attention for the next couple of days. PAPRIUM is the biggest game of its kind and should be sooner or later recognized as a landmark of the genre. However, this game has been developed, manufactured and shipped at our own expenses. We can't allow any further #LOCUSTERY to happen: We will fight-back. Our full announcement: https://www.paprium.com/press/data/PAPRIUM_Communique_de_presse_EN_02_2021.pdf Click here for our interview (in French, with English subtitles). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kATTdGY8HkI For any other requests, use the link on our homepage to post a ticket (long wait to be expected but we are going through) or for emergencies, call +33(0)7 81 08 84 61 during GMT hours. As a reminder, be bold, keep faith, hold your orders until further instructions and remember: We always deliver. #LOCUSTERY #PAYPAL #PAPRIUM https://www.magicalgamefactory.com In 16-bit we trust! WATERMELON TEAM
  9. I had one of the original Mattel Football games in '77 as my first electronic game and handheld. Console-wise it's hard to say as I bought a used Atari 2600 with 8 or 9 games in '79. I bought it for Video Chess (which cheats!) but would have played either Space Invaders or Asteroids first.
  10. C'mon,the Atari 5200 and early 400/800 computers had 4 controller ports, and even the 2600 gave 4-player play with Warlords since you could hook 2 paddles to each of its two ports. I love the N64, but 4-player was hardly revolutionary.
  11. Love it, but I wish the carts had end labels.
  12. It's for little kids. There are some licensed characters but the storybooks (can't legitimately call them games) are purely linear and barely interactive. I see the 2/10 I gave it is currently tied for the highest score the unit has received, so I guess that makes me a fan... Please, somebody, outvote me.
  13. I'll vote for totes as the better way to go. I can't possibly have everything setup or on display at once, so I rotate systems in and out. If I want to play TG16, I grab that tote and spend 15 minutes setting it up. Wanna switch to the Jaguar? Put the Turbografx back in its tote and grab the Jag tote. And so on.
  14. Wheatus, Aqua, Midnight Oil and one other one I've already forgotten. Of those, Midnight Oil is the only band I listen to with any regularity.
  15. I should mention on the +side, Vectrex is small (for having a built-in display), light, has a carrying handle, and is a complete unit (console, display, controller, even a built-in game) in one box so is the first, and so far only, console I've set up as I move. Not counting handhelds, of course.
  16. 6/10. While technically not a great system, it's sheer uniqueness brings me back for the occasional play session, helped greatly by the very active homebrew scene. Best played with a modified Genesis or SNES controller or adapter.
  17. I'm definitely in the minority here, as i got bored with it quickly and am unlikely to bother with it again. 4/10.
  18. Just saw that. She kept working, too, playing one of the Zorya aspects on American Gods.
  19. Easy 10. Hard to find something of theirs I don't like.
  20. That's so others can read the label while you're chugging it!
  21. I gave it a 7. Maybe too low because i really enjoyed it and, something of a rarity for me, finished it. OTOH, I haven't felt much urge to play it again.
  22. 4/10. Failed opportunity for Atari. Should have been on the US market a year before the NES but got delayed for 2 years due to the Tramiel takeover, and by then it was too late. Some good games, a nice graphical step up from the 2600, but with bad audio (except those games that included a Pokey chip) and painful controllers (the European pad controllers aren't bad, though). Backwards compatibility (first console to have that [without an add-on]) is a bonus. Small original library but pretty good homebrew scene. I play mine occasionally.
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