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Everything posted by Hammerfestus

  1. It may not be the most popular opinion but I think Fear of the Dark is my favorite album.
  2. Yes that’s it. Always thought it was a weird thing to call it because for me Ethnic conjures images of Kielbasa swinging polacks.
  3. I don’t know, as long as it keeps doing what I use it for well I don’t much care what the WATA dopes do. It sure looked for a minute though like it was going to be a real train wreck.
  4. Last Action Hero Dick Tracy Goldeneye Tomorrow Never Dies The World is not enough A bugs life atlantis the lost empire Crow city of angels Die Hard independence day Jurassic park Men in Black Shrek
  5. I’m trying to remember. Deep in the foggy nostalgias. i remember during the NES years there was a kiosk in sears I’d play on. I want to say Kung Fu? Guardian Legend? I think so. Bah it’s too hazy. I have to assume some of the games I had as a kid were kiosk influenced. Hmm were they running Star Voyager and Ghostbusters? I don’t know but the trip back then were those Toys R Us tickets. I do remember when SNES came out getting excited to get to play Super Mario World at the same Sears kiosk spot. Also playing Ken Griffey and Donkey Kong Country on the kiosk at Toys R Us.
  6. This was great. I think the length of time was perfect. Any longer and it would’ve been too drawn out. Wish I had more free time. Would’ve snagged a laptop so I could try my hand at that making a platform er challenge. Can’t wait to do it again.
  7. For sure. I find it hard to believe that someone would amass that many games and be that blindly ignorant of the value of them. Unless....maybe he had 400 copies of Anticipation?
  8. That love tail was touching man. I was an earlyish PlayStation adopter. Early enough where Resident Evil, Zoop, and Warhawk were the longbox games I got with it. The one thing I’ll say was a forever moment back then was the hype, the acquiring, and playing through Final Fantasy VII. I saw an early screenshot in EGM or something and I had to have it. Absolutely mind blowing moment in video game history. At that moment in time absolutely everything about it was fantastic. — same thing with Metal Gear Solid and Resident Evil 2. Also Silent Hill. Duuuude. Silent Hill was mind bending fantastic horror madness. The way they used the fog trick to hide the pop in? Meisterwerk. While we’re in this time period let’s not forget ReLoad. Not Reloaded the sequel to Loaded but the Metallica album. I listened to a lot of it when it came out about the same time as Duke Nukem Total Meltdown. They are forever fused for me. Same deal with Suikoden 2 and The Wall. The Wall is the second soundtrack to that game for me which is awesome considering how fantastic the actual soundtrack is. And PSM? That shit was my bible from issue 1. I believe my subscription started with issue 2.
  9. Racing fan desu I watched it and said a thing in the other thread about the thing. Plastic Prison
  10. There is though they use some euphemism that escapes me at the moment. It’s got all the hair care products designed for black people hair.
  11. It’s a secret to everybody. If I tell you you’ll know it’s a thing.
  12. At the end there should be a collection of all the games and sprites and stuff people created for the bingo
  13. Yeah. I’m actually down with that too.
  14. Ye olde Bingo is a seductive mistress. Contrary to what I originally voted, I did end up watching it. It was aight. Not really my thing. 4/10. Seems like plot wise not a lot really happened. I’m assuming the allure is more the animation and the scenes? It is certainly well done but I don’t particularly like it. The squishy face and slobber looking style weirds me out. It’s like the animators of Ren and Stimpy did a reboot of Wacky Races in the style of Cowboy Bebop.
  15. If the length of Wagner‘s works don’t scare you off, the Nazis will.
  16. Makes me think of the Ring cycle. If I’m not mistaken I believe Götterdämmerung is like 5 hours by itself. We‘re really talking about apples and oranges even if Japanese game composer hired a cellist to play it. Sure some game music is interesting, creative or iconic even but it is not the same league. What game composer can hold a candle to the monsters of the classical era or the romantic era?
  17. Pico Chipper. Actually relatively intuitive once I figured out what button let me move around without placing notes everywhere.
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