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Everything posted by O.G. CIB

  1. Over a 100 with the oldest some Kickstarter game from about 5 years ago for a switch game that has yet to be released. I’ve learned what companies to pre-order at release, which ones to wait, what retail releases to scoop up and which ones to wait till they are on sale. It’s a balance but fun.
  2. No one scored. The site crashed immediately and would not allow anyone to login to the site. The waiting page you speak of came up about 11:50 after the site crashed. A few people got it into their cart (me included) but then the cart would show empty or said you reached the max allowed. Either AFAIK no one was able to check out.
  3. I believe English is in the cart https://www.play-asia.com/japanese-rail-sim-journey-to-kyoto/13/70d1bf
  4. As some with a “safe room” or vault type setup for strictly the games I can tell you it’s the best thing IMO. I don’t have to worry about kids getting to the games, the times something has to be serviced that’s in the basement (water hear or electrical panel for example) and my stress level is overall less knowing they can’t be seen unless I want you to see them. If you starting with a blank slate things to consider are 1. lighting- do you want can lights, LED on shelves, display lighting. Lighting is honestly the single most important thing. 2. If you plan to have cameras down there consider placement so you can run power. 3. For you main /display sitting area. Surround sound? Dolby 5.1, 7.1, 7.2.4. Running the speaker wire ahead of time saves a ton of time 4. Where are you mounting Displays? Are you going to setup like SeeJayAre with CRTs in every corner. If so you need to plan for power 5. Are you planning to add centralized air condition system. 6. Do you have any potential for leaks? Is the water coming in thru the basement and visible. 7. are there any humidity issue in the basement? If so think about how to address if you plan to use Cody’s system it’s very flexible. Map out your layout on paper and take corner turns into consideration so you don’t order more material than you need. I believe he mounted to the stud and skip a couple spots and plans to redo a couple areas. If studs are placed every 16” the it won’t sag but the upfront cost it higher. Last thing I’ve ran into is how do you plan to display console boxes or controllers, if any. starting from scratch is fun. Can’t wait to see the pictures of the progress.
  5. This isn't practical due to life safety concerns. You have to have means of egress in case of a fire which is more likely. There is no perfect solution but thru discussion I am sure thee can be a middle ground to keep children safe.
  6. Time to raise the age to buy firearms to 21 as a first step. There isn’t a perfect solution but I’m still miffed that you can buy a gun younger than you can drink.
  7. Also, double check your wish list. Wonder if it may have added them there by mistake
  8. Hmmmmmm shoot me the name of 2 you've added but don't see
  9. As you know nothing is truly accurate these days but PriceCharting if you're into web based. App based (Free) GameEye My preference is Collectorz which is a combination of Desktop, Web Based and App. It's not free nor do I want it to be because they roll out new features all the time and is by far the most flexible with three different data entry point. It integrated price data from PriceCharting but you can override the PC amount to what you feel is accurate if needed. I have used this now for 8 years and I rather pay the $30-40 a year or whatever it is.
  10. There is a date stamp on every collection page when it was last updated. NES hasn’t been updated since Daily Stats as of 2021-09-07 19:15:08 UTC The ship has long sailed.
  11. O.G. CIB

    WTB: Nothing

    The slow grind continues
  12. O.G. CIB

    WTB: Nothing

    Check those old GBC games stashed in your closet
  13. O.G. CIB

    WTB: Nothing

    BUMP......coming along well! Thanks for everyone that has helped.
  14. I finished the CIB set maybe 5 or 6 years ago. I wouldn’t wish it on anyone. Lol funny enough I found out Keith Courage came with a mini comic and that was the last thing Inhad to track down.
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