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  1. I’m glad you got it to work!sucks that you had to pay voultar who runs his mouth saying nobody knows electronics but him though. I would have added mmc5 functionality for castlevania 3 and expansion audio
  2. Rgb mod would be awesome though then you could either play it on an rgb modded crt or component on a crt that has it with hdrv cables
  3. Cool glad you got it! . Ya it sucks you had to pay for no fix especially from voultar the guy who constantly says nobody knows electronics and acts like he’s the only one. You could also add mmc5 functionality for games like castlevania 3 and expansion audio.
  4. I understand why youde want it back factory it’s such a rare gem but it has limited functionality stock but ya that would be easy to turn back stock provided you had the original parts
  5. I could add expansion audio, rgb composite s video, restore mmc5 functionality, and someone made a microcontroller to fix the timer I could install these are some I could do
  6. This is sad...I could look at it if you want for free well except shipping and I could add a few more upgrades let me know if so
  7. Ever get this to work? I’m wondering if it’s the game or games you are trying does every single game not work?
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