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Everything posted by Hammerfestus

  1. Huh. I don’t do either. I play my games like a MAN.
  2. Huh. thats messed up. Legit thought you were screwing with me.
  3. So the underwear’s newer and you eat lean pockets?
  4. G. Dude you’re married? This whole time I thought you were single. In my head you had this glorious loner nerd lifestyle going on that was mostly Mario kart and D&D. should’ve known better with those beautiful locks of yours.
  5. I’m serious. I’d like an example. If it’s such a developed market that no one here has ever heard about I feel like it would be really relevant to at least give us a hint of what’s happening in bootleg land from mr big himself
  6. Dude that 3d ff7 pic looks like the Arnold classic.
  7. You know what I’d really like? An example of these exorbitant bootleg prices. And a one off is probably gonna be cute but damn if it wouldn’t be nice to have some sort of systemic example. edit: shucks. It’s all just so mysterious.
  8. I think you posted these on PSA at some point? Very cool. I mean Akira Toriyama is like a friggin god.
  9. Open that sucker up and put the disc back where it belongs.
  10. Nope. She can piss right off. I’ll bet you when her little egomaniacs are caught torturing neighborhood cats it’s everyone else’s fault. Or some bullshit pseudo medical condition.
  11. I will almost definitely be waiting a few years before I look into getting one.
  12. I had pretty much the same experience as Gloves. I put a solid chunk of time in and it never really grabbed me like it seemed it should have. Just kind of stopped playing it.
  13. I decided to make my own collection thread. Really it’s just my CIB NES stuff. Everything else is still packed away in totes. I reorganized this the other day and thought I’d give it a little photo shoot. I’d added so many titles the last few months that it had gotten to be kind of a mess. There’s also a big addition on its way now that I’ve needed for a while. Will update after it arrives
  14. I’ve been playing Battlefront II. I generally suck at shooters but this one is more arcadey and not too bad. I got blazed the other night and had a round with 60 some kills and 3 deaths. I’m kind of playing this until something jumps out at me to play through.
  15. I saw an article today about some Spanish retailer may have had them in their system at 499 & 399.
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