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Everything posted by Hammerfestus

  1. They rolled those joints terribly.
  2. Yes! Team Hworang! I thought it was so cool how he could flip stances back and forth. Now that I think about it I really played the hell out of this one.
  3. I don’t know if I preferred this one or #2 but they were both excellent. This one definitely was technically improved over 2. I‘ll give it a 9.
  4. I tried to channel my inner @OptOut. I never did get around to making my big WATA can suck me goolies post.
  5. Even ignoring everything after Justice, which becomes controversial afterwards, their highest high is pretty much higher than everyone else. Master of Puppets is the Super Mario Bros 3 of heavy metal. We are worlds apart here. Ghost just sounds meh to me no matter what genre. I really don’t care about their popularity.
  6. Yup, right up there with Slipknot and Korn. There’s just a lot of decades of excellent music from a lot of excellent sub genres for it to rank that highly. In what universe do they breathe the same air as Dio or Metallica?
  7. Ha. Just because of that one time I thought it was some crap that they were headlining over AA. Popularity pfft. It’s not that I don’t like them, it’s just that I’ve never heard anything compelling enough from them to explore it. As Reed’s personal top 100 it’s whatever but on a more objective list I don’t see how they’d even sniff top 150 100 50. And I’m stoned most of the time. So uhh you know exploring horizons and stuff. That keyboard/vocal hook they seem to use in every song I’ve heard is pretty meh to me. I just made all of that up right now and in actuality I just don’t even think about them ever.
  8. Interestingly, the ancient Egyptians preferred password saves in their video games.
  9. Do you know what the Spartans did with their weak babies? They threw them into a chasm at the bottom of Mt. Taygetus. Those babies are the people who need a save file for Mario 3.
  10. Yeah he gets freaked out pretty easily. It’s an issue we’re trying to work on but I don’t want him to feel left out if all the other kids have seen it.
  11. Never even heard of it. Do you know what’s actually a good movie? Judge Dredd. Educate yourself.
  12. Is this any good? Is it scary? Trying to determine if I should take 5 year old.
  13. I once saw that world’s strongest men competitors eat like 10,000 calories a day. Now to start lifting…
  14. This thread inspired me to pick up a 4 pack of these for lunch today.
  15. The Finns I knew all despised Russians. Still a lot of bad blood there. Haista itse vittu vitun huora!
  16. Nope I’m all digital. Have been for a long time. Really not a movie guy though. I guess I do have a PS2.
  17. Who knew this was still a thing. For me owning a DVD player is akin to owning a VCR at this point.
  18. Right but this isn’t an RPG. It’s a 3 or 4 hour platformer that lets you skip to what world you want with only a little bit of effort. Again, it would be nice but it is hardly a major flaw.
  19. It’s not a save. But it is more than adequate for the purpose of returning to where you left off. Why do you need a save? None of the save staters are providing information as to what exactly they are saving. Back in my day we replayed level 1 uphill both ways and we liked it.
  20. I fail to see a major difference, especially one that could be called a top blunder, between warping to level 4 vs saving your game to level 4 other than my smb3 cart leaking battery acid.
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