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Captain Famicom

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About Captain Famicom

  • Birthday April 13

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  1. The fact that Putin is lying to his people about this tells me two things. 1) he is afraid of what they'd do if they knew the truth 2) in rationalizing his actions, he sees a way out, or is trying to create one. I'd be far more concerned about Nuclear War if Putin was out right telling his people "yeah, I'm commiting genocide, what're you gonna do about it?" As long as he isn't cornered, and as long as the USA and NATO don't take his bait, we'll be fine.
  2. No, for a myriad of reasons. The most important being that niether Russia nor NATO are interested in World War 3 and China/Iran aren't about to rock the boat for the exact same reason.
  3. Hey, i mean, it wasn't perfect by any means but I thought it was pretty damn good. As for me, I can't stand River City Ransom. It's just not fun.
  4. 10/10. My second favorite game of all time. (Link to the Past is the first) I had grown tired of games spoonfeeding me story and when I realized that this game forces you to piece together exactly what happened to Talon IV on your own it I really appreciated it. I loved how you could scan basically every living thing on the planet, and I loved feeling like a Terminator while I wiped out tons and tons of space pirates after having just hacked one of their computers and finding out that they are absolutely terrified of me.
  5. I completed Mach Rider by the definition of the Pastebin link. Though, there are actually more tracks after the 10th one and I died on the 11th. Count it however you think it should be counted.
  6. I'm still waiting for you to break down why you feel this way.
  7. If you're not going to engage with me maturely I'm just going to assume you have no argument and ignore you. I'm not here to fight. If you've got a genuine problem with the way the situation is being portrayed and can articulate that without resorting to strawman arguments and other fallacy than I am all ears and would love to hear you out. I see where you're coming from. It's going to be interesting to watch things play out.
  8. It's only "successful" because the people involved actively lied and cheated their way into it. The owners of WATA are inexperienced. They couldnt figure out how to covertly commit their crimes like any other business has. Had they been competent, we wouldn't be talking about any of this right now. The name "WATA" is poison at this point as far as I'm concerned and it's going to take a lot to change that. All accounts point to them being a complete laughing stock as far as the general public is concerned. How are they going to turn that around? You should be angry that WATA has no integrity. Not at Karl Jobst for pointing it out.
  9. Yeah, it is. The AV Famicom has the port for the keyboard built right in. I think that would be so much fun. Wrecking Crew is probably the most customizable one. It saves up to four levels at a time and allows you to name them. Lots of potentialfor people to create interesting worlds.
  10. I just like to give people the benefit of the doubt.
  11. @karljobstIf you're still here, that video was amazing. Thank you so much for showing the general public what is going on. As for arguing with people that are invested heavily in all this, we need to consider the fact that these are essentially crime victims. They're going to be in denial for awhile and there's nothing anyone could do or say to show them the truth if the Jobst video didn't already convince them.
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