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Everything posted by Hammerfestus

  1. I’m usually a supreme kind of guy. Sausage, Pepperoni, Mushrooms, green pepper, banana pepper, and onion. Never black olives. Fastest way to ruin anything. I also like Hawaiian. As shameful as those pineapples may be they are so friggin good. Really became attached when I was living in Germany and it was the only decent frozen pizza you could get at the store. Those Krauts really know how to make pizza creepy. Friggin tuna fish pizza is like Jesus to them. Also I like a good breakfast pizza. Sausage, mushroom, scrambled egg, cheese, sour cream, and salsa as the sauce.
  2. Yarr. What would ye do with a drunken sailor... Early in the morning?
  3. Your opinion is bad and you should feel bad. Maybe forced to live on an island somewhere. X, Y, and/or Z AND mushrooms should almost always be on a pizza.
  4. I used to play a bunch years ago. I got really into it for a bit but at this point I’ve pretty much forgotten all my openings and defenses and stuff. Really rusty but I’ve started playing again a bit. I use chess with friends.
  5. Damn dude. Nice. That sucker needs a table of contents though.
  6. It’s everything on the internet any more. I don’t know that it’s a problem with most people though; it’s an issue with the type of people that feel the need to voice their opinion about everything on the internet whether they actually know anything about the topic or not. Nothing is more depressing anymore than reading the comments on any news article no matter how benign the topic. Ever read the comments on a facebook science article from almost any source? It’s really messed up. There’s something seriously wrong with someone who feels the need to post “Who cares!?” on a harmless news blurb about whatever astrophysics work is being done. Not to mention the equally ignorant posts from both the left (“Like OMG shouldn’t they be working on eliminating the glutens that are ravaging Africa?”) and the right (“hurr durr that there is all CGI. It’s just a leftist dummycrat scam.”) Hmm...I may be off topic again.
  7. Icy water to soothe my aching liver.
  8. Not what I’m saying. What I’m saying are a lot of majors you might choose because you enjoy them really don’t have jobs associated with them at the Bachelor‘s level. Once upon a time the paradigm was “just get a degree, no one works in the field they study anyways”. Well that’s no longer true. Hasn’t been true since at least the Great Recession. So one day 30 years later you’ll find yourself working as the assistant night manager at Walmart waiting for the sweet release of death.
  9. Accumulating crushing debt and having employers look at you like you‘re from Jupiter when you tell them about your degree is one hell of a hobby.
  10. Yeah. As a guy who studied linguistics because it was what I enjoyed (which your advice was the common adage circa 2002) I can assure you it is not good advice.
  11. I never played this game until I was an adult. I think it’s pretty good and definitely has an awesome atmosphere. I’ve never gotten super far in it though. I refuse to use a map (it really gives me that classic NES feel of being lost and using exploration, my wits, and repetition to find my way (a la LoZ)) and it’s pretty slow going trying to figure out where I’m going on my own. Unfortunately, I usually only get so far before I lose my password or get distracted by something shiny.
  12. I’ll concede though because I’m getting yelled at
  13. Can’t move to discord will get distracted by Andy’s cat pictures
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