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Everything posted by Hammerfestus

  1. I would like to be able to change my vote sometimes. I don’t need to change my vote. Do whatever is easier.
  2. Wasn’t he the one that went from making like 1000 posts in a month to leaving to pump iron and bang chicks?
  3. @Reed Rothchild Been pretty into the Sleep Token. Made a real charge up my most listened to list the last few weeks.
  4. I‘ve never seriously considered constructing my own language. I’ve always been a historical linguistics kind of guy. Constructing a language seems way too daunting for a freetime activity. So many questions. What will be your grammatical rules? Agglutinative? What will it’s sounds consist of? What language or language family will you draw inspiration from for your constructed language (even Tolkien drew from the Finnish language in constructing Elvish)? It’s too much man. More power to you.
  5. I like Shmup. I liked him then and I like him now as Brickman. Seriously, I don’t know why this bothers people. It flows pretty well, it’s got that nice full Germanic mouth feel. It’s short and to the point. Bonus points for being 1 syllable. It’s immediately clear to everybody what you mean. What more do you want? Metroidvania is fine too.
  6. The only one is #3. Different games are different games when they are different games.
  7. Boneless wings are just chicken nuggets.
  8. He’s out there swaying my vote. That video yesterday was so hilarious. Sorry ZF. #2 I feel like everyone’s going to be shy here? Obvious front runner will probably be world renowned performance artist @fcgamer. But I’m going to throw out @Tanookibecause of the meandering, stream of consciousness posts. Drives me nuts trying to read them. Like a 10 year old girl, needs someone to explain periods to him. Uhh yeah. I‘ll see myself out now.
  9. As a young teen when that album came out I definitely did not touch myself while listening to it. Repeatedly.
  10. It’s cute that you guys think you’re elite.
  11. Nope, not helping. Still creepy and gross.
  12. Lovable losers. In Cleveland there‘s a saying… “At least we’re not Detroit.” Maybe not so much any more lol.
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