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Everything posted by Hammerfestus

  1. DQ11 was exactly what I wanted it to be. Excellent entry in the series.
  2. Final Fantasy XV. I got a PS4 because I wanted to play this and then it was just meandering, bland, storyless shit. Suikoden IV. I loved all of the Suikodens leading up to this. I even thought that 3 with the jump to 3D was excellent. This was a serious letdown. Actually it might have been not so bad if I didn’t spend so much time wandering vast empty oceans.
  3. I mean the Swedes have been abusing the Sami. I didn’t think that that was that veiled.
  4. You lot have been abusing those people since the start. It’s basically equivalent to our shitty treatment of American Indians. Pleading ignorance obviously is not a defense for your country’s issues. What a turd ass country you live in.
  5. I’m aware. So you don’t want to talk about Sweden’s treatment of the “Lapps”? It’s easy to shit on others but looking at your own faults? Well that would require self awareness.
  6. Ok @cartman you have a lot to say about US politics. But why don’t we talk about the way you Dutch treat the Sami?
  7. But do you have the Running Man? That’s the most important question.
  8. I’d like to play BotW at some point but I don’t want to play it $50 worth. also, I get it. We’ve got a Switch that basically collects dust. If I pull it out, my play usually consists of a couple of games of Tetris 99. Or like 20 minutes of Zelda 2.
  9. I never had the Nintendo power. My parents bought my copy. I did have a subscription to a sweet dinosaurs magazine though.
  10. Works for me. Saw the giant PS1 spike, which was long overdue (recently sold my brigandine for 200+ when it’s sat at just over 100 for years), and I’ve taken the opportunity to convert those profits into more NES CIB games (which took a less sharp upturn) and extra PayPal padding. I don’t think you’re going to hear a lot of complaints from old NA folks, who pretty much all started out with NES to some extent or other and have sort of branched off into what interests them over the years. Even if you don’t intend on selling a single game it sure feels nice to see those games’ worth spike. Most will probably come back down to earth. It certainly seems to be unnatural but who knows. Especially to a lot of people that have spent a lot of time and effort collecting obscurities on various systems, I don’t know that they‘d use the term overvalued.
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