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Everything posted by Hammerfestus

  1. Welp. Looks like my family is eating happy meals all next weekend.
  2. Let the cat have its fun. If it gets away, it’s not like there’s not gonna be a bunch more hidden away somewhere. Gotta gas that whole apartment.
  3. I too am a GVN user. I always thought their collection tracker was fantastic. The one thing that drove me nuts though was...I want to sort my collection by which parts I have. I’d like to be able to sort my CIB NES games to the top so I can see at a glance what I have in a sea of C or CI.
  4. I think that the way political/touchy topics on NA was always handled pretty tastefully. Let it go if it stays constructive/respectful-ish. This has always been a pretty tight knit community so these things come up and I don’t think most have an issue hearing others opinions on them. It would be a shame to hand cuff the community on this.
  5. I wish I could repost my complete longbox collection pics here but they’re all boxed up and the original pics are photobucket watermarked now. It was a lot of fun to collect. Any longboxers hiding out there?
  6. I’m sorry. I don’t have any decent advice. Try not to destroy everything around you. I’m a mess. Baby name was easy. We named him after him. James.
  7. My last funeral was my wife’s grandmother. I’ve been to surprisingly few funerals. My paternal grandparents both died before I was born and my mom’s family is incredibly long lived as a rule. My maternal grandparents are both like 90 and still kicking. Living in the same house they have since forever. My dad died like two years ago from liver cancer. Worst part was that we found out right about the time we found out we were pregnant. He was the first one we told as he took what turned out to be THE turn for the worse. Anyways sadness, sadness. We decided to forgo a funeral as everyone that mattered came to visit him in hospice. Pretty sure I never processed the emotions correctly and just bottled it up and put it on that shelf of anger that sits in my chest.
  8. Not doing too much collecting lately but when I do it’s mostly been either CIB NES or Wii. I’ve come to accept that I’m not going to get full set cart only NES so I’ve been into picking up select titles as CIB. I like the eye candy. And the feeling of taking the game out of the box. Ive been picking up Wii stuff randomly when I find it cheap at thrift stores and stuff. I’ve been trying to keep it to “in the wild” collecting. I don’t have any real attachment or reason for collecting it other than it’s cheap and I like game collecting. I sort of did a similar thing with PS2 at one point. It was dirt cheap and I figured why not. When I boxed up my stuff recently, with as much room as it takes up, I wondered to myself, why the hell do I have all of this PS2 stuff?
  9. When I was like elementary school age our set up was in a back room on our house that had full on 70s/80s wood paneling and those cheesy thin wood Venetian blinds and everything. Later we moved and it was just in a first floor bedroom that we used as an office.
  10. Was curious. http://playstationage.com/ is still up. edit: looks like segaage too
  11. Atari 2600. I know the games are cheap as hell but, I’d have to get a system and ya know....rf. its always been one of those things I’ve meant to get into but I just have never gotten around to. also back in the day I always wanted to try the turbografx16. If i remember correctly there was some debate in my household about that vs genesis. We went genesis.
  12. I’d bubble mailer it with an extra wrap of bubble wrap. Probably upgrade to box at >$50?
  13. When/if you do might I suggest there be a way to delete double entries and such. I did a bit over on the PlayStationAge database a while back and was always frustrating to come across double entries that can’t be deleted.
  14. Suikoden II is easily my favorite RPG. I actually love the whole series. IV fell pretty flat and the tactics title was kind of weird but other than that. Also I firmly believe that Suikoden III is completely underrated. Whatever it’s flaws, I think that it is just absolutely an enjoyable experience to play through every time. I think that Final Fantasy VII is the best numbered Final Fantasy period. Suck it VI. VII doesn’t get the love it deserves and IX gets too much. Also Final Fantasy XV was absolute ass in hell. The original Dragon Quest is my favorite but that’s probably nostalgia talking. VIII is probably the best iteration I’ve played. I enjoyed XI pretty thoroughly as well. It was everything I hoped it would be.
  15. 35. I’m still a young man. Not like those 36-40 grandpas
  16. I like my coffee like I like my women. Cold and black. Seriously. i mostly drink water. Ice is preferred. Big fan of iced tea. Unsweetened, no lemon. Also, bubble water is friggin gross. Monsters.
  17. Suikoden 6. Pretty sure that’s never happening though. Damn shame.
  18. That is cool as hell. There’s a pretty strong argument to be made for it being the #1. That top spot is pretty hard to claim though. Symphony of the Night was pretty damn perfect.
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