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Everything posted by Hammerfestus

  1. Was there an offer back in the day that required Tengen UPCs? It seems like I come across a lot of Tengen boxes with the UPC cut out.
  2. The thing that would be really nice was if I could sort my collection by components owned. It would be nice to see what I have CIB vs what I need manuals for and stuff.
  3. I don’t know that he ever explicitly called him a tard or anything but he definitely gave the impression that him running was a silly lark
  4. I used to listen to it all the time because it was on on my drive home from work. We’re talking Obama years through the election. First off, if you listen regularly it’s amazing how much he blames black folks for. I kind of had a thing to myself where he was always yelling “Obama!” Anyways, regardless of what he says now he was not a Trump supporter during the primaries and absolutely painted him as the dope he is. If I remember correctly he had a thing for Rubio for awhile.
  5. Ever actually listened to rush Limbaugh’s show? It is as if every right wing trope is just copied and pasted.
  6. Well that certainly seems like an nice scapegoat for decades of anti intellectualism and Inflammatory rhetoric. edit: you know what the real problem is? It’s definitely that scary technology. Definitely not the way the same venomous demagogues are using it.
  7. Definitely takes me back to the 90s. Never got into them beyond the radio hits. Enjoyable enough to listen to. Was somewhere between 6 & 7. The fact that they also make me think of bumped them up to a 7
  8. It’s complete in box in normal conversation and cart instruction box when listing out the contents of one’s collection. No one says, “Hey man, I picked up a copy of Fester’s Quest cart instructions box the other day.” This needs its own thread with poll. Always need more poll.
  9. I chose PS5 but that won’t be until the initial price comes down — whenever that may be. My mind could always be changed between now and then but I’ve been a PlayStation guy since the PSX and I am generally averse to change, so...
  10. Welcome. Comic investors GoCollect bought it and burned it to the ground. Most found safe refuge here.
  11. Not trying to be a dick but actually curious about my preconception — I thought TEFLs usually dealt with business folks and such.
  12. This game is getting way too much smoke blown up its pooper. Much like the rest of the N64 it was ok sometimes. 6.
  13. If you guys would’ve just worn your masks you wouldn’t now be stuck having to interact with your children.
  14. As usual in this country everything is always everyone else’s fault. I didn’t raise little Jeffrey Dahmer. Must be the teachers or society. Maybe rock and roll music.
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