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Everything posted by Hammerfestus

  1. You do what you want with your games but if it were me there’s only a handful of those video guys I’d ever have any interest scribbling on a game for me and even then it would have to be something strongly associated with their franchise. AVGN signed Castlevania 2. Pat signed Danny Sullivan. Lord Karnage signed Truxton. Game Chasers signed Little Samson.
  2. She likes the marvel stuff. I’m pretty meh on the whole thing. Needless to say I’ve seen most of them. Most recently watched black panther 2 and that was laughably bad. I probably liked the guardians of the galaxys the best. I haven’t seen the new one though.
  3. Fucking time traveler in here Anyways how can anyone equate a guy who grew and encourages the continued radicalization of a cult of personality and continues to threaten his enemies with them to a guy who has a stutter and tried to forgive student debt?
  4. Nah nobody blames him and he’d been with us ever since he was a dumpster kitten I think he was 17 ish. It was one of those just wait him out kind of deals. Now my mother-in-law is going down in that basement to die too. I need a sign for over the door, “Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'intrate”
  5. Earlier this year my old cat died. For about a year before he died 2 carpet shampooers and I were locked in a titanic struggle in my basement with him where he decided he didn’t use litter boxes any more. Fortunately-ish he would also do his business in the back yard. Unfortunately the weather is cold and shitty for a significant portion of the year. Anyways he died. Afterwards I tore out the carpeting in the basement and let me tell you that was one of the foulest experiences of my life. Almost as bad as the Raid flytrap bag of water thing I put in the garage that turned into a fly farm in a bag filled with dead flies, maggots, and baby flies. Then when I tried to get it down it fuckin fell and spilled all over the garage floor. That was probably the most putrid stench I’ve ever encountered and I used to work for the county engineers in the summers scooping roadkill into the ditches so we could paint the roads. And that’s why I disagree with your statement about cats being the greatest species.
  6. How many of your old people do you know that can ride a bike? Maybe we just shouldn‘t have 80 year old men duking it out for the fate of the country that everyone else has to live in.
  7. 9. So as implied by my other comment my experience is with the PlayStation version. I‘ve got some really fond memories of playing this game. Played way more of this than I ever played Doom. Also, in an era when they weren’t nearly as accessible to a teenage boy as they are now — boobs. Thank you Duke. One interesting twist for me is that I got this game about the same time as I got ReLoad. I listened to a lot of ReLoad while playing Duke Nukem. At this point I associate one with the other and I thoroughly enjoy them both.
  8. Is Total Meltdown on PSX the same game? Because I have feelings about that one but I never really played the pc version.
  9. I don’t think we can count on any of the rules to protect our democracy any more.
  10. I‘ll make sure to tell Awesome Brian. He may want to know about this.
  11. He’ll be fine. I’ve seen some things. “Cats are natures most perfect predators” ~ Abraham Lincoln
  12. I really liked this movie. I can safely say it is my favorite soap-based thriller.
  13. Because it’s on dude’s blog. I for one am highly anticipating the exciting conclusion to the butt rash saga.
  14. I usually “trim” in the summers for whatever reason. Admittedly I did spend most of the proceeds on buying different games . I find that through the process of collecting you tend to get a bunch of fluff along with the good stuff. I actually have come to enjoy the process of sorting through my collection and picking that stuff out and getting it posted and sold. It feels like progress as far as cultivating the collection I want chilling in my storage room.
  15. That would be a non starter for me. I don’t think I’d ever watch live. I’m fully committed to the TIVO revolution. I’ve got a few, I guess you call them podcasts or something that post streamed stuff to YouTube and that’s the way for me.
  16. I don’t use and don’t know how to use twitch. I’m old. Don’t make me learn new stuff. I tried to use tictok one time and they showed me a lot of asses which was nice but I couldn’t even figure out how to control it. I want some Gloves VGS State of the union addresses.
  17. One of my all time top bands. Finally saw them live this past year. Was excellent. Good setlist. Old as fuck but still rockin it. Fun fact: When I was but a wee teenager learning to play the bass one of my first resources for doing that was a Joe Bouchard teaches bass VHS. That is all.
  18. Top 100 songs is a way different list than top 100 bands. Just scanning over a random playlist of mine I‘m seeing a ton of prog and power metal where they’ve got like a song or two that just crushes but I‘d never put them on a top metal band list.
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