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Everything posted by Hammerfestus

  1. The offer is just giving the seller the option to discount their price for watchers. eBay itself has nothing to do with the offer. It’s basically as if you revised your listing at a lower price except that the new price is only sent to watchers. The “other buyers” thing is just suggesting that there may be other watchers who also got offered the discounted price.
  2. I’ve listened to a bit of these guys. I like it mostly. Gives me Lacuna Coil vibes.
  3. Actual grown up collecting started sometime in…2011 I think it was. My collection started as my childhood games (particularly my NES games that survived being traded in for SNES stuff and stuff I‘d acquired randomly from Record Exchange in college) and a big box of games my SO was gifted years prior. After we bought a house I decided to go through and see if anything was worth anything. I ended up on NA. “Huh, Little Samson? Never heard of it. Let’s see, it’s worth…OH SHIT!” DINK Era Phase 1 - Buying volume NES loose carts. Anything. Just getting my feet wet so I avoided pricy stuff. No concern for condition at all. Naïve. Phase 2 - PSX collector. A year or so later I pivoted to collecting PlayStation games. Prices on PSX games had crashed prior to my pivot which was awesome. I bought a lot and I had full set dreams for a while. I definitely felt at the time like I was getting carried away with my purchases. In retrospect I did not get carried away enough lol. Over time price-rise outpaced my collecting and I moved on. Phase 3 - Filling in the gaps/collecting must haves. This was kind of a poorly defined transition phase. I collected a lot for all the other systems I hadn’t been collecting for. Focused on getting what I arbitrarily deemed must haves for other systems. I also began collecting CIB copies of NES games I had in my childhood collection. This was the first NES stuff I had bought on years. Pandemic Powered and Poor Phase 4 - Pandemic, price rise and a second child. Second kid was born at the beginning of 2020. Began selling some of the PlayStation stuff and buying more boxed NES. By winter I had left my job to stay home with the kids and my collecting became mostly funded by my collection itself. Trend continued with my highest collecting activity happening in the summers. Summer of 2022 I even started to pare down my boxed NES collection. Tried to do as much selling on VGS as I could. EBay was really getting irritating. I prefer my shit go to someone from the community anyways. Rather that than make a few extra $$ and have to deal with the bullshit. Someone special here basically single handedly funded that summer’s collecting . Did I use the money for responsible stuff? Hell no. I started playing fast and loose with how much I was willing to pay to have boxed copies of certain games in my collection. I also became pretty adept at catching deals to try and help me get where I was going. Frankensteining those loose NES games from phase 1 turned out to be nice. Phase 5 - Semi-Retirement. I made most of the easy decisions in regards to selling off the fluff of my collection. We‘ll see come this summer if I decide to start playing the game again. That my friends is probably my all time longest VGS post. Sorry.
  4. That’s one heck of a lineup. The only Ayreon I know is Actual Fantasy album and even then it’s like 2 songs.
  5. I don’t get it. Am I supposed to feel bad for all of these people because they bought into an MLM? Should we also hold a candle light vigil for all of the dopes hucking fingernails and smoothies too?
  6. You know, I don’t know that I’ve ever gotten around to listening to Sepultura before. Pretty solid. I liked the Brazilian elements.
  7. Leave it. I mean you get what you pay for when you buy a beat up copy. If you were looking for something that looked nice you would have had to have been more patient until one popped up for a good deal or ponied up the $$. If you look to sell it I’d be totally out as a buyer if you put a repro label on it. At least if you leave the original beat label on there it’s clear what you are getting and I can decide for myself if it’s an acceptable amount of damage.
  8. What can I say. I did it for mah bitches. Ain’t no thang.
  9. Also omg how did I miss the immortal stretch your legs opportunity
  10. I’m pretty intrigued by this. I know where I’d go with it if I had to pick just one and I’m interested to see how far apart we are.
  11. Feeling kind of meh on this one. Probably need a closer listen. I agree with your sentiment about black metal needing something unique with it generally, be that folk, or orchestration, or Vikingness, or jazz or something. The Trve Kvlt Black metal ist Krieg stuff is generally pretty dull. About as close as I come is Impaled Nazarene or Immortal. Does Immortal even count as that stuff?
  12. I’m pro-sock except when I’m sleeping. That’s a big no no. Also what’s the deal with the little booty socks for men? T’ain’t right. Basically wearing panty hose at that point.
  13. Dang. We can easily spend 5 pages just discussing how to pronounce his name. I’m pretty pumped for this game. Both the theme and the big turnout are intriguing as hell. Plus it’s like the triumphant return of Jeevan. I didn’t know what happened but you were pretty burnt out on the WW I remember and then you kind of disappeared all together. Major bummer. Anyway that’s enough slobbin’ your knob. Where’s @JamesRobotand @Murray? This shit’s gonna be sweet.
  14. Damn that hit you hard; top 100 right off the bat. I’m pretty excited for the album. I love some jazzy funkiness in my music. I find myself listening to Aqua Regia even more than this one. His vocals are so good.
  15. Thinking about this, I can’t say which of Jester Race, Whoracle, or Colony is their best album. Traditionally my answer was Whoracle but looking at the track listings on them all I’m not sure that’s right.
  16. That would probably be me lol. I just figured you make it seem like town is slightly OP but then they’re facing our best liars and manipulators. Maybe in the alternate timeline where I actually am reliable enough to GM that game collector WW game I’ve been dreaming of.
  17. I‘ve always thought it would be interesting for the GM to secretly hand pick a wolf super team.
  18. This mostly going to be random order beyond like top 30? Don’t know that I could put 100 top songs in order.
  19. That’s a fucking travesty. They should grovel to open for Amon Amarth.
  20. Theres always going to be more to buy. More holes to fill. Unfortunately, must of that is too $$ and was probably never getting filled anyways. I was always on the lookout for interesting new NES cibs but the ones I really wanted to make progress on, the black boxes, I was kind of at a sticking point price wise anyways. The one I most regret not being able to add to my collection was Balloon Fight. Ooh yeah, also silver Konami titles. Need more of those. Also, I really would have liked to have finished the mainline Dragon Quest games. But, those DS titles just ruin it. Why am I paying as much for them as CIB NES Dragon Warriors? Who are these freak shows driving up the prices on these things? Who the hell has even heard of a Nintendo DS? Is that like a Gameboy? Like just call it Gameboy then. Some bullshit. I’m not actively buying now and if my collection sits forever as is I guess that would be fine.
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