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Everything posted by Hammerfestus

  1. Those assholes are definitely going to do some terroristy shit in the next few days.
  2. Relatively speaking. Compared to drunk 5 nights a week, eating Campbells chunky on rice, driving a beater, 20 something me? Yeah. Shit together
  3. Oh nice. I’ll have to pop that in then and give it a whirl. Jalen Hurts scored me a copy this year but I’ve yet to try it out.
  4. There’s something to be said for having kids later in life after you‘ve gotten your shit together and can provide them with the fruits of your labors. It’s not 1960 anymore and I would not characterize having kids at like 23 to be a particularly responsible decision in all but a minority of cases.
  5. Mine just spewed vomit all over his Taekwondo gi. It reminded me of that time I stayed up with him all night while he literally coated the entire top floor of my house in puke. Remember being a DINK?
  6. They’re all doing it now. Everywhere you go. Customer service is dead. Product quality is a joke. People are just consumers intended for exploitation. We have only ourselves to blame. We let this happen. They have no reason to behave otherwise. The hubris is palpable. Proletarier aller Länder, vereinigt euch!
  7. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_and_Wendy
  8. Jesus. Looked it up. It was his mother and dead brother. Well, that’s depressing as fuck.
  9. Who wants to play me? I’ve been playing more lately. chess.com - Hammerfestus42
  10. Remember that time Squaresoft ditched them? My phone really wanted to autocorrect me to SquarePants
  11. My wife is making me do one. I dislike gardening and I always have.
  12. That whole thing is totally awesome. Sorry you‘ve been forced into this.
  13. 69 heh heh. That Scott LePage solo in the middle is face melting.
  14. Why am I actually considering this? She already hates the Werewolf and only grudgingly accepts that I’m going to keep playing . This could end badly for me. I‘ll let you know
  15. This needs more love in here. This is an absolutely phenomenal song. Z&A are firmly black metal in my opinion and their live show is awesome. This song on the live album gives me feelings.
  16. Careful with those eye rolls buddy. Do you want a stalker? Because that’s how you get a stalker.
  17. That’s a pretty solid Ozzy song but Eddie Money is the shit. Did I ever mention about that time that I was in a classic rock cover band that was really just an excuse to get high as hell, jam Eddie Money tunes, and play Risk?
  18. If Norm doesn’t go in the 1st I will officially declare VGS’s taste in comedy as bad as their taste in music. Notarized and junk.
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