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Everything posted by Hammerfestus

  1. At this point it’s pretty much just NES for me. Always looking for them boxes to convert my loose games. I also collect SNES, Genesis, Gameboy, PS1, N64, PS2, Wii, and I guess PS4? I don’t consider myself as collecting for it but I’ve accumulated a bunch of games. I was really into PS1 collecting for a good while. I was really into hunting down the rarities and the “must haves” and the crap too. I’ve been paring it down to the “must haves” and some of the rarities I really like. The only new stuff I really consider picking up at this point is Lightspan stuff. Really never see those rare discs. The other systems I’ll hunt for when I get the idea in my head that I need to beef up this or that or I need to add X game to some system. Its been a long while though. I was into picking up Wii stuff before Corona because I like being able to actually find stuff at thrift shops. I’d like to go for complete subsets of some things like Dragon Quest but I just can’t bring myself to pick up games for systems I don’t own.
  2. So after reading the last chicken debate I decided to stop at Popeye’s the other afternoon. Yeah no. The line was wrapped around the building at 3pm on a Tuesday afternoon. Apparently everyone’s using those unemployment checks to buy chicken. So, my only Popeyes experience will remain the disappointing one at a truck stop somewhere in Pennsylvania. Or maybe it was New York.
  3. I’d been saying forever that it was gonna be Trump but he sure is doing his damndest to make sure that doesn’t happen. I mean invading US cities that didn’t vote for him? And it’s being allowed to happen? Somebody wake me up. I think Biden is a nice benign safe choice. If you remember ‘08 that was a big part of why he was chosen as Obama’s VP. He cut the scary black guyness of it. I’ll clarify that I liked him as a safe middle of the road candidate 10 years ago. I’m not one of those ‘OMG he’s got Alzheimer’s’ folks but I simply think he’s too old to be in touch with the modern world. I mean the man was damn near in college when the Big Bopper died. Jesus. I was a Bernie guy. Definitely more enthusiastic in 2016 for the same reason. Once you hit a certain age every morning is a roll of the dice regardless of your current health.
  4. Excellent movie. My favorite Kurt Russell role other than Tombstone. I gave it an 8. Probably deserved a 9.
  5. I really don’t get it. Not really familiar with their music but the clips above didn’t really seem to be particularly worse than the rest of the hip hops. The juggalo thing is weird and cringey as hell though. 2.
  6. I’ve got it but never played it so I have no idea if it’s any good but — Atlus released a racing game called Peak Performance. Kind of weird when I first noticed because it absolutely looks like 1 of a billion Ps1 racing games.
  7. A while back I sold a copy of City of Lost Children to some dude on eBay. Like 2 weeks after I get a message from the dude that there’s a significant scratch on the disc. I told him that I did not recall there being a scratch on the disc but I may have overlooked something. Asked for pics. Dude is super slow in responding. Finally get pics of a scratch and I really don’t want to argue with the dude so I just offer a refund and return. Guy tells me, ‘no, it’s ok. The game works fine.’ Ok cool. So I let that be the end of it. Like a week or so later I see he left me a negative feedback. What the hell? I asked him why he would do that when I offered to make it right. He told me he’d had issues returning items before so he didn’t want to do that and that’s what negative feedback is for. And that’s how I lost my 100%. Fuck that dude. I hope he chokes on it.
  8. Came in here to bitch about the same thing. Mine was only a copy of Top Gun but seriously why the hell do you think I paid you more than $3 for top gun?
  9. Bump ba da lump bump bump bump
  10. That’s awesome. I like that there’s some childhood games in there that you really don’t see everyday. Lol @ CIB Dino Peak just chilling next to Dr Mario and doesn’t even get mentioned. I started collecting NES CIB the same way. Actually just recently got the last one — Ice Climber
  11. I see from the likes that one of you did not understand why I posted the Wikipedia link. I wonder who it could be
  12. They do not. Deluxe, Chicken Deluxe, Veggie, Taco, and Grandslam? Which apparently has hotdogs, chili, and onions. I’m gonna have to pass on that one.
  13. Nope not that mature. Not a fighting game guy. RPGs are more my thing. I prefer Final Firal Fartasy.
  14. https://www.google.com/amp/s/ew.com/article/2016/05/11/nic-cage-trust-elijah-wood/%3famp=true
  15. This place has been a local staple since my dad was a kid. Built in the shadow of a steel mill that used to be the city’s main employer— that now employs like 8 people— it’s sort of in the ghetto but worth it. So good.
  16. I knew a guy who used to be Irish but he changed his mind and chose to be black instead.
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