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Everything posted by nrslam

  1. Looks like my initial guess was pretty accurate. Got down to $1.51 at a few stations just a week ago, and has now bounced back up to $1.79. Sure is going back up faster than it came down.
  2. Our local golf course experimented with this a few years ago. They called it foot golf, and had separate "tee" and "green" areas off to the side of the regular tees and greens. The only hole-in-one of my long, sucky golf career occurred when one of my errant tee shots landed in the foot golf cup next to the regular green. I still say it counts, dammit.
  3. Beautifully clean looking setup, but where are the games?
  4. My wife has cut my hair for years and gotten pretty good at it. Each time, I save enough money for a 6-pack or more of good beer. In a spot of good news, golf courses in WA reopened this week. Twosomes only, no benches, sand trap rakes, or other items that might be touched by other golfers. No touching the flagstick. No port-a-potties (but golf courses have lots of trees!), no hanging out in the clubhouse before or after. But still, just getting out to play, see my friends, and get a little exercise was awesome!
  5. Not the sharpest tool in the shed A taco short of a combination plate Not playing with a full deck Dumber than a bagful of hammers Nuttier than a fruitcake
  6. It's no coincidence that this sort of behavior really took off when ebay started allowing buyers to demand refunds, including shipping, on basically everything for any reason and with no proof.
  7. Back when games were plentiful in thrift stores or garage sales, I hated getting "sumguy"ed - i.e. seeing someone with a stack of games who get there before me. Nowadays, I hate the idea of having to move my massive collection as we get closer to relocating.
  8. We still enjoy going out to a movie as its more of an experience than watching something at home, so I hope theatres stick around. I wouldn't put much stock in those Trolls or any other quarantine influenced numbers - many people watched because they were stuck at home with the kids. Will they do the same when other options are available?
  9. 7. I like a lot of thier songs, but I don't love many of them.
  10. Me and my best bud. Having a little trouble with his mask.
  11. All of them. I play just about everything muted.
  12. Weird mix of stuff. What's that C64 VIC TREE cart doing there? Oh, and I'm jelouse of the Nights hat.
  13. Solid 6. Plenty of good tunes, and plenty that I can't listen to.
  14. I contacted a few of those people running Craigslist ads, and asked what they'd pay for a full loose US N64 set, which I do have and was seriously considering selling at the time, so wasn't just trolling. The best offer was $400. Pissed me off enough that I put another ad on CL showing the offers and who had made them (by referencing thier wanted ads) with a link to GVN (this was before the GoCollect BS) and a general warning not to deal with these people. My post was deleted within a day.
  15. Mine loves stinky, sweaty socks, still warm after returning from the gym. Grabs them out of my hand as soon as I remove them and starts rolling around holding them to his face.
  16. $1.75 at our low-price leader, but to be fair they're an anomaly. Only a few other stations have fallen below $2 and most of the name-brand stations are still at $2.29 or so. Also sounds like the oil war between Russia and OPEC may be ending so prices will probably stop falling at the wholesale level soon. The stay-at-home orders have reduced demand so that'll still pressure prices downward.
  17. Nobody's mentioned Laser Floyd yet? Still going strong 40+ years after the music came out.
  18. I'm more of a one-of-each-MAJOR-variant collector. A NES toaster and a top loader, for example (plus a couple spares, of course). I don't generally care about board revisions, slight color changes, packaging differences, etc. When you collect as many different systems as I do, just the major variants can fill up a house.
  19. Agreed. Gave them a 10, though, as they're one of my top 3 or 4 bands of all time. The early stuff is so much different from the later that listening to their catalog is like getting two bands in one.
  20. Saw $1.97 today, 30 cents cheaper than just 3 days ago. Looks like my $1.50 prediction is in trouble.
  21. The wife was just telling me that she's noticed the same thing. I think we've had only 1 scammer call in the last week.
  22. Possible glimmer of hope: number of people hospitalized in Washington state (first state to get hit hard) declined by 20% last week. Source: https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/hospitalizations-for-covid-19-like-illness-declined-last-week-in-washington-offering-a-glimmer-of-hope/
  23. Taxes will limit how low the price can go. The state fuel tax is 49.4 cents per gallon here in Washington, one of the highest in the nation but still lagging California (61.2 cents/gal) and a few others. The fed tax is 18.4 so the give-away price here is about 68 cents. You still have to pay workers, delivery drivers, electricity for the pumps, etc etc. Given that, I doubt we'd ever see prices fall below $1.50/gallon. FWIW, I paid $2.29 yesterday.
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