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Everything posted by Hammerfestus

  1. Yeah. Jurassic Park just isn’t the same if they’re being chased by giant chickens.
  2. MGS2 GTA Vice City Socom edit: wait. It may have been San Andreas? I don’t know it was only fun for a couple hours
  3. I totally forgot that that was a thing. Jacob Grimm is a big hero of mine. Dude was a beast. „Das hat dir der Teufel gesagt, das hat dir der Teufel gesagt," schrie das Männlein und stieß mit dem rechten Fuß vor Zorn so tief in die Erde, daß es bis an den Leib hineinfuhr, dann packte es in seiner Wut den linken Fuß mit beiden Händen und riß sich selbst mitten entzwei.
  4. Whoa guys. It’s all fun and games until one day little Billy comes to you and asks for $30,000 a year so he can go to Aut school because you just had to get him vaccinated. That doesn’t even include the easel or the brushes.
  5. All that pseudo science spiritual woo crap should be banned and anyone found practicing it publicly guillotined. I’ve got your essential oils right here buddy.
  6. You guys know you‘ve all just been repeating the same 3 points on one subject for the last 112 pages right? How about that rascally Trump calling for the elections to be postponed. He’s such a card. Pretty sure everyone had that one on their bingo card.
  7. Diablo 3. Played through it with my wife and we had a ton of fun. Wouldn’t think it would be a game we play together but it’s basically mash buttons and find new gear. Good times.
  8. System probably had to be released in the 90s or earlier. PS2 era isn’t retro it’s just old.
  9. I always found the old digit press lists very useful in my journeys hunting Ps1 rares. They’re still a pretty solid guide to finding uncommon games in a set even if some of the tiers for some of the games are off at this point. Anything concept of relative rarity more accurate or up to date than that I had to develop through near constant research and watching a lot of titles for extended periods of time on eBay. How many threads around the web can one man sift through where the consensus is that black label final fantasy vii is rare because “me mate Ricky C paid $40 for a complete copy”. Through those old digit press lists I actually ended up with a boatload of titles that aren’t worth diddly but are absolutely more more scarce than some big $$ ‘rares’. At one point I thought about trying to update some of the database on PlaystationAge but no one wanted to play with me and it’s a lot of work just to inevitably have folks who did none of that work criticize it no matter how you do it.
  10. Almost at like 2 1/2 million in 3 days. Not bad. @DarkTone it is my favorite RPG series. I like every entry. Even the much maligned 4 was not that bad if you can tolerate the sailing aspect.
  11. I saw them with Ripper on the Demolition tour. Good show. Nice stand in for the real thing Fun fact: The guitar player for Ripper’s post Priest band, Beyond Fear, worked at my local Guitar Center for years. When I was in high school he was the man to see about a guitar.
  12. I tried the ones from Videogameboxprotectors after reading this thread and they are far superior to the random ones I got from that bingo bongo whatever on eBay. Cheaper too. Nice. I tried Kollector Protector before and they sent me SNES boxes instead of NES and they were just too thick.
  13. Woah there Britney. Careful getting out of that car.
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