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Everything posted by Hammerfestus

  1. Oh yeah that reminds me. I was going to say that the ones that would realistically need a save feature are little kids and having to replay the same first parts over and over is part of the experience of learning to be good at playing the game.
  2. If you are that concerned about your score then that just sounds nit picky. Leave the system on or finish the game in one sitting. Again, I don’t believe for a moment that you are going to use 90% of those items. Were you gonna jump through giant world in a frog suit? Or maybe you were going to use the music boxes?
  3. I don’t understand how people are dinging this game for not having a save feature. Sure it would be nice but with the warp whistles it’s totally not necessary. Don’t give me that but my items and lives line. Don’t sit there and tell me you actually use any of that stuff to play through this game. It takes all of five minutes to get the first whistle.
  4. I’m a fan. I’ve enjoyed the new singles that have been coming out.
  5. I’m failing to see how that gets me a chainsaw my current strongest argument is that the only thing that stops a bad guy with a chainsaw is a good guy with a chainsaw. I’m not winning.
  6. Not ginkgo. After some research I think Bradford Pear. Awful.
  7. It’s been like a week. I don’t really talk to the neighbors but I think I’ve determined the source of the death stench. We were downtown for a hockey game this afternoon and on a walkway lined with flowering trees very similar to what they have in their front yard. The death stench was present there too. It’s got to be that tree. I can’t remember now if I go through this every spring. This is only going to strengthen my household argument that I need to invest in a chainsaw.
  8. What would you do? There’s been a horrible smell that smells like rotting…something…outside. At first we thought someone was cooking rancid seafood. It started when it got warm. The first day it was overwhelming. After that I’ve noticed it on the southern boundary of the yard in whiffs. So I thought, I recently had moles exterminated so maybe this was the stench of the carnage that ensued. But — but, I was out with my girl working on learning to ride her bike and the smell got stronger and peaked at the next door neighbors driveway. So. Should I call the police? Should I be concerned that my neighbors are hiding a dead body? Would I be negligent in not reporting this to the proper authorities?
  9. One of my all time favorites. Fun fact, Opeth’s Martin Lopez played drums on this album.
  10. Used to see a lot of bands before a gig at Rascal House next to Peabody’s
  11. Oh damn. Those are pretty as fuck. Good deal too.
  12. Jon Schaffer is a fucking asshole. Iced Earth spent a long time as one of my top bands. You kind of always knew he was a shithead but who knew it was as bad as it was. I could never do a top 100 like this because Dante‘s Inferno and Desert Rain exist and fuck him. The whole thing makes me struggle to listen to Blind Guardian too, who are one of my all time favorites. They were buddies and there was no way Hansi didn’t know Jon was like this. I’m sorry but the Germans get zero tolerance on this shit.
  13. Raising sales tax impacts the poor disproportionately. Small increases can be fine but there are those who want to rely on it because boo fucking hoo mah capital gains tax.
  14. Gut reaction is 9. Excellent game. I really liked the addition of Tails. I also like riding the swordfish.
  15. Cool line up except Dream Theater. How are they still headlining? Most of the tickets are stupid expensive. Thanks a lot DT. Who is paying $100 a ticket to see fucking James “Hitler Mustache” Labrie? Dude couldn’t even sing when he was young and could still sing. Dream Theater fans are the worst.
  16. I pay my taxes like a man; I don’t whine about it like a little bitch. Vote yes on every tax increase that’s not sales tax.
  17. You know, back in the early to mid 2000s there was a chain of multimedia stores near me that always had a nice stockpile of NES games and I never took advantage of it and I really regret that. I’d always skim through and look for a copy of Dragon Warrior II and that was about it. Picked up a handful of titles that I’d sold during the Genesis/SNES years but I’d scoff at anything over like $5 and that was even pushing it. I am so glad that I spent my meager college years spending money on my CD collection. That played out well.
  18. Love these guys. Stopped paying attention for like a decade after Jari left and Victory Songs was weak but Thalassic was awesome. Love that new clean vocalist. One of my favorite albums of 2020.
  19. Eww how is Link to the Past the top rated game? That’s a travesty. I don’t remember if I voted in that poll but I’d like to change my vote to 0 please.
  20. Unfortunately, yes. He was an old man though; 17 years old. On the bright side now the only one pissing on my basement floor will be me! Looking forward to tearing it up and reclaiming that space for my game room and stuff.
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